Source code for enpt.processors.spatial_transform.spatial_transform

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# EnPT, EnMAP Processing Tool - A Python package for pre-processing of EnMAP Level-1B data
# Copyright (C) 2018-2024 Karl Segl (GFZ Potsdam,, Daniel Scheffler
# (GFZ Potsdam,, Niklas Bohn (GFZ Potsdam,,
# Stéphane Guillaso (GFZ Potsdam,
# This software was developed within the context of the EnMAP project supported
# by the DLR Space Administration with funds of the German Federal Ministry of
# Economic Affairs and Energy (on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag:
# 50 EE 1529) and contributions from DLR, GFZ and OHB System AG.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version. Please note the following exception: `EnPT` depends on tqdm, which
# is distributed under the Mozilla Public Licence (MPL) v2.0 except for the files
# "tqdm/", "", "README.rst", "" and ".gitignore".
# Details can be found here:
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with this program. If not, see <>.

"""EnPT module 'spatial transform', containing everything related to spatial transformations."""
from typing import Union, Tuple, List, Optional, Sequence  # noqa: F401
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import LinearNDInterpolator, make_interp_spline
from scipy.spatial import Delaunay
from geoarray import GeoArray
from natsort import natsorted
import numpy_indexed as npi
from pyproj import CRS

from sensormapgeo import Transformer
from sensormapgeo.pyresample_backend.transformer_2d import AreaDefinition
from py_tools_ds.geo.projection import prj_equal
from py_tools_ds.geo.coord_grid import find_nearest
from py_tools_ds.geo.coord_trafo import transform_any_prj, transform_coordArray

from ...options.config import enmap_coordinate_grid_utm

__author__ = 'Daniel Scheffler'

[docs] class Geometry_Transformer(Transformer): # use Sentinel-2 grid (30m grid with origin at 0/0) # EnMAP geolayer contains pixel center coordinate
[docs] def to_sensor_geometry(self, path_or_geoarray_mapgeo: Union[str, GeoArray], src_gt: Tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float] = None, src_prj: Union[str, int] = None, src_nodata: int = None, tgt_nodata: int = None ) -> np.ndarray: data_mapgeo = GeoArray(path_or_geoarray_mapgeo) if not data_mapgeo.is_map_geo: raise RuntimeError('The dataset to be transformed into sensor geometry already represents sensor geometry.') return super().to_sensor_geometry( data_mapgeo[:], src_gt=src_gt or, src_prj=src_prj or data_mapgeo.prj, src_nodata=src_nodata, tgt_nodata=tgt_nodata )
[docs] def to_map_geometry(self, path_or_geoarray_sensorgeo: Union[str, GeoArray, np.ndarray], tgt_prj: Union[str, int], tgt_extent: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = None, tgt_res: Tuple = None, tgt_coordgrid: Tuple[Tuple, Tuple] = None, src_nodata: int = None, tgt_nodata: int = None, area_definition: AreaDefinition = None ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, tuple, str]: data_sensorgeo = GeoArray(path_or_geoarray_sensorgeo) if data_sensorgeo.is_map_geo and not data_sensorgeo.is_rotated: raise RuntimeError('The dataset to be transformed into map geometry already represents map geometry.') # run transformation (output extent/area definition etc. is internally computed from the geolayers if not given) out_data, out_gt, out_prj = \ super().to_map_geometry( data_sensorgeo[:], tgt_prj=tgt_prj, tgt_extent=tgt_extent, tgt_res=tgt_res, tgt_coordgrid=tgt_coordgrid, src_nodata=src_nodata, tgt_nodata=tgt_nodata, area_definition=area_definition ) return out_data, out_gt, out_prj
[docs] class VNIR_SWIR_SensorGeometryTransformer(object): """Class to transform between EnMAP VNIR and SWIR sensor geometry.""" def __init__(self, lons_vnir: np.ndarray, lats_vnir: np.ndarray, lons_swir: np.ndarray, lats_swir: np.ndarray, prj_vnir: Union[str, int], prj_swir: Union[str, int], res_vnir: Tuple[float, float], res_swir: Tuple[float, float], resamp_alg: str = 'nearest', src_nodata: int = None, tgt_nodata: int = None, nprocs: int = cpu_count()) -> None: """Get an instance of VNIR_SWIR_SensorGeometryTransformer. :param lons_vnir: VNIR longitude array corresponding to the sensor geometry arrays passed later (2D or 3D) :param lats_vnir: VNIR latitude array corresponding to the sensor geometry arrays passed later (2D or 3D) :param lons_swir: SWIR longitude array corresponding to the sensor geometry arrays passed later (2D or 3D) :param lats_swir: SWIR latitude array corresponding to the sensor geometry arrays passed later (2D or 3D) :param prj_vnir: projection of the VNIR if it would be transformed to map geometry (WKT string or EPSG code) :param prj_swir: projection of the SWIR if it would be transformed to map geometry (WKT string or EPSG code) :param res_vnir: pixel dimensions of the VNIR if it would be transformed to map geometry (X, Y) :param res_swir: pixel dimensions of the SWIR if it would be transformed to map geometry (X, Y) :param resamp_alg: resampling algorithm ('nearest', 'near', 'bilinear', 'cubic', 'cubic_spline', 'lanczos', 'average', 'mode', 'max', 'min', 'med', 'q1', 'q3') :param src_nodata: nodata value of the input array :param tgt_nodata: pixel value to be used for undetermined pixels in the output :param nprocs: number of CPU cores to use """ self.vnir_meta = dict( lons=lons_vnir, lats=lats_vnir, prj=prj_vnir, res=res_vnir ) self.swir_meta = dict( lons=lons_swir, lats=lats_swir, prj=prj_swir, res=res_swir ) self.resamp_alg = resamp_alg self.src_nodata = src_nodata self.tgt_nodata = tgt_nodata self.cpus = nprocs
[docs] def transform_sensorgeo_VNIR_to_SWIR(self, data_vnirsensorgeo: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Transform any array in VNIR sensor geometry to SWIR sensor geometry to remove geometric shifts. :param data_vnirsensorgeo: input array in VNIR sensor geometry :return: input array resampled to SWIR sensor geometry """ return self._transform_sensorgeo(data_vnirsensorgeo, inputgeo='vnir')
[docs] def transform_sensorgeo_SWIR_to_VNIR(self, data_swirsensorgeo: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Transform any array in SWIR sensor geometry to VNIR sensor geometry to remove geometric shifts. :param data_swirsensorgeo: input array in SWIR sensor geometry :return: input array resampled to VNIR sensor geometry """ return self._transform_sensorgeo(data_swirsensorgeo, inputgeo='swir')
[docs] def _transform_sensorgeo(self, data2transform: np.ndarray, inputgeo: str, band_outputgeo: int = 0 ) -> np.ndarray: """Transform the input array between VNIR and SWIR sensor geometry. :param data2transform: input array to be transformed :param inputgeo: 'vnir' if data2transform is given in VNIR sensor geometry 'swir' if data2transform is given in SWIR sensor geometry :param band_outputgeo: band index of the band from the sensor geometry should be used to generate the output """ # TODO: Avoid the resampling here, maybe by replacing the lon/lat arrays by image coordinates for the source # geometry and by image coordinate differences for the target geometry. Maybe also the proj string for # local coordinate systems helps (see SensorMapGeometryTransformer class). if inputgeo not in ['vnir', 'swir']: raise ValueError(inputgeo) src, tgt = (self.vnir_meta, self.swir_meta) if inputgeo == 'vnir' else (self.swir_meta, self.vnir_meta) # get GeoTransformer # NOTE: We can only use a 3D geolayer to temporarily transform to map geometry but not back to sensor geometry # of the other detector. For this, we need to select the band of which the sensor geometry should be used. def ensure_2d(coord_array): return coord_array if coord_array.ndim == 2 else coord_array[:, :, band_outputgeo] if data2transform.ndim == 3 and src['lons'].ndim == 3 and src['lons'].shape[2] == data2transform.shape[2]: src_lons, src_lats = src['lons'], src['lats'] tgt_lons, tgt_lats = ensure_2d(tgt['lons']), ensure_2d(tgt['lats']) else: src_lons, src_lats = ensure_2d(src['lons']), ensure_2d(src['lats']) tgt_lons, tgt_lats = ensure_2d(tgt['lons']), ensure_2d(tgt['lats']) GT_src = Geometry_Transformer(src_lons, src_lats, backend='gdal', resamp_alg=self.resamp_alg, nprocs=self.cpus) GT_tgt = Geometry_Transformer(tgt_lons, tgt_lats, backend='gdal', resamp_alg=self.resamp_alg, nprocs=self.cpus) # temporarily transform the input sensor geometry array to map geometry gA_mapgeo = GeoArray( *GT_src.to_map_geometry( data2transform, tgt_prj=src['prj'], src_nodata=self.src_nodata, tgt_nodata=self.tgt_nodata ), nodata=self.tgt_nodata ) # generate the target sensor geometry array (target lons/lats define the target swath definition tgt_data_sensorgeo =\ GT_tgt.to_sensor_geometry( gA_mapgeo, src_nodata=gA_mapgeo._nodata, # noqa tgt_nodata=self.tgt_nodata ) return tgt_data_sensorgeo
[docs] def move_extent_to_coord_grid(extent_utm: Tuple[float, float, float, float], tgt_xgrid: Sequence[float], tgt_ygrid: Sequence[float], ) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]: """Move the given coordinate extent to a coordinate grid. :param extent_utm: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax coordinates :param tgt_xgrid: target X coordinate grid, e.g. [0, 30] :param tgt_ygrid: target Y coordinate grid, e.g. [0, 30] """ xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = extent_utm tgt_xmin = find_nearest(tgt_xgrid, xmin, roundAlg='off', extrapolate=True) tgt_xmax = find_nearest(tgt_xgrid, xmax, roundAlg='on', extrapolate=True) tgt_ymin = find_nearest(tgt_ygrid, ymin, roundAlg='off', extrapolate=True) tgt_ymax = find_nearest(tgt_ygrid, ymax, roundAlg='on', extrapolate=True) return tgt_xmin, tgt_ymin, tgt_xmax, tgt_ymax
[docs] class RPC_Geolayer_Generator(object): """Class for creating pixel-wise longitude/latitude arrays based on rational polynomial coefficients (RPC).""" def __init__(self, rpc_coeffs: dict, elevation: Union[str, GeoArray, int, float], enmapIm_cornerCoords: Tuple[Tuple[float, float]], enmapIm_dims_sensorgeo: Tuple[int, int]): """Get an instance of RPC_Geolayer_Generator. :param rpc_coeffs: RPC coefficients for a single EnMAP band :param elevation: digital elevation model in map geometry (file path or instance of GeoArray) OR average elevation in meters as integer or float :param enmapIm_cornerCoords: corner coordinates as tuple of lon/lat pairs :param enmapIm_dims_sensorgeo: dimensions of the EnMAP image in sensor geometry (rows, columns) """ self.row_off = rpc_coeffs['row_off'] self.col_off = rpc_coeffs['col_off'] self.lat_off = rpc_coeffs['lat_off'] self.lon_off = rpc_coeffs['long_off'] self.height_off = rpc_coeffs['height_off'] self.row_scale = rpc_coeffs['row_scale'] self.col_scale = rpc_coeffs['col_scale'] self.lat_scale = rpc_coeffs['lat_scale'] self.lon_scale = rpc_coeffs['long_scale'] self.height_scale = rpc_coeffs['height_scale'] self.row_num_coeffs = rpc_coeffs['row_num_coeffs'] self.row_den_coeffs = rpc_coeffs['row_den_coeffs'] self.col_num_coeffs = rpc_coeffs['col_num_coeffs'] self.col_den_coeffs = rpc_coeffs['col_den_coeffs'] self.elevation = elevation if isinstance(elevation, (int, float)) else GeoArray(elevation) self.enmapIm_cornerCoords = enmapIm_cornerCoords self.enmapIm_dims_sensorgeo = enmapIm_dims_sensorgeo
[docs] def _normalize_map_coordinates(self, lon: np.ndarray, lat: np.ndarray, height: np.ndarray) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray): """Normalize map coordinates to [-1, +1] to improve numerical precision. :param lon: longitude array :param lat: latitude array :param height: elevation array """ if not lon.shape == lat.shape == height.shape: raise ValueError((lon.shape, lat.shape, height.shape), 'Longitude, latitude and height arrays are expected to have the same dimensions.') lon_norm = (lon - self.lon_off) / self.lon_scale # longitude lat_norm = (lat - self.lat_off) / self.lat_scale # latitude height_norm = (height - self.height_off) / self.height_scale # elevation msg = 'Coordinate normalization yields significantly out-of-range values for %s. ' \ 'Check the coordinates and RPC coefficients.' # for llh, name in zip([lon_norm, lat_norm, height_norm], ['longitudes', 'latitudes', 'heights']): for llh, name in zip([lon_norm, lat_norm, height_norm], ['longitudes', 'latitudes']): if llh.min() < -1.1 or llh.max() > 1.1: raise RuntimeError((llh.min(), llh.max()), msg % name) return lon_norm, lat_norm, height_norm
[docs] def _compute_normalized_image_coordinates(self, lon_norm: np.ndarray, lat_norm: np.ndarray, height_norm: np.ndarray) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray): """Compute normalized sensor geometry coordinates for the given lon/lat/height positions. :param lon_norm: normalized longitudes :param lat_norm: normalized latitudes :param height_norm: normalized elevation :return: """ P = lat_norm.flatten() L = lon_norm.flatten() H = height_norm.flatten() u = np.zeros((P.size, 20)) u_data = (ui for ui in [ 1, L, P, H, L * P, L * H, P * H, L ** 2, P ** 2, H ** 2, P * L * H, L ** 3, L * P ** 2, L * H ** 2, L ** 2 * P, P ** 3, P * H ** 2, L ** 2 * H, P ** 2 * H, H ** 3 ]) for i, ud in enumerate(u_data): u[:, i] = ud num_row_norm = np.sum(self.row_num_coeffs * u, axis=1) den_row_norm = np.sum(self.row_den_coeffs * u, axis=1) num_col_norm = np.sum(self.col_num_coeffs * u, axis=1) den_col_norm = np.sum(self.col_den_coeffs * u, axis=1) row_norm = num_row_norm / den_row_norm col_norm = num_col_norm / den_col_norm return row_norm, col_norm
[docs] def _denormalize_image_coordinates(self, row_norm: np.ndarray, col_norm: np.ndarray) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray): """De-normalize normalized sensor geometry coordinates to get valid image coordinates. :param row_norm: normalized rows :param col_norm: normalized columns :return: de-normalized rows array, de-normalized columns array, """ rows = row_norm * self.row_scale + self.row_off cols = col_norm * self.col_scale + self.col_off return rows, cols
[docs] def transform_LonLatHeight_to_RowCol(self, lon: np.ndarray, lat: np.ndarray, height: np.ndarray) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray): """Get sensor geometry image coordinates for the given 3D map coordinate positions using RPC coefficients. :param lon: longitude array :param lat: latitude array :param height: elevation array :return: rows array, columns array """ # TODO add reshaping lon_norm, lat_norm, height_norm = \ self._normalize_map_coordinates(lon=lon, lat=lat, height=height) row_norm, col_norm = \ self._compute_normalized_image_coordinates(lon_norm=lon_norm, lat_norm=lat_norm, height_norm=height_norm) rows, cols = \ self._denormalize_image_coordinates(row_norm=row_norm, col_norm=col_norm) return rows, cols
[docs] @staticmethod def _fill_nans_at_corners(arr: np.ndarray, along_axis: int = 0) -> np.ndarray: if not arr.ndim == 2: raise ValueError(arr.ndim, '2D numpy array expected.') if along_axis not in [0, 1]: raise ValueError(along_axis, "The 'axis' parameter must be set to 0 or 1") arr[0, 0] = np.nan arr[0, 1] = np.nan arr[1, 1] = np.nan nans = np.isnan(arr) if along_axis == 0: # extrapolate linearly in top/bottom direction cols_with_nan = np.arange(arr.shape[1])[np.any(nans, axis=0)] for col in cols_with_nan: data = arr[:, col] idx_goodvals = np.argwhere(~nans[:, col]).flatten() arr[:, col] = make_interp_spline(idx_goodvals, data[idx_goodvals], k=1)(range(data.size)) else: # extrapolate linearly in left/right direction rows_with_nan = np.arange(arr.shape[0])[np.any(nans, axis=1)] for row in rows_with_nan: data = arr[row, :] idx_goodvals = np.argwhere(~nans[row, :]).flatten() arr[row, :] = make_interp_spline(idx_goodvals, data[idx_goodvals], k=1)(range(data.size)) return arr
[docs] def compute_geolayer(self) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray): """Compute pixel-wise lon/lat arrays based on RPC coefficients, corner coordinates and image dimensions. :return: (2D longitude array, 2D latitude array) """ # transform corner coordinates of EnMAP image to UTM grid_utm_epsg = get_UTMEPSG_from_LonLat(*get_center_coord(self.enmapIm_cornerCoords)) cornerCoordsUTM = np.array([transform_any_prj(4326, grid_utm_epsg, lon, lat) for lon, lat in self.enmapIm_cornerCoords]) xmin, xmax = cornerCoordsUTM[:, 0].min(), cornerCoordsUTM[:, 0].max() ymin, ymax = cornerCoordsUTM[:, 1].min(), cornerCoordsUTM[:, 1].max() # get UTM bounding box and move it to the EnMAP grid xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = \ move_extent_to_coord_grid((xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax), enmap_coordinate_grid_utm['x'], enmap_coordinate_grid_utm['y']) # set up a regular grid of UTM points with a specific mesh width meshwidth = 300 # 10 EnMAP pixels y_grid_utm, x_grid_utm = np.meshgrid(np.arange(ymax, ymin - meshwidth, -meshwidth), np.arange(xmin, xmax + meshwidth, meshwidth), indexing='ij') if not isinstance(self.elevation, (int, float)): # transform UTM grid to DEM projection x_grid_demPrj, y_grid_demPrj = \ (x_grid_utm, y_grid_utm) if prj_equal(grid_utm_epsg, self.elevation.epsg) else \ transform_coordArray(CRS(grid_utm_epsg).to_wkt(), CRS(self.elevation.epsg).to_wkt(), x_grid_utm, y_grid_utm) # retrieve corresponding heights from DEM # -> resample DEM to EnMAP grid? xy_pairs_demPrj = np.vstack([x_grid_demPrj.flatten(), y_grid_demPrj.flatten()]).T heights = self.elevation.read_pointData(xy_pairs_demPrj).flatten() else: heights = np.full_like(x_grid_utm.flatten(), self.elevation) # transform UTM points to lon/lat lon_grid, lat_grid = \ transform_coordArray(CRS(grid_utm_epsg).to_wkt(), CRS(4326).to_wkt(), x_grid_utm, y_grid_utm) lons = lon_grid.flatten() lats = lat_grid.flatten() # compute floating point EnMAP image coordinates for the selected UTM points rows, cols = self.transform_LonLatHeight_to_RowCol(lon=lons, lat=lats, height=heights) # interpolate lon/lats to get lon/lat coordinates integer image coordinates of EnMAP image rows_im, cols_im = self.enmapIm_dims_sensorgeo out_rows_grid, out_cols_grid = np.meshgrid(range(rows_im), range(cols_im), indexing='ij') out_xy_pairs = np.vstack([out_cols_grid.flatten(), out_rows_grid.flatten()]).T in_xy_pairs = np.array((cols, rows)).T # Compute the triangulation (that takes time and can be computed for all values to be interpolated at once), # then run the interpolation triangulation = Delaunay(in_xy_pairs) lons_interp = LinearNDInterpolator(triangulation, lons)(out_xy_pairs).reshape(*out_rows_grid.shape) lats_interp = LinearNDInterpolator(triangulation, lats)(out_xy_pairs).reshape(*out_rows_grid.shape) # lons_interp / lats_interp may contain NaN values in case xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax has been set too small # to account for RPC transformation errors # => fix that by extrapolation at NaN value positions # FIXME: can this be avoided by modified xmin/ymin/xmy/ymax coords? lons_interp = self._fill_nans_at_corners(lons_interp, along_axis=0) # extrapolate in left/right direction lats_interp = self._fill_nans_at_corners(lats_interp, along_axis=1) # return a geolayer in the exact dimensions like the EnMAP detector array return lons_interp, lats_interp
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.compute_geolayer()
global_dem_sensorgeo: Optional[GeoArray] = None
[docs] def _initialize_mp(elevation: Union[float, np.ndarray]): """Declare global variables needed for RPC_3D_Geolayer_Generator._compute_geolayer_for_unique_coeffgroup(). :param elevation: elevation - either as average value (float) or as a numpy array """ global global_dem_sensorgeo global_dem_sensorgeo = elevation
[docs] class RPC_3D_Geolayer_Generator(object): """Class for creating band- AND pixel-wise longitude/latitude arrays based on rational polynomial coeff. (RPC).""" def __init__(self, rpc_coeffs_per_band: dict, elevation: Union[str, GeoArray, int, float], enmapIm_cornerCoords: Tuple[Tuple[float, float]], enmapIm_dims_sensorgeo: Tuple[int, int], CPUs: int = None): """Get an instance of RPC_3D_Geolayer_Generator. :param rpc_coeffs_per_band: dictionary of RPC coefficients for each EnMAP band ({'band_1': <rpc_coeffs_dict>, 'band_2': <rpc_coeffs_dict>, ...}) :param elevation: digital elevation model in MAP geometry (file path or instance of GeoArray) OR average elevation in meters as integer or float :param enmapIm_cornerCoords: corner coordinates as tuple of lon/lat pairs :param enmapIm_dims_sensorgeo: dimensions of the EnMAP image in sensor geometry (rows, colunms) :param CPUs: number of CPUs to use """ self.rpc_coeffs_per_band = OrderedDict(natsorted(rpc_coeffs_per_band.items())) self.elevation = elevation self.enmapIm_cornerCoords = enmapIm_cornerCoords self.enmapIm_dims_sensorgeo = enmapIm_dims_sensorgeo self.CPUs = CPUs or cpu_count() if not isinstance(elevation, (int, float)): # get validated DEM in map geometry # self.logger.debug('Verifying DEM...') # TODO from ..dem_preprocessing import DEM_Processor self.elevation = DEM_Processor(dem_path_geoarray=elevation, enmapIm_cornerCoords=enmapIm_cornerCoords).dem # TODO clip DEM to needed area self.elevation.to_mem() # self.elevation.reproject_to_new_grid() self.bandgroups_with_unique_rpc_coeffs = self._get_bandgroups_with_unique_rpc_coeffs()
[docs] def _get_bandgroups_with_unique_rpc_coeffs(self) -> List[List]: # combine RPC coefficients of all bands in a single numpy array band_inds = list(range(len(self.rpc_coeffs_per_band))) coeffs_first_band = list(self.rpc_coeffs_per_band.values())[0] keys_float = [k for k in coeffs_first_band if isinstance(coeffs_first_band[k], float)] keys_npa = [k for k in coeffs_first_band if isinstance(coeffs_first_band[k], np.ndarray)] coeffs_allbands = None for i, coeffdict in enumerate(self.rpc_coeffs_per_band.values()): coeffs_curband = np.hstack([[coeffdict[k] for k in keys_float], *(coeffdict[k] for k in keys_npa)]) if coeffs_allbands is None: coeffs_allbands = np.zeros((len(band_inds), 1 + len(coeffs_curband))) coeffs_allbands[:, 0] = band_inds coeffs_allbands[i, 1:] = coeffs_curband # get groups of band indices where bands have the same RPC coefficients groups = npi.group_by(coeffs_allbands[:, 1:]).split(coeffs_allbands[:, 0]) groups_bandinds = [group.astype(int).tolist() for group in groups] return groups_bandinds
[docs] @staticmethod def _compute_geolayer_for_unique_coeffgroup(kwargs): lons, lats = \ RPC_Geolayer_Generator(rpc_coeffs=kwargs['rpc_coeffs'], elevation=global_dem_sensorgeo, enmapIm_cornerCoords=kwargs['enmapIm_cornerCoords'], enmapIm_dims_sensorgeo=kwargs['enmapIm_dims_sensorgeo'] ).compute_geolayer() return lons, lats, kwargs['group_idx']
[docs] def compute_geolayer(self): rows, cols = self.enmapIm_dims_sensorgeo bands = len(self.rpc_coeffs_per_band) lons = np.empty((rows, cols, bands), dtype=float) lats = np.empty((rows, cols, bands), dtype=float) rpc_coeffs_list = list(self.rpc_coeffs_per_band.values()) # get kwargs for each group of unique RPC coefficients kwargs_list = [dict(rpc_coeffs=rpc_coeffs_list[group_bandinds[0]], enmapIm_cornerCoords=self.enmapIm_cornerCoords, enmapIm_dims_sensorgeo=self.enmapIm_dims_sensorgeo, group_idx=gi) for gi, group_bandinds in enumerate(self.bandgroups_with_unique_rpc_coeffs)] # compute the geolayer ONLY FOR ONE BAND per group with unique RPC coefficients global global_dem_sensorgeo global_dem_sensorgeo = self.elevation if len(self.bandgroups_with_unique_rpc_coeffs) == 1: lons_oneband, lats_oneband = self._compute_geolayer_for_unique_coeffgroup(kwargs_list[0])[:2] lons = np.repeat(lons_oneband[:, :, np.newaxis], bands, axis=2) lats = np.repeat(lats_oneband[:, :, np.newaxis], bands, axis=2) else: if self.CPUs > 1: # multiprocessing (only in case there are multiple unique sets of RPC coefficients) # FIXME: pickling back large lon/lat arrays to the main process may be an issue on small machines # -> results could be temporarily written to disk in that case # NOTE: With the small test dataset pickling has only a small effect on processing time. with Pool(self.CPUs, initializer=_initialize_mp, initargs=[self.elevation]) as pool: results = list(pool.imap_unordered(self._compute_geolayer_for_unique_coeffgroup, kwargs_list)) pool.close() # needed for coverage to work in multiprocessing pool.join() else: # singleprocessing results = [self._compute_geolayer_for_unique_coeffgroup(kwargs_list[gi]) for gi, group_bandinds in enumerate(self.bandgroups_with_unique_rpc_coeffs)] for res in results: band_lons, band_lats, group_idx = res bandinds_to_assign = self.bandgroups_with_unique_rpc_coeffs[group_idx] nbands_to_assign = len(bandinds_to_assign) lons[:, :, bandinds_to_assign] = np.repeat(band_lons[:, :, np.newaxis], nbands_to_assign, axis=2) lats[:, :, bandinds_to_assign] = np.repeat(band_lats[:, :, np.newaxis], nbands_to_assign, axis=2) return lons, lats
[docs] def compute_mapCoords_within_sensorGeoDims(sensorgeoCoords_YX: List[Tuple[float, float]], rpc_coeffs: dict, elevation: Union[str, GeoArray, int, float], enmapIm_cornerCoords: Tuple[Tuple[float, float]], enmapIm_dims_sensorgeo: Tuple[int, int], ) -> List[Tuple[float, float]]: """Compute map coordinates for a given image coordinate-pair of an EnMAP image in sensor geometry. :param sensorgeoCoords_YX: list of requested sensor geometry positions [(row, column), (row, column), ...] :param rpc_coeffs: RPC coefficients describing the relation between sensor and map geometry :param elevation: digital elevation model in MAP geometry (file path or instance of GeoArray) OR average elevation in meters as integer or float :param enmapIm_cornerCoords: MAP coordinates of the EnMAP image :param enmapIm_dims_sensorgeo: dimensions of the sensor geometry EnMAP image (rows, columns) :return: """ # compute coordinate array RPCGG = RPC_Geolayer_Generator(rpc_coeffs=rpc_coeffs, elevation=elevation, enmapIm_cornerCoords=enmapIm_cornerCoords, # order does not matter enmapIm_dims_sensorgeo=enmapIm_dims_sensorgeo) lons, lats = RPCGG.compute_geolayer() # extract the new corner coordinate from the coordinate arrays computed via RPCs rows, cols = enmapIm_dims_sensorgeo ul, ur, ll, lr = enmapIm_cornerCoords lonlats = [] for imYX in sensorgeoCoords_YX: lonlat = \ ul if imYX == (0, 0) else \ ur if imYX == (0, cols - 1) else \ ll if imYX == (rows - 1, 0) else \ lr if imYX == (rows - 1, cols - 1) else \ (lons[imYX], lats[imYX]) lonlats.append(lonlat) return lonlats
[docs] def get_UTMEPSG_from_LonLat(lon: float, lat: float) -> int: zoneNr = int(1 + (lon + 180.0) / 6.0) isNorth = lat >= 0 return int('326' + str(zoneNr)) if isNorth else int('327' + str(zoneNr))
[docs] def get_center_coord(cornerCoordsXY): # FIXME center coord is not equal to center of bounding box cornerCoordsXY = np.array(cornerCoordsXY) x_center = float(np.mean([cornerCoordsXY[:, 0].min(), cornerCoordsXY[:, 0].max()])) y_center = float(np.mean([cornerCoordsXY[:, 1].min(), cornerCoordsXY[:, 1].max()])) return x_center, y_center
[docs] def get_UTMEPSG_from_LonLat_cornersXY(lons: List[float], lats: List[float]): return get_UTMEPSG_from_LonLat(*get_center_coord(list(zip(lons, lats))))