Test Report


94 passed


Pyarrow will become a required dependency of pandas in the next major release of pandas (pandas 3.0), (to allow more performant data types, such as the Arrow string type, and better interoperability with other libraries) but was not found to be installed on your system. If this would cause problems for you, please provide us feedback at https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/54466
No digital elevation model provided. Note that this may cause uncertainties, e.g., in the atmospheric correction and the orthorectification.
No digital elevation model provided. Note that this may cause uncertainties, e.g., in the atmospheric correction and the orthorectification.
No digital elevation model provided. Note that this may cause uncertainties, e.g., in the atmospheric correction and the orthorectification.
No digital elevation model provided. Note that this may cause uncertainties, e.g., in the atmospheric correction and the orthorectification.
No digital elevation model provided. Note that this may cause uncertainties, e.g., in the atmospheric correction and the orthorectification.
No digital elevation model provided. Note that this may cause uncertainties, e.g., in the atmospheric correction and the orthorectification.
No digital elevation model provided. Note that this may cause uncertainties, e.g., in the atmospheric correction and the orthorectification.
No digital elevation model provided. Note that this may cause uncertainties, e.g., in the atmospheric correction and the orthorectification.
No digital elevation model provided. Note that this may cause uncertainties, e.g., in the atmospheric correction and the orthorectification.
No digital elevation model provided. Note that this may cause uncertainties, e.g., in the atmospheric correction and the orthorectification.
No digital elevation model provided. Note that this may cause uncertainties, e.g., in the atmospheric correction and the orthorectification.
No digital elevation model provided. Note that this may cause uncertainties, e.g., in the atmospheric correction and the orthorectification.
No digital elevation model provided. Note that this may cause uncertainties, e.g., in the atmospheric correction and the orthorectification.
Downcasting behavior in `replace` is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. To retain the old behavior, explicitly call `result.infer_objects(copy=False)`. To opt-in to the future behavior, set `pd.set_option('future.no_silent_downcasting', True)`
Downcasting object dtype arrays on .fillna, .ffill, .bfill is deprecated and will change in a future version. Call result.infer_objects(copy=False) instead. To opt-in to the future behavior, set `pd.set_option('future.no_silent_downcasting', True)`
<frozen importlib._bootstrap>:241
numpy.ndarray size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 16 from C header, got 96 from PyObject
The 'delim_whitespace' keyword in pd.read_csv is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use ``sep='\s+'`` instead
The 'delim_whitespace' keyword in pd.read_csv is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use ``sep='\s+'`` instead
The 'delim_whitespace' keyword in pd.read_csv is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Use ``sep='\s+'`` instead
Downcasting behavior in `replace` is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. To retain the old behavior, explicitly call `result.infer_objects(copy=False)`. To opt-in to the future behavior, set `pd.set_option('future.no_silent_downcasting', True)`
Downcasting object dtype arrays on .fillna, .ffill, .bfill is deprecated and will change in a future version. Call result.infer_objects(copy=False) instead. To opt-in to the future behavior, set `pd.set_option('future.no_silent_downcasting', True)`


tests/test_cli_parser.py 7 0:00:00.755838

PASSED Test_CLIParser::test_json_opts 0:00:00.176095




PASSED Test_CLIParser::test_output_nodata_value 0:00:00.202331




PASSED Test_CLIParser::test_param_acceptance 0:00:00.073855




PASSED Test_CLIParser::test_param_boolean 0:00:00.111236




PASSED Test_CLIParser::test_param_list 0:00:00.042959




PASSED Test_CLIParser::test_tgtepsg 0:00:00.074958




PASSED Test_CLIParser::test_tgtprj 0:00:00.074405




tests/test_config.py 13 0:00:00.360666

PASSED Test_get_options::test_target_is_file_no_validation 0:00:00.008171




PASSED Test_get_options::test_target_is_file_validation 0:00:00.016674




PASSED Test_EnPTConfig::test_invalid_filepath 0:00:00.034832




PASSED Test_EnPTConfig::test_jsonconfig_file 0:00:00.041526




PASSED Test_EnPTConfig::test_jsonconfig_param_acceptance 0:00:00.034086




PASSED Test_EnPTConfig::test_jsonconfig_str_allfine 0:00:00.034337




PASSED Test_EnPTConfig::test_jsonconfig_str_badcomment 0:00:00.016787




PASSED Test_EnPTConfig::test_jsonconfig_str_nojson 0:00:00.016741




PASSED Test_EnPTConfig::test_jsonconfig_str_schema_violation 0:00:00.026091




PASSED Test_EnPTConfig::test_jsonconfig_str_undecodable_val 0:00:00.016575




PASSED Test_EnPTConfig::test_plain_args 0:00:00.035410




PASSED Test_EnPTConfig::test_to_dict_validity 0:00:00.043906




PASSED Test_EnPTConfig::test_to_jsonable_dict 0:00:00.035527




tests/test_controller.py 5 0:02:54.832269

PASSED Test_EnPT_Controller::test_run_all_processors 0:00:09.713086



Captured stdout call
EnPT Controller received the following configuration:
{'general_opts': {'CPUs': 16,
                  'average_elevation': 0,
                  'create_logfile': True,
                  'disable_progress_bars': True,
                  'drop_bad_bands': True,
                  'is_dummy_dataformat': True,
                  'log_level': 'DEBUG',
                  'n_lines_to_append': 50,
                  'path_dem': '/builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/dem_map_geo.bsq',
                  'path_l1b_enmap_image': '/builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/EnMAP_Level_1B/AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0.zip',
                  'path_l1b_enmap_image_gapfill': '/builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/EnMAP_Level_1B/AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0.zip',
                  'path_l1b_snr_model': '/builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/enpt/resources/EnMAP_Sensor/EnMAP_Level_1B_SNR.zip',
                  'working_dir': None},
 'output': {'output_dir': '/builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/enpt/../tests/data/test_outputs',
            'output_format': 'GTiff',
            'output_interleave': 'pixel',
            'output_nodata_value': -32768},
 'processors': {'atmospheric_correction': {'auto_download_ecmwf': True,
                                           'blocksize': 100,
                                           'enable_ac': False,
                                           'mode_ac': 'land',
                                           'polymer_additional_results': True,
                                           'polymer_root': '',
                                           'scale_factor_boa_ref': 10000,
                                           'threads': -1},
                'dead_pixel': {'algorithm': 'spatial',
                               'interp_method_spatial': 'linear',
                               'interp_method_spectral': 'linear',
                               'run_processor': False},
                'geometry': {'enable_absolute_coreg': False,
                             'enable_keystone_correction': False,
                             'enable_vnir_swir_coreg': False,
                             'path_reference_image': ''},
                'orthorectification': {'resamp_alg': 'bilinear',
                                       'target_coord_grid': {'x': array([ 0, 30]),
                                                             'y': array([ 0, 30])},
                                       'target_epsg': None,
                                       'target_projection_type': 'UTM',
                                       'vswir_overlap_algorithm': 'swir_only'},
                'smile': {'run_processor': False},
                'toa_ref': {'path_earthSunDist': '/builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/enpt/resources/earth_sun_distance/Earth_Sun_distances_per_day_edited__1980_2030.csv',
                            'path_solar_irr': '/builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/enpt/resources/solar_irradiance/SUNp1fontenla__350-2500nm_@0.1nm_converted.txt',
                            'scale_factor_toa_ref': 10000}}}
2024/03/07 11:32:53:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:32:53:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:32:53:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:32:54:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:32:54:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:32:54:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:32:54:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:32:54:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:32:54:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:32:54:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:32:55:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:32:55:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:32:55:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:32:55:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:32:55:   Check new image for VNIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:32:55:   Append new image to VNIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0
2024/03/07 11:32:55:   Check new image for SWIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:32:55:   Append new image to SWIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0
2024/03/07 11:32:55:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:32:56:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:32:56:   Pre-processing DEM for VNIR...
2024/03/07 11:32:56:   Transforming DEM to VNIR sensor geometry...
2024/03/07 11:32:57:   Pre-processing DEM for SWIR...
2024/03/07 11:32:57:   Transforming DEM to SWIR sensor geometry...
2024/03/07 11:32:57:   Skipping atmospheric correction as configured and computing top-of-atmosphere reflectance instead.
2024/03/07 11:32:57:   Converting TOA radiance to TOA reflectance for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:32:57:   Converting TOA radiance to TOA reflectance for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:32:57:   Starting orthorectification...
2024/03/07 11:32:58:   Computed common target extent of orthorectified image (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax in EPSG 32632): (627300.0, 5257740.0, 656040.0, 5266620.0)
2024/03/07 11:32:58:   Orthorectifying VNIR data using 'bilinear' resampling algorithm...
2024/03/07 11:32:58:   Orthorectifying SWIR data using 'bilinear' resampling algorithm...
2024/03/07 11:33:00:   Merging VNIR and SWIR data...
2024/03/07 11:33:00:   Orthorectifying 'mask_clouds' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:33:00:   Setting all pixels to nodata that have values in the VNIR or the SWIR only...
2024/03/07 11:33:00:   Generating L2A metadata...
2024/03/07 11:33:02:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1
Writing GeoArray of size (296, 958, 209) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (296, 958) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_cloudmask.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (296, 958, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_quicklook.png.
Writing GeoArray of size (296, 958, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2_quicklook.png.
2024/03/07 11:33:02:   Writing metadata to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_header.xml
2024/03/07 11:33:02:   L2A product successfully written!
2024/03/07 11:33:02:   Total runtime of the processing chain: 0:00:09.643543
Captured stderr call
2024/03/07 11:32:55:   Could not append the 'mask_landwater' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:32:55:   Could not append the 'mask_cloudshadow' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:32:55:   Could not append the 'mask_haze' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:32:55:   Could not append the 'mask_snow' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:32:55:   Could not append the 'mask_cirrus' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:33:02:   The 'mask_landwater' attribute cannot be saved because it does not exist in the current EnMAP image.
2024/03/07 11:33:02:   The 'mask_cloudshadow' attribute cannot be saved because it does not exist in the current EnMAP image.
2024/03/07 11:33:02:   The 'mask_haze' attribute cannot be saved because it does not exist in the current EnMAP image.
2024/03/07 11:33:02:   The 'mask_snow' attribute cannot be saved because it does not exist in the current EnMAP image.
2024/03/07 11:33:02:   The 'mask_cirrus' attribute cannot be saved because it does not exist in the current EnMAP image.
2024/03/07 11:33:02:   Currently, L2A dead pixel masks cannot be saved yet.
2024/03/07 11:33:02:   No XML metadata conversion implemented for datasets different to the DLR format.Metadata XML file will be empty.


PASSED Test_EnPT_Controller_DLR_testdata::test_run_all_processors 0:00:54.145505



Captured stdout call
EnPT Controller received the following configuration:
{'general_opts': {'CPUs': 32,
                  'average_elevation': 0,
                  'create_logfile': True,
                  'disable_progress_bars': False,
                  'drop_bad_bands': True,
                  'is_dummy_dataformat': False,
                  'log_level': 'DEBUG',
                  'n_lines_to_append': 50,
                  'path_dem': '/builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z__tile2__DEM_ASTER.bsq',
                  'path_l1b_enmap_image': '/builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/EnMAP_Level_1B/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z__rows700-799.zip',
                  'path_l1b_enmap_image_gapfill': '',
                  'path_l1b_snr_model': '/builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/enpt/resources/EnMAP_Sensor/EnMAP_Level_1B_SNR.zip',
                  'working_dir': None},
 'output': {'output_dir': '/builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/enpt/../tests/data/test_outputs',
            'output_format': 'GTiff',
            'output_interleave': 'pixel',
            'output_nodata_value': -32768},
 'processors': {'atmospheric_correction': {'auto_download_ecmwf': True,
                                           'blocksize': 100,
                                           'enable_ac': True,
                                           'mode_ac': 'land',
                                           'polymer_additional_results': True,
                                           'polymer_root': '',
                                           'scale_factor_boa_ref': 10000,
                                           'threads': -1},
                'dead_pixel': {'algorithm': 'spatial',
                               'interp_method_spatial': 'linear',
                               'interp_method_spectral': 'linear',
                               'run_processor': False},
                'geometry': {'enable_absolute_coreg': True,
                             'enable_keystone_correction': False,
                             'enable_vnir_swir_coreg': False,
                             'path_reference_image': '/builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/enpt/../tests/data/T30TXQ_20170218T110111_B05__sub.tif'},
                'orthorectification': {'resamp_alg': 'bilinear',
                                       'target_coord_grid': {'x': array([ 0, 30]),
                                                             'y': array([ 0, 30])},
                                       'target_epsg': None,
                                       'target_projection_type': 'UTM',
                                       'vswir_overlap_algorithm': 'swir_only'},
                'smile': {'run_processor': False},
                'toa_ref': {'path_earthSunDist': '/builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/enpt/resources/earth_sun_distance/Earth_Sun_distances_per_day_edited__1980_2030.csv',
                            'path_solar_irr': '/builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/enpt/resources/solar_irradiance/SUNp1fontenla__350-2500nm_@0.1nm_converted.txt',
                            'scale_factor_toa_ref': 10000}}}
2024/03/07 11:33:03:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:33:03:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:33:03:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:33:03:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:33:03:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:33:04:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:33:04:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:33:04:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:33:05:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:33:05:   Computing VNIR geolayer...
2024/03/07 11:33:05:   Computing SWIR geolayer...
2024/03/07 11:33:05:   Temporarily transforming EnMAP band 40 to map geometry for co-registration.
2024/03/07 11:33:06:   Temporarily transforming EnMAP water mask to map geometry for co-registration.
2024/03/07 11:33:06:   Preparing reference image for co-registration.
2024/03/07 11:33:06:   Computing tie points between the EnMAP image and the given spatial reference image.
Calculating footprint polygon and actual data corner coordinates for reference image...
Bounding box of calculated footprint for reference image:
	(637005.0, 4940640.0, 666300.0, 4949895.0)
Bounding box of calculated footprint for image to be shifted:
	(637009.9236523756, 4940648.633479693, 666298.6703669054, 4949893.375184522)
Matching window position (X,Y): 651655.4222751356/4945271.096554121
Target window size (256, 256) not possible due to too small overlap area or window position too close to an image edge. New matching window size: (164, 164).
Initializing tie points grid...
With respect to the provided bad data mask(s) 81 points of initially 242 have been excluded.
Calculating tie point grid (161 points) using 24 CPU cores...
Found 131 matches.
Performing validity checks...
41 tie points flagged by level 1 filtering (reliability).
63 tie points flagged by level 2 filtering (SSIM).
4 tie points flagged by level 3 filtering (RANSAC)
47 valid tie points remain after filtering.
2024/03/07 11:33:09:   Generating misregistration array.
interpolation runtime: 0.17s
interpolation runtime: 0.17s
2024/03/07 11:33:09:   Transforming spatial optimization results back to sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:33:09:   Applying results of spatial optimization to geolayer.
2024/03/07 11:33:09:   Pre-processing DEM for VNIR...
2024/03/07 11:33:09:   Transforming DEM to VNIR sensor geometry (using first band of VNIR geolayer)...
2024/03/07 11:33:10:   Pre-processing DEM for SWIR...
2024/03/07 11:33:10:   Transforming DEM to SWIR sensor geometry (using first band of SWIR geolayer)...
2024/03/07 11:33:13:   Transforming the 'mask_landwater' attribute from VNIR to SWIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:33:13:   Starting atmospheric correction for VNIR and SWIR detector in 'land' mode. Source radiometric unit code is 'TOARad'.
2024/03/07 11:33:13:   Running atmospheric correction in 'land' mode, i.e., SICOR is applied to ALL surfaces. Uncertainty is expected for water surfaces because SICOR is designed for land only.
2024/03/07 11:33:13:   SICOR AC configuration: 
{'processing': {'Exception': None,
                'Exception_type': '',
                'clear_fraction': None,
                'interface': {'args': (), 'kwargs': {}},
                'status': 1,
                'tIO': 0.0,
                'tRT': 0.0,
                'uncertainties': {}},
 'retrieval': {'cpu': 32,
               'default_aot_value': 0.192,
               'disable_progressbars': False,
               'fn_LUT': '',
               'inversion': {'eps': 0.01,
                             'full': False,
                             'gnform': 'n',
                             'maxiter': 35},
               'land_only': False,
               'n_pca': 5,
               'segmentation': True,
               'segs': 200,
               'sol_model': 'fontenla',
               'state_vector': {'ice': {'ll': 0.001,
                                        'prior_mean': 0.02,
                                        'prior_sigma': 1000.0,
                                        'ul': 0.499,
                                        'use_prior_mean': True},
                                'intercept': {'ll': 0.001,
                                              'prior_mean': 0.3,
                                              'prior_sigma': 1000.0,
                                              'ul': 0.999,
                                              'use_prior_mean': False},
                                'liquid_water': {'ll': 0.001,
                                                 'prior_mean': 0.02,
                                                 'prior_sigma': 1000.0,
                                                 'ul': 0.499,
                                                 'use_prior_mean': True},
                                'slope': {'ll': -0.0004,
                                          'prior_mean': 0.0002,
                                          'prior_sigma': 1000.0,
                                          'ul': 0.0004,
                                          'use_prior_mean': False},
                                'water_vapor': {'ll': 0.001,
                                                'prior_mean': 1.442,
                                                'prior_sigma': 1000.0,
                                                'ul': 4.999,
                                                'use_prior_mean': True}},
               'unknowns': {'ice_absorption_coefficients': {'sigma': 2.39e-07},
                            'liquid_water_absorption_coefficients': {'sigma': 2.43e-07},
                            'skyview': {'sigma': 0.1},
                            'water_vapor_absorption_coefficients': {'sigma': 0.01}}},
 'sensor': {'fit': {'idx': [14,
                    'snr': [322.94254006,
            'name': 'EnMAP',
            'resamp_alg': 'nearest'}}
2024/03/07 11:33:13:   Setting up forward operator...
2024/03/07 11:33:13:   SICOR is applied to land AND water pixels.
2024/03/07 11:33:13:   Transforming VNIR data to SWIR sensor geometry to enable first guess retrievals for liquid water and ice...
2024/03/07 11:33:15:   Getting observation metadata...
2024/03/07 11:33:15:   Checking if observation metadata values are within LUT value ranges...
2024/03/07 11:33:15:   Loading solar irradiance model...
2024/03/07 11:33:15:   Loading RT LUT...
2024/03/07 11:33:15:   LUT file was not found locally. Try to download it from Git repository...
2024/03/07 11:33:18:   LUT file was properly downloaded and is available for AC!
2024/03/07 11:33:18:   Converting LUT to Fontenla solar model...
2024/03/07 11:33:19:   Resampling LUT to EnMAP wavelengths...
2024/03/07 11:33:40:   Reducing grid dimensionality of LUT to increase interpolation speed...
2024/03/07 11:33:40:   Calculating absorption coefficients of liquid water and ice...
2024/03/07 11:33:41:   Transforming CWV first guess map to SWIR sensor geometry to enable segmentation and 3 phases of water retrieval...
2024/03/07 11:33:41:   Calculating first guess for intercept and slope of absorption feature continuum...
2024/03/07 11:33:41:   Segmenting SWIR L1B spectra to enhance processing speed...
2024/03/07 11:33:42:   Preparing segmented SWIR L1B data cube...
2024/03/07 11:33:42:   Performing 3 phases of water retrieval...
2024/03/07 11:33:42:   Setting up multiprocessing...
2024/03/07 11:33:42:   Multiprocessing on 32 cpu's
2024/03/07 11:33:42:   Preparing optimal estimation input...
2024/03/07 11:33:42:   Optimization...
2024/03/07 11:33:44:   Done!
2024/03/07 11:33:44:   Runtime: 2.22 s
2024/03/07 11:33:44:   Extrapolating CWV retrieval map to full SWIR data cube...
2024/03/07 11:33:44:   Transforming CWV retrieval map and segmentation labels to VNIR sensor geometry to enable VNIR segmentation...
2024/03/07 11:33:45:   Segmenting VNIR data cube according to transformed SWIR segmentation labels...
2024/03/07 11:33:45:   Starting surface reflectance retrieval...
2024/03/07 11:33:45:   Calculating surface reflectance for vnir detector...
2024/03/07 11:33:45:   Calculating surface reflectance for swir detector...
2024/03/07 11:33:46:   Applying empirical line solution to extrapolate L2A data pixelwise...
2024/03/07 11:33:46:   Extrapolating L2A spectra for vnir detector...
2024/03/07 11:33:48:   Extrapolating L2A spectra for swir detector...
2024/03/07 11:33:50:   Extrapolating liquid water and ice maps...
2024/03/07 11:33:51:   SICOR atmospheric correction for EnMAP in land mode successfully finished!
2024/03/07 11:33:51:   Joining results of atmospheric correction.
2024/03/07 11:33:51:   Starting orthorectification...
2024/03/07 11:33:51:   Computed common target extent of orthorectified image (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax in EPSG 32630): (636960.0, 4940670.0, 666090.0, 4949310.0)
2024/03/07 11:33:51:   Orthorectifying VNIR data using 'bilinear' resampling algorithm...
2024/03/07 11:33:52:   Orthorectifying SWIR data using 'bilinear' resampling algorithm...
2024/03/07 11:33:53:   Merging VNIR and SWIR data...
2024/03/07 11:33:53:   Orthorectifying 'mask_landwater' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:33:53:   Orthorectifying 'mask_clouds' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:33:53:   Orthorectifying 'mask_cloudshadow' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:33:54:   Orthorectifying 'mask_haze' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:33:54:   Orthorectifying 'mask_snow' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:33:54:   Orthorectifying 'mask_cirrus' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:33:54:   Setting all pixels to nodata that have values in the VNIR or the SWIR only...
2024/03/07 11:33:55:   Generating L2A metadata...
2024/03/07 11:33:56:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z
Writing GeoArray of size (288, 971, 202) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-SPECTRAL_IMAGE.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (288, 971) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_QUALITY_CLASSES.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (288, 971) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_QUALITY_CLOUD.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (288, 971) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_QUALITY_CLOUDSHADOW.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (288, 971) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_QUALITY_HAZE.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (288, 971) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_QUALITY_SNOW.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (288, 971) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_QUALITY_CIRRUS.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (288, 971, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_VNIR.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (288, 971, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_SWIR.TIF.
2024/03/07 11:33:56:   Writing metadata to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-METADATA.XML
2024/03/07 11:33:56:   L2A product successfully written!
2024/03/07 11:33:56:   Total runtime of the processing chain: 0:00:54.087816
Captured stderr call
2024/03/07 11:33:02:   The input EnMAP Level-1B image was processed with an old version of the ground segment processing system (version 00.02.04), which, e.g. did not include de-striping. It is highly recommended to re-download the dataset in the latest processing version from the archive via the EOWEB GeoPortal (www.eoweb.dlr.de) before passing it to EnPT.
2024/03/07 11:33:05:   Statically using band 40 for co-registration.

Warping progress     |--------------------------------------------------| 0.0% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |=======================---------------------------| 45.7% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |=======================---------------------------| 46.0% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |========================--------------------------| 47.2% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |========================--------------------------| 48.3% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |=========================-------------------------| 49.3% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |=========================-------------------------| 50.2% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |==========================------------------------| 51.1% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |==========================------------------------| 52.0% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |===========================-----------------------| 53.6% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |===========================-----------------------| 54.6% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |============================----------------------| 55.8% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |============================----------------------| 56.4% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |=============================---------------------| 57.1% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |=============================---------------------| 58.2% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |==============================--------------------| 59.2% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |==============================--------------------| 60.1% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |===============================-------------------| 61.4% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |===============================-------------------| 62.6% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |================================------------------| 63.0% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |================================------------------| 64.0% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |=================================-----------------| 65.3% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |=================================-----------------| 66.1% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |==================================----------------| 67.1% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |==================================----------------| 68.2% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |===================================---------------| 69.0% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |===================================---------------| 70.2% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |====================================--------------| 71.5% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |====================================--------------| 72.3% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |=====================================-------------| 73.1% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |=====================================-------------| 74.2% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |======================================------------| 75.5% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |======================================------------| 76.2% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |=======================================-----------| 77.1% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |=======================================-----------| 78.1% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |========================================----------| 79.4% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |========================================----------| 80.4% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |=========================================---------| 81.0% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |=========================================---------| 82.0% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |==========================================--------| 83.1% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |==========================================--------| 84.3% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |===========================================-------| 85.1% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |===========================================-------| 86.1% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |============================================------| 87.0% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |============================================------| 88.2% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |=============================================-----| 89.1% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |=============================================-----| 90.1% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |==============================================----| 91.1% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |==============================================----| 92.1% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |===============================================---| 93.0% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |===============================================---| 94.0% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |================================================--| 95.1% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |================================================--| 96.1% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |=================================================-| 97.1% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |=================================================-| 98.1% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |==================================================| 99.0% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |==================================================| 100.0% Complete  => 0:00:00

	progress: |--------------------------------------------------| 0.0% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |===-----------------------------------------------| 6.8% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |=====---------------------------------------------| 10.6% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |==========----------------------------------------| 19.3% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |===============-----------------------------------| 29.8% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |====================------------------------------| 41.0% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |==========================------------------------| 52.2% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |================================------------------| 63.4% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |====================================--------------| 72.7% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |===========================================-------| 85.7% Complete  => 0:00:01
	progress: |==================================================| 100.0% Complete  => 0:00:01

	progress: |=-------------------------------------------------| 1.3% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |=-------------------------------------------------| 2.7% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |==------------------------------------------------| 3.6% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |====----------------------------------------------| 7.6% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |==========----------------------------------------| 19.6% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |================----------------------------------| 31.1% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |======================----------------------------| 43.6% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |=============================---------------------| 58.2% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |==========================================--------| 83.6% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |=================================================-| 98.2% Complete  => 0:00:01
	progress: |==================================================| 100.0% Complete  => 0:00:01

  0%|          | 0/180 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
100%|██████████| 180/180 [00:00<00:00, 3675.74it/s]

  0%|          | 0/225 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
100%|██████████| 225/225 [00:00<00:00, 3918.32it/s]
2024/03/07 11:33:51:   VNIR L2A data contain negative values indicating an overcorrection. Please check for errors in the input data, the options file, or the processing code.
2024/03/07 11:33:51:   SWIR L2A data contain negative values indicating an overcorrection. Please check for errors in the input data, the options file, or the processing code.
2024/03/07 11:33:56:   Currently, L2A dead pixel masks cannot be saved yet.
2024/03/07 11:33:56:   Currently, the L2A metadata XML file does not contain all relevant keys and contains not updated values!


PASSED Test_EnPT_Controller_DLR_testdata_ACWater::test_import_polymer 0:00:00.036742




PASSED Test_EnPT_Controller_DLR_testdata_ACWater::test_run_all_processors 0:01:16.458133



Captured stdout call
EnPT Controller received the following configuration:
{'general_opts': {'CPUs': 16,
                  'average_elevation': 0,
                  'create_logfile': True,
                  'disable_progress_bars': False,
                  'drop_bad_bands': True,
                  'is_dummy_dataformat': False,
                  'log_level': 'DEBUG',
                  'n_lines_to_append': None,
                  'path_dem': '/builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z__tile2__DEM_ASTER.bsq',
                  'path_l1b_enmap_image': '/builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/EnMAP_Level_1B/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z__rows700-730.zip',
                  'path_l1b_enmap_image_gapfill': '',
                  'path_l1b_snr_model': '/builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/enpt/resources/EnMAP_Sensor/EnMAP_Level_1B_SNR.zip',
                  'working_dir': None},
 'output': {'output_dir': '/builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/enpt/../tests/data/test_outputs',
            'output_format': 'GTiff',
            'output_interleave': 'pixel',
            'output_nodata_value': -32768},
 'processors': {'atmospheric_correction': {'auto_download_ecmwf': True,
                                           'blocksize': 100,
                                           'enable_ac': True,
                                           'mode_ac': 'combined',
                                           'polymer_additional_results': True,
                                           'polymer_root': '/root/polymer-v4.16.1',
                                           'scale_factor_boa_ref': 10000,
                                           'threads': -1},
                'dead_pixel': {'algorithm': 'spectral',
                               'interp_method_spatial': 'linear',
                               'interp_method_spectral': 'linear',
                               'run_processor': True},
                'geometry': {'enable_absolute_coreg': False,
                             'enable_keystone_correction': False,
                             'enable_vnir_swir_coreg': False,
                             'path_reference_image': ''},
                'orthorectification': {'resamp_alg': 'bilinear',
                                       'target_coord_grid': {'x': array([ 0, 30]),
                                                             'y': array([ 0, 30])},
                                       'target_epsg': None,
                                       'target_projection_type': 'UTM',
                                       'vswir_overlap_algorithm': 'swir_only'},
                'smile': {'run_processor': False},
                'toa_ref': {'path_earthSunDist': '/builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/enpt/resources/earth_sun_distance/Earth_Sun_distances_per_day_edited__1980_2030.csv',
                            'path_solar_irr': '/builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/enpt/resources/solar_irradiance/SUNp1fontenla__350-2500nm_@0.1nm_converted.txt',
                            'scale_factor_toa_ref': 10000}}}
2024/03/07 11:33:57:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:33:57:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:33:57:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:33:57:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:33:57:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:33:58:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:33:58:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:33:58:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:33:58:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:33:58:   Computing VNIR geolayer...
2024/03/07 11:33:58:   Computing SWIR geolayer...
2024/03/07 11:33:58:   Correcting dead pixels of VNIR detector...
Used algorithm: linear interpolation in the spectral domain
2024/03/07 11:33:58:   Percentage of defective pixels: 0.49
2024/03/07 11:33:58:   Percentage of pixels with a defect in any band: 35.60
2024/03/07 11:33:58:   Correcting dead pixels of SWIR detector...
Used algorithm: linear interpolation in the spectral domain
2024/03/07 11:33:58:   Percentage of defective pixels: 0.50
2024/03/07 11:33:58:   Percentage of pixels with a defect in any band: 44.50
2024/03/07 11:33:59:   Pre-processing DEM for VNIR...
2024/03/07 11:33:59:   Transforming DEM to VNIR sensor geometry (using first band of VNIR geolayer)...
2024/03/07 11:33:59:   Pre-processing DEM for SWIR...
2024/03/07 11:33:59:   Transforming DEM to SWIR sensor geometry (using first band of SWIR geolayer)...
2024/03/07 11:33:59:   Transforming the 'mask_landwater' attribute from VNIR to SWIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:33:59:   Starting atmospheric correction for VNIR and SWIR detector in 'combined' mode. Source radiometric unit code is 'TOARad'.
2024/03/07 11:33:59:   SICOR AC configuration: 
{'processing': {'Exception': None,
                'Exception_type': '',
                'clear_fraction': None,
                'interface': {'args': (), 'kwargs': {}},
                'status': 1,
                'tIO': 0.0,
                'tRT': 0.0,
                'uncertainties': {}},
 'retrieval': {'cpu': 16,
               'default_aot_value': 0.192,
               'disable_progressbars': False,
               'fn_LUT': '',
               'inversion': {'eps': 0.01,
                             'full': False,
                             'gnform': 'n',
                             'maxiter': 35},
               'land_only': True,
               'n_pca': 5,
               'segmentation': True,
               'segs': 200,
               'sol_model': 'fontenla',
               'state_vector': {'ice': {'ll': 0.001,
                                        'prior_mean': 0.02,
                                        'prior_sigma': 1000.0,
                                        'ul': 0.499,
                                        'use_prior_mean': True},
                                'intercept': {'ll': 0.001,
                                              'prior_mean': 0.3,
                                              'prior_sigma': 1000.0,
                                              'ul': 0.999,
                                              'use_prior_mean': False},
                                'liquid_water': {'ll': 0.001,
                                                 'prior_mean': 0.02,
                                                 'prior_sigma': 1000.0,
                                                 'ul': 0.499,
                                                 'use_prior_mean': True},
                                'slope': {'ll': -0.0004,
                                          'prior_mean': 0.0002,
                                          'prior_sigma': 1000.0,
                                          'ul': 0.0004,
                                          'use_prior_mean': False},
                                'water_vapor': {'ll': 0.001,
                                                'prior_mean': 1.442,
                                                'prior_sigma': 1000.0,
                                                'ul': 4.999,
                                                'use_prior_mean': True}},
               'unknowns': {'ice_absorption_coefficients': {'sigma': 2.39e-07},
                            'liquid_water_absorption_coefficients': {'sigma': 2.43e-07},
                            'skyview': {'sigma': 0.1},
                            'water_vapor_absorption_coefficients': {'sigma': 0.01}}},
 'sensor': {'fit': {'idx': [14,
                    'snr': [322.94254006,
            'name': 'EnMAP',
            'resamp_alg': 'nearest'}}
2024/03/07 11:33:59:   Setting up forward operator...
2024/03/07 11:33:59:   SICOR is applied to land pixels only. This may result in edge effects, e.g., at coastlines...
2024/03/07 11:33:59:   Transforming VNIR data to SWIR sensor geometry to enable first guess retrievals for liquid water and ice...
2024/03/07 11:34:00:   Getting observation metadata...
2024/03/07 11:34:00:   Checking if observation metadata values are within LUT value ranges...
2024/03/07 11:34:00:   Loading solar irradiance model...
2024/03/07 11:34:00:   Loading RT LUT...
2024/03/07 11:34:00:   LUT file was properly downloaded and is available for AC!
2024/03/07 11:34:00:   Converting LUT to Fontenla solar model...
2024/03/07 11:34:01:   Resampling LUT to EnMAP wavelengths...
2024/03/07 11:34:20:   Reducing grid dimensionality of LUT to increase interpolation speed...
2024/03/07 11:34:20:   Calculating absorption coefficients of liquid water and ice...
2024/03/07 11:34:20:   Transforming CWV first guess map to SWIR sensor geometry to enable segmentation and 3 phases of water retrieval...
2024/03/07 11:34:21:   Calculating first guess for intercept and slope of absorption feature continuum...
2024/03/07 11:34:21:   Segmenting SWIR L1B spectra to enhance processing speed...
2024/03/07 11:34:21:   Preparing segmented SWIR L1B data cube...
2024/03/07 11:34:21:   Performing 3 phases of water retrieval...
2024/03/07 11:34:21:   Setting up multiprocessing...
2024/03/07 11:34:21:   Multiprocessing on 16 cpu's
2024/03/07 11:34:21:   Preparing optimal estimation input...
2024/03/07 11:34:21:   Optimization...
2024/03/07 11:34:22:   Done!
2024/03/07 11:34:22:   Runtime: 1.23 s
2024/03/07 11:34:22:   Extrapolating CWV retrieval map to full SWIR data cube...
2024/03/07 11:34:22:   Transforming CWV retrieval map and segmentation labels to VNIR sensor geometry to enable VNIR segmentation...
2024/03/07 11:34:22:   Segmenting VNIR data cube according to transformed SWIR segmentation labels...
2024/03/07 11:34:22:   Starting surface reflectance retrieval...
2024/03/07 11:34:22:   Calculating surface reflectance for vnir detector...
2024/03/07 11:34:22:   Calculating surface reflectance for swir detector...
2024/03/07 11:34:22:   Applying empirical line solution to extrapolate L2A data pixelwise...
2024/03/07 11:34:22:   Extrapolating L2A spectra for vnir detector...
2024/03/07 11:34:24:   Extrapolating L2A spectra for swir detector...
2024/03/07 11:34:25:   Extrapolating liquid water and ice maps...
2024/03/07 11:34:25:   SICOR atmospheric correction for EnMAP in combined mode successfully finished!
2024/03/07 11:34:25:   Running polymer...
Initializing ENMAP product of size (30, 1000)
2024/03/07 11:34:25:   Landmask is EnMAP L1B
Starting processing at 2024-03-07 11:34:25.725242
Processing block: size (30, 1000), offset (0, 0)
Done in 0:00:42.775340
2024/03/07 11:35:08:   Joining results of atmospheric correction.
2024/03/07 11:35:08:   Re-applying dead pixel correction to correct for spectral spikes due to fringe effect.
2024/03/07 11:35:08:   Correcting dead pixels of VNIR detector...
Used algorithm: linear interpolation in the spectral domain
2024/03/07 11:35:08:   Percentage of defective pixels: 0.49
2024/03/07 11:35:08:   Percentage of pixels with a defect in any band: 35.60
2024/03/07 11:35:08:   Correcting dead pixels of SWIR detector...
Used algorithm: linear interpolation in the spectral domain
2024/03/07 11:35:08:   Percentage of defective pixels: 0.50
2024/03/07 11:35:08:   Percentage of pixels with a defect in any band: 44.50
2024/03/07 11:35:08:   Starting orthorectification...
2024/03/07 11:35:09:   Computed common target extent of orthorectified image (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax in EPSG 32630): (637410.0, 4942680.0, 666180.0, 4949340.0)
2024/03/07 11:35:09:   Orthorectifying VNIR data using 'bilinear' resampling algorithm...
2024/03/07 11:35:09:   Orthorectifying SWIR data using 'bilinear' resampling algorithm...
2024/03/07 11:35:10:   Merging VNIR and SWIR data...
2024/03/07 11:35:10:   Orthorectifying 'mask_landwater' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:35:10:   Orthorectifying 'mask_clouds' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:35:10:   Orthorectifying 'mask_cloudshadow' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:35:10:   Orthorectifying 'mask_haze' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:35:10:   Orthorectifying 'mask_snow' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:35:10:   Orthorectifying 'mask_cirrus' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:35:11:   Orthorectifying 'polymer_logchl' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:35:11:   Orthorectifying 'polymer_logfb' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:35:11:   Orthorectifying 'polymer_rgli' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:35:11:   Orthorectifying 'polymer_rnir' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:35:11:   Orthorectifying 'polymer_bitmask' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:35:11:   Setting all pixels to nodata that have values in the VNIR or the SWIR only...
2024/03/07 11:35:12:   Generating L2A metadata...
2024/03/07 11:35:12:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z
Writing GeoArray of size (222, 959, 202) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-SPECTRAL_IMAGE.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (222, 959) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_QUALITY_CLASSES.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (222, 959) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_QUALITY_CLOUD.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (222, 959) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_QUALITY_CLOUDSHADOW.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (222, 959) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_QUALITY_HAZE.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (222, 959) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_QUALITY_SNOW.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (222, 959) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_QUALITY_CIRRUS.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (222, 959, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_VNIR.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (222, 959, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_SWIR.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (222, 959) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-ACOUT_POLYMER_LOGCHL.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (222, 959) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-ACOUT_POLYMER_LOGFB.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (222, 959) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-ACOUT_POLYMER_RGLI.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (222, 959) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-ACOUT_POLYMER_RNIR.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (222, 959) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-ACOUT_POLYMER_BITMASK.TIF.
2024/03/07 11:35:13:   Writing metadata to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-METADATA.XML
2024/03/07 11:35:13:   L2A product successfully written!
2024/03/07 11:35:13:   Total runtime of the processing chain: 0:01:16.410376
Captured stderr call
2024/03/07 11:33:57:   The input EnMAP Level-1B image was processed with an old version of the ground segment processing system (version 00.02.04), which, e.g. did not include de-striping. It is highly recommended to re-download the dataset in the latest processing version from the archive via the EOWEB GeoPortal (www.eoweb.dlr.de) before passing it to EnPT.

	progress: |=-------------------------------------------------| 2.4% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |===========================-----------------------| 53.7% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |==================================================| 100.0% Complete  => 0:00:00

  0%|          | 0/43 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
100%|██████████| 43/43 [00:00<00:00, 3927.85it/s]

  0%|          | 0/41 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
100%|██████████| 41/41 [00:00<00:00, 3792.65it/s]
2024/03/07 11:34:25:   The surface reflectance for land only generated by SICOR contains NaN values. Please check for errors in the input data, the options file, or the processing code.
2024/03/07 11:34:25:   VNIR L2A data contain negative values indicating an overcorrection. Please check for errors in the input data, the options file, or the processing code.
2024/03/07 11:34:25:   VNIR L2A data contain values exceeding 1 indicating a saturation. Please check for errors in the input data, the options file, or the processing code.
2024/03/07 11:34:25:   SWIR L2A data contain negative values indicating an overcorrection. Please check for errors in the input data, the options file, or the processing code.
2024/03/07 11:35:13:   Currently, L2A dead pixel masks cannot be saved yet.
2024/03/07 11:35:13:   Currently, the L2A metadata XML file does not contain all relevant keys and contains not updated values!


PASSED Test_EnPT_Controller_DLR_testdata_ACWater::test_run_all_processors_without_acwater_installed 0:00:34.478803

Test to run all processors while replacing polymer_ac_enmap with None using mock.patch.



Captured stdout call
EnPT Controller received the following configuration:
{'general_opts': {'CPUs': 16,
                  'average_elevation': 0,
                  'create_logfile': True,
                  'disable_progress_bars': False,
                  'drop_bad_bands': True,
                  'is_dummy_dataformat': False,
                  'log_level': 'DEBUG',
                  'n_lines_to_append': None,
                  'path_dem': '/builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z__tile2__DEM_ASTER.bsq',
                  'path_l1b_enmap_image': '/builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/EnMAP_Level_1B/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z__rows700-730.zip',
                  'path_l1b_enmap_image_gapfill': '',
                  'path_l1b_snr_model': '/builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/enpt/resources/EnMAP_Sensor/EnMAP_Level_1B_SNR.zip',
                  'working_dir': None},
 'output': {'output_dir': '/builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/enpt/../tests/data/test_outputs',
            'output_format': 'GTiff',
            'output_interleave': 'pixel',
            'output_nodata_value': -32768},
 'processors': {'atmospheric_correction': {'auto_download_ecmwf': True,
                                           'blocksize': 100,
                                           'enable_ac': True,
                                           'mode_ac': 'combined',
                                           'polymer_additional_results': True,
                                           'polymer_root': '/root/polymer-v4.16.1',
                                           'scale_factor_boa_ref': 10000,
                                           'threads': -1},
                'dead_pixel': {'algorithm': 'spectral',
                               'interp_method_spatial': 'linear',
                               'interp_method_spectral': 'linear',
                               'run_processor': True},
                'geometry': {'enable_absolute_coreg': False,
                             'enable_keystone_correction': False,
                             'enable_vnir_swir_coreg': False,
                             'path_reference_image': ''},
                'orthorectification': {'resamp_alg': 'bilinear',
                                       'target_coord_grid': {'x': array([ 0, 30]),
                                                             'y': array([ 0, 30])},
                                       'target_epsg': None,
                                       'target_projection_type': 'UTM',
                                       'vswir_overlap_algorithm': 'swir_only'},
                'smile': {'run_processor': False},
                'toa_ref': {'path_earthSunDist': '/builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/enpt/resources/earth_sun_distance/Earth_Sun_distances_per_day_edited__1980_2030.csv',
                            'path_solar_irr': '/builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/enpt/resources/solar_irradiance/SUNp1fontenla__350-2500nm_@0.1nm_converted.txt',
                            'scale_factor_toa_ref': 10000}}}
2024/03/07 11:35:13:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:35:14:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:35:14:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:35:14:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:35:14:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:35:14:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:35:14:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:35:14:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:35:14:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:35:14:   Computing VNIR geolayer...
2024/03/07 11:35:15:   Computing SWIR geolayer...
2024/03/07 11:35:15:   Correcting dead pixels of VNIR detector...
Used algorithm: linear interpolation in the spectral domain
2024/03/07 11:35:15:   Percentage of defective pixels: 0.49
2024/03/07 11:35:15:   Percentage of pixels with a defect in any band: 35.60
2024/03/07 11:35:15:   Correcting dead pixels of SWIR detector...
Used algorithm: linear interpolation in the spectral domain
2024/03/07 11:35:15:   Percentage of defective pixels: 0.50
2024/03/07 11:35:15:   Percentage of pixels with a defect in any band: 44.50
2024/03/07 11:35:15:   Pre-processing DEM for VNIR...
2024/03/07 11:35:15:   Transforming DEM to VNIR sensor geometry (using first band of VNIR geolayer)...
2024/03/07 11:35:15:   Pre-processing DEM for SWIR...
2024/03/07 11:35:15:   Transforming DEM to SWIR sensor geometry (using first band of SWIR geolayer)...
2024/03/07 11:35:15:   Transforming the 'mask_landwater' attribute from VNIR to SWIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:35:16:   Starting atmospheric correction for VNIR and SWIR detector in 'combined' mode. Source radiometric unit code is 'TOARad'.
2024/03/07 11:35:16:   Running atmospheric correction in 'land' mode, i.e., SICOR is applied to ALL surfaces. Uncertainty is expected for water surfaces because SICOR is designed for land only.
2024/03/07 11:35:16:   SICOR AC configuration: 
{'processing': {'Exception': None,
                'Exception_type': '',
                'clear_fraction': None,
                'interface': {'args': (), 'kwargs': {}},
                'status': 1,
                'tIO': 0.0,
                'tRT': 0.0,
                'uncertainties': {}},
 'retrieval': {'cpu': 16,
               'default_aot_value': 0.192,
               'disable_progressbars': False,
               'fn_LUT': '',
               'inversion': {'eps': 0.01,
                             'full': False,
                             'gnform': 'n',
                             'maxiter': 35},
               'land_only': False,
               'n_pca': 5,
               'segmentation': True,
               'segs': 200,
               'sol_model': 'fontenla',
               'state_vector': {'ice': {'ll': 0.001,
                                        'prior_mean': 0.02,
                                        'prior_sigma': 1000.0,
                                        'ul': 0.499,
                                        'use_prior_mean': True},
                                'intercept': {'ll': 0.001,
                                              'prior_mean': 0.3,
                                              'prior_sigma': 1000.0,
                                              'ul': 0.999,
                                              'use_prior_mean': False},
                                'liquid_water': {'ll': 0.001,
                                                 'prior_mean': 0.02,
                                                 'prior_sigma': 1000.0,
                                                 'ul': 0.499,
                                                 'use_prior_mean': True},
                                'slope': {'ll': -0.0004,
                                          'prior_mean': 0.0002,
                                          'prior_sigma': 1000.0,
                                          'ul': 0.0004,
                                          'use_prior_mean': False},
                                'water_vapor': {'ll': 0.001,
                                                'prior_mean': 1.442,
                                                'prior_sigma': 1000.0,
                                                'ul': 4.999,
                                                'use_prior_mean': True}},
               'unknowns': {'ice_absorption_coefficients': {'sigma': 2.39e-07},
                            'liquid_water_absorption_coefficients': {'sigma': 2.43e-07},
                            'skyview': {'sigma': 0.1},
                            'water_vapor_absorption_coefficients': {'sigma': 0.01}}},
 'sensor': {'fit': {'idx': [14,
                    'snr': [322.94254006,
            'name': 'EnMAP',
            'resamp_alg': 'nearest'}}
2024/03/07 11:35:16:   Setting up forward operator...
2024/03/07 11:35:16:   SICOR is applied to land AND water pixels.
2024/03/07 11:35:16:   Transforming VNIR data to SWIR sensor geometry to enable first guess retrievals for liquid water and ice...
2024/03/07 11:35:17:   Getting observation metadata...
2024/03/07 11:35:17:   Checking if observation metadata values are within LUT value ranges...
2024/03/07 11:35:17:   Loading solar irradiance model...
2024/03/07 11:35:17:   Loading RT LUT...
2024/03/07 11:35:17:   LUT file was properly downloaded and is available for AC!
2024/03/07 11:35:17:   Converting LUT to Fontenla solar model...
2024/03/07 11:35:17:   Resampling LUT to EnMAP wavelengths...
2024/03/07 11:35:37:   Reducing grid dimensionality of LUT to increase interpolation speed...
2024/03/07 11:35:38:   Calculating absorption coefficients of liquid water and ice...
2024/03/07 11:35:38:   Transforming CWV first guess map to SWIR sensor geometry to enable segmentation and 3 phases of water retrieval...
2024/03/07 11:35:38:   Calculating first guess for intercept and slope of absorption feature continuum...
2024/03/07 11:35:38:   Segmenting SWIR L1B spectra to enhance processing speed...
2024/03/07 11:35:38:   Preparing segmented SWIR L1B data cube...
2024/03/07 11:35:38:   Performing 3 phases of water retrieval...
2024/03/07 11:35:38:   Setting up multiprocessing...
2024/03/07 11:35:38:   Multiprocessing on 16 cpu's
2024/03/07 11:35:38:   Preparing optimal estimation input...
2024/03/07 11:35:38:   Optimization...
2024/03/07 11:35:40:   Done!
2024/03/07 11:35:40:   Runtime: 1.62 s
2024/03/07 11:35:40:   Extrapolating CWV retrieval map to full SWIR data cube...
2024/03/07 11:35:40:   Transforming CWV retrieval map and segmentation labels to VNIR sensor geometry to enable VNIR segmentation...
2024/03/07 11:35:40:   Segmenting VNIR data cube according to transformed SWIR segmentation labels...
2024/03/07 11:35:41:   Starting surface reflectance retrieval...
2024/03/07 11:35:41:   Calculating surface reflectance for vnir detector...
2024/03/07 11:35:41:   Calculating surface reflectance for swir detector...
2024/03/07 11:35:41:   Applying empirical line solution to extrapolate L2A data pixelwise...
2024/03/07 11:35:41:   Extrapolating L2A spectra for vnir detector...
2024/03/07 11:35:42:   Extrapolating L2A spectra for swir detector...
2024/03/07 11:35:43:   Extrapolating liquid water and ice maps...
2024/03/07 11:35:43:   SICOR atmospheric correction for EnMAP in land mode successfully finished!
2024/03/07 11:35:43:   Joining results of atmospheric correction.
2024/03/07 11:35:44:   Re-applying dead pixel correction to correct for spectral spikes due to fringe effect.
2024/03/07 11:35:44:   Correcting dead pixels of VNIR detector...
Used algorithm: linear interpolation in the spectral domain
2024/03/07 11:35:44:   Percentage of defective pixels: 0.49
2024/03/07 11:35:44:   Percentage of pixels with a defect in any band: 35.60
2024/03/07 11:35:44:   Correcting dead pixels of SWIR detector...
Used algorithm: linear interpolation in the spectral domain
2024/03/07 11:35:44:   Percentage of defective pixels: 0.50
2024/03/07 11:35:44:   Percentage of pixels with a defect in any band: 44.50
2024/03/07 11:35:44:   Starting orthorectification...
2024/03/07 11:35:44:   Computed common target extent of orthorectified image (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax in EPSG 32630): (637410.0, 4942680.0, 666180.0, 4949340.0)
2024/03/07 11:35:44:   Orthorectifying VNIR data using 'bilinear' resampling algorithm...
2024/03/07 11:35:44:   Orthorectifying SWIR data using 'bilinear' resampling algorithm...
2024/03/07 11:35:45:   Merging VNIR and SWIR data...
2024/03/07 11:35:45:   Orthorectifying 'mask_landwater' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:35:45:   Orthorectifying 'mask_clouds' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:35:45:   Orthorectifying 'mask_cloudshadow' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:35:45:   Orthorectifying 'mask_haze' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:35:46:   Orthorectifying 'mask_snow' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:35:46:   Orthorectifying 'mask_cirrus' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:35:46:   Setting all pixels to nodata that have values in the VNIR or the SWIR only...
2024/03/07 11:35:46:   Generating L2A metadata...
2024/03/07 11:35:47:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z
Writing GeoArray of size (222, 959, 202) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-SPECTRAL_IMAGE.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (222, 959) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_QUALITY_CLASSES.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (222, 959) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_QUALITY_CLOUD.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (222, 959) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_QUALITY_CLOUDSHADOW.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (222, 959) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_QUALITY_HAZE.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (222, 959) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_QUALITY_SNOW.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (222, 959) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_QUALITY_CIRRUS.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (222, 959, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_VNIR.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (222, 959, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_SWIR.TIF.
2024/03/07 11:35:47:   Writing metadata to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L2A-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-METADATA.XML
2024/03/07 11:35:47:   L2A product successfully written!
2024/03/07 11:35:47:   Total runtime of the processing chain: 0:00:34.433549
Captured stderr call
2024/03/07 11:35:13:   The input EnMAP Level-1B image was processed with an old version of the ground segment processing system (version 00.02.04), which, e.g. did not include de-striping. It is highly recommended to re-download the dataset in the latest processing version from the archive via the EOWEB GeoPortal (www.eoweb.dlr.de) before passing it to EnPT.
2024/03/07 11:35:16:   Polymer is not callable. As a fallback, SICOR is applied to water surfaces instead.

	progress: |--------------------------------------------------| 0.6% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |==------------------------------------------------| 3.0% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |===-----------------------------------------------| 5.4% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |=====---------------------------------------------| 9.0% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |========------------------------------------------| 15.7% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |===========---------------------------------------| 22.9% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |===========================-----------------------| 54.2% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |================================------------------| 63.3% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |=====================================-------------| 74.1% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |==================================================| 100.0% Complete  => 0:00:01

  0%|          | 0/83 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
100%|██████████| 83/83 [00:00<00:00, 4023.01it/s]

  0%|          | 0/166 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
100%|██████████| 166/166 [00:00<00:00, 3826.50it/s]
2024/03/07 11:35:43:   VNIR L2A data contain negative values indicating an overcorrection. Please check for errors in the input data, the options file, or the processing code.
2024/03/07 11:35:43:   SWIR L2A data contain negative values indicating an overcorrection. Please check for errors in the input data, the options file, or the processing code.
2024/03/07 11:35:47:   Currently, L2A dead pixel masks cannot be saved yet.
2024/03/07 11:35:47:   The 'polymer_logchl' attribute cannot be saved because it does not exist in the current EnMAP image.
2024/03/07 11:35:47:   The 'polymer_logfb' attribute cannot be saved because it does not exist in the current EnMAP image.
2024/03/07 11:35:47:   The 'polymer_rgli' attribute cannot be saved because it does not exist in the current EnMAP image.
2024/03/07 11:35:47:   The 'polymer_rnir' attribute cannot be saved because it does not exist in the current EnMAP image.
2024/03/07 11:35:47:   The 'polymer_bitmask' attribute cannot be saved because it does not exist in the current EnMAP image.
2024/03/07 11:35:47:   Currently, the L2A metadata XML file does not contain all relevant keys and contains not updated values!


tests/test_dead_pixel_correction.py 15 0:00:06.840925

PASSED Test_Dead_Pixel_Corrector::test_correct_using_2D_deadpixelmap_spatial 0:00:03.251744




PASSED Test_Dead_Pixel_Corrector::test_correct_using_2D_deadpixelmap_spectral 0:00:00.110764




PASSED Test_Dead_Pixel_Corrector::test_correct_using_3D_deadpixelmap_spatial 0:00:03.264145




PASSED Test_Dead_Pixel_Corrector::test_correct_using_3D_deadpixelmap_spectral 0:00:00.180158




PASSED Test_interp_nodata_along_axis_2d::test_axis_0 0:00:00.003053




PASSED Test_interp_nodata_along_axis_2d::test_axis_1 0:00:00.002706




PASSED Test_interp_nodata_along_axis_2d::test_bad_args 0:00:00.001382




PASSED Test_interp_nodata_along_axis::test_2d 0:00:00.002016




PASSED Test_interp_nodata_along_axis::test_3d_axis_0 0:00:00.002814




PASSED Test_interp_nodata_along_axis::test_3d_axis_1 0:00:00.003535




PASSED Test_interp_nodata_along_axis::test_3d_axis_2 0:00:00.004646




PASSED Test_interp_nodata_along_axis::test_bad_args 0:00:00.001229




PASSED Test_interp_nodata_spatially_2d::test_bad_args 0:00:00.001333




PASSED Test_interp_nodata_spatially_2d::test_interpolation_pandas 0:00:00.004281




PASSED Test_interp_nodata_spatially_2d::test_interpolation_scipy 0:00:00.007118




tests/test_dem_preprocessing.py 8 0:00:00.492334

PASSED Test_DEM_Processor::test_compute_aspect 0:00:00.049925




PASSED Test_DEM_Processor::test_compute_slopes 0:00:00.038318




PASSED Test_DEM_Processor::test_fill_gaps 0:00:00.031727




PASSED Test_DEM_Processor::test_get_flat_dem 0:00:00.065305




PASSED Test_DEM_Processor::test_init_demTooSmall 0:00:00.069207




PASSED Test_DEM_Processor::test_init_noWGS84 0:00:00.031952




PASSED Test_DEM_Processor::test_init_nomapinfo 0:00:00.030252




PASSED Test_DEM_Processor::test_to_sensor_geometry 0:00:00.175646




tests/test_images_sensorgeo.py 6 0:00:21.717519

PASSED Test_EnMAPL1Product_SensorGeo::test_set_SWIRattr_with_transformedVNIRattr 0:00:02.642285


Captured stdout setup
2024/03/07 11:35:55:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:35:55:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:35:55:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:35:56:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:35:56:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:35:56:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:35:56:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:35:56:   Computing VNIR geolayer...
2024/03/07 11:35:57:   Computing SWIR geolayer...
Captured stderr setup
2024/03/07 11:35:55:   The input EnMAP Level-1B image was processed with an old version of the ground segment processing system (version 00.02.04), which, e.g. did not include de-striping. It is highly recommended to re-download the dataset in the latest processing version from the archive via the EOWEB GeoPortal (www.eoweb.dlr.de) before passing it to EnPT.


Captured stdout call
2024/03/07 11:35:57:   Transforming the 'mask_snow' attribute from VNIR to SWIR sensor geometry.
Captured stderr call
2024/03/07 11:35:57:   The mask_snow is not yet available in SWIR sensor geometry. Use EnMAP_SWIR_SensorGeo.transform_vnir_to_swir_raster() to set it with a transformed version of the one provided in VNIR sensor geometry.


PASSED Test_EnMAPL1Product_SensorGeo::test_set_SWIRattr_with_transformedVNIRattr__attrIsNone 0:00:00.002920



Captured stdout call
2024/03/07 11:35:57:   Transforming the 'mask_haze' attribute from VNIR to SWIR sensor geometry.


PASSED Test_EnMAPL1Product_SensorGeo::test_transform_swir_to_vnir_raster__no_geolayer 0:00:00.002979




PASSED Test_EnMAPL1Product_SensorGeo::test_transform_swir_to_vnir_raster_no_keystone 0:00:02.056337




PASSED Test_EnMAPL1Product_SensorGeo::test_transform_vnir_to_swir_raster__no_geolayer 0:00:00.001288




PASSED Test_EnMAPL1Product_SensorGeo::test_transform_vnir_to_swir_raster_with_keystone 0:00:17.011711




tests/test_l1b_reader.py 10 0:01:52.361779

PASSED Test_L1B_Reader::test_append_100_lines 0:00:17.871442



Captured stdout call
2024/03/07 11:36:17:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:17:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:17:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:18:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:18:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:36:18:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:18:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:18:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:18:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:18:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:19:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:19:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:36:19:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:19:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:19:   Check new image for VNIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:36:19:   Append new image to VNIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0
2024/03/07 11:36:19:   Check new image for SWIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:36:19:   Append new image to SWIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0
2024/03/07 11:36:19:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmphhpg0aq0/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1
Writing GeoArray of size (200, 1000, 88) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmphhpg0aq0/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (200, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmphhpg0aq0/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_cloudmask.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (88, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmphhpg0aq0/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (200, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmphhpg0aq0/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_quicklook.png.
Writing GeoArray of size (200, 1000, 154) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmphhpg0aq0/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (154, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmphhpg0aq0/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (200, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmphhpg0aq0/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2_quicklook.png.
2024/03/07 11:36:19:   L1B product successfully written!
2024/03/07 11:36:19:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:20:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:20:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:20:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:20:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:36:20:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:20:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:20:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:21:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:21:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:36:21:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:21:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:21:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:21:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:21:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:22:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:22:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:36:22:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:22:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:22:   Check new image for VNIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:36:22:   Append new image to VNIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0
2024/03/07 11:36:22:   Check new image for SWIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:36:22:   Append new image to SWIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0
2024/03/07 11:36:22:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:36:23:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:36:23:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp9nkbkgbt/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1
Writing GeoArray of size (200, 1000, 88) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp9nkbkgbt/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (200, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp9nkbkgbt/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_cloudmask.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (88, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp9nkbkgbt/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (200, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp9nkbkgbt/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_quicklook.png.
Writing GeoArray of size (200, 1000, 154) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp9nkbkgbt/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (154, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp9nkbkgbt/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (200, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp9nkbkgbt/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2_quicklook.png.
2024/03/07 11:36:24:   L1B product successfully written!
2024/03/07 11:36:24:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:24:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:24:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:24:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:24:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:36:25:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:36:26:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:36:27:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:27:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:27:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:27:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:27:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:36:27:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:27:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:27:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:28:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:28:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:28:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:28:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:36:28:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:28:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:28:   Check new image for VNIR: AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:36:28:   Check new image for SWIR: AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:36:28:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpttjtec5h/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 88) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpttjtec5h/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpttjtec5h/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_cloudmask.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (88, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpttjtec5h/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpttjtec5h/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_quicklook.png.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 154) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpttjtec5h/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (154, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpttjtec5h/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpttjtec5h/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2_quicklook.png.
2024/03/07 11:36:29:   L1B product successfully written!
2024/03/07 11:36:29:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:29:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:29:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:29:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:29:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:36:29:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:30:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:30:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:30:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:30:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:36:30:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:30:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:30:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:30:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:30:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:31:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:31:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:36:31:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:31:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:31:   Check new image for VNIR: AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:36:31:   Check new image for SWIR: AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:36:31:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:36:32:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:36:32:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpsjq2knzh/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 88) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpsjq2knzh/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpsjq2knzh/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_cloudmask.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (88, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpsjq2knzh/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpsjq2knzh/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_quicklook.png.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 154) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpsjq2knzh/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (154, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpsjq2knzh/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpsjq2knzh/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2_quicklook.png.
2024/03/07 11:36:32:   L1B product successfully written!
2024/03/07 11:36:32:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:32:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:32:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:33:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:33:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:36:33:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:36:34:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
Captured stderr call
2024/03/07 11:36:19:   Could not append the 'mask_landwater' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:19:   Could not append the 'mask_cloudshadow' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:19:   Could not append the 'mask_haze' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:19:   Could not append the 'mask_snow' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:19:   Could not append the 'mask_cirrus' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:19:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_landwater' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:19:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cloudshadow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:19:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_haze' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:19:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_snow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:19:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cirrus' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:22:   Could not append the 'mask_landwater' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:22:   Could not append the 'mask_cloudshadow' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:22:   Could not append the 'mask_haze' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:22:   Could not append the 'mask_snow' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:22:   Could not append the 'mask_cirrus' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:24:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_landwater' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:24:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cloudshadow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:24:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_haze' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:24:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_snow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:24:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cirrus' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:28:   AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 and AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 don't fit to be appended.
2024/03/07 11:36:28:   AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 and AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 don't fit to be appended.
2024/03/07 11:36:28:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_landwater' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:28:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cloudshadow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:28:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_haze' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:28:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_snow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:28:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cirrus' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:31:   AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 and AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 don't fit to be appended.
2024/03/07 11:36:31:   AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 and AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 don't fit to be appended.
2024/03/07 11:36:32:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_landwater' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:32:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cloudshadow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:32:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_haze' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:32:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_snow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:32:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cirrus' as it does not exist in the current image.


PASSED Test_L1B_Reader::test_append_10_lines 0:00:16.816212



Captured stdout call
2024/03/07 11:36:35:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:35:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:35:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:36:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:36:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:36:36:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:36:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:36:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:36:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:36:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:37:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:37:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:36:37:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:37:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:37:   Check new image for VNIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:36:37:   Append new image to VNIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0
2024/03/07 11:36:37:   Check new image for SWIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:36:37:   Append new image to SWIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0
2024/03/07 11:36:37:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpu183nr4y/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1
Writing GeoArray of size (150, 1000, 88) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpu183nr4y/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (150, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpu183nr4y/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_cloudmask.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (88, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpu183nr4y/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (150, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpu183nr4y/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_quicklook.png.
Writing GeoArray of size (150, 1000, 154) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpu183nr4y/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (154, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpu183nr4y/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (150, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpu183nr4y/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2_quicklook.png.
2024/03/07 11:36:37:   L1B product successfully written!
2024/03/07 11:36:37:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:38:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:38:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:38:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:38:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:36:38:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:39:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:39:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:39:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:39:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:36:39:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:39:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:39:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:39:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:39:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:40:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:40:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:36:40:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:40:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:40:   Check new image for VNIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:36:40:   Append new image to VNIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0
2024/03/07 11:36:40:   Check new image for SWIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:36:40:   Append new image to SWIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0
2024/03/07 11:36:40:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:36:41:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:36:41:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp8tclqvbr/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1
Writing GeoArray of size (150, 1000, 88) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp8tclqvbr/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (150, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp8tclqvbr/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_cloudmask.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (88, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp8tclqvbr/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (150, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp8tclqvbr/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_quicklook.png.
Writing GeoArray of size (150, 1000, 154) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp8tclqvbr/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (154, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp8tclqvbr/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (150, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp8tclqvbr/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2_quicklook.png.
2024/03/07 11:36:42:   L1B product successfully written!
2024/03/07 11:36:42:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:42:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:42:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:42:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:42:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:36:42:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:36:43:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:36:44:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:44:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:44:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:44:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:44:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:36:44:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:45:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:45:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:45:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:45:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:45:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:45:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:36:45:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:45:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:46:   Check new image for VNIR: AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:36:46:   Check new image for SWIR: AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:36:46:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp_4p0om74/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 88) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp_4p0om74/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp_4p0om74/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_cloudmask.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (88, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp_4p0om74/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp_4p0om74/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_quicklook.png.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 154) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp_4p0om74/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (154, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp_4p0om74/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp_4p0om74/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2_quicklook.png.
2024/03/07 11:36:46:   L1B product successfully written!
2024/03/07 11:36:46:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:46:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:46:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:46:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:47:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:36:47:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:47:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:47:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:47:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:47:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:36:47:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:48:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:48:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:48:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:48:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:48:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:48:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:36:48:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:48:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:49:   Check new image for VNIR: AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:36:49:   Check new image for SWIR: AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:36:49:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:36:49:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:36:49:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpddwufdc0/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 88) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpddwufdc0/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpddwufdc0/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_cloudmask.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (88, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpddwufdc0/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpddwufdc0/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_quicklook.png.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 154) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpddwufdc0/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (154, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpddwufdc0/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpddwufdc0/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2_quicklook.png.
2024/03/07 11:36:50:   L1B product successfully written!
2024/03/07 11:36:50:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:50:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:50:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:50:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:50:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:36:50:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:36:51:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
Captured stderr call
2024/03/07 11:36:37:   A minimum of 50 lines is required, only 10 were selected
2024/03/07 11:36:37:   Set the number of line to 50
2024/03/07 11:36:37:   Could not append the 'mask_landwater' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:37:   Could not append the 'mask_cloudshadow' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:37:   Could not append the 'mask_haze' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:37:   Could not append the 'mask_snow' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:37:   Could not append the 'mask_cirrus' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:37:   A minimum of 50 lines is required, only 10 were selected
2024/03/07 11:36:37:   Set the number of line to 50
2024/03/07 11:36:37:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_landwater' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:37:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cloudshadow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:37:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_haze' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:37:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_snow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:37:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cirrus' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:40:   A minimum of 50 lines is required, only 10 were selected
2024/03/07 11:36:40:   Set the number of line to 50
2024/03/07 11:36:40:   Could not append the 'mask_landwater' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:40:   Could not append the 'mask_cloudshadow' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:40:   Could not append the 'mask_haze' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:40:   Could not append the 'mask_snow' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:40:   Could not append the 'mask_cirrus' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:40:   A minimum of 50 lines is required, only 10 were selected
2024/03/07 11:36:40:   Set the number of line to 50
2024/03/07 11:36:41:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_landwater' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:41:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cloudshadow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:41:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_haze' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:41:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_snow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:41:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cirrus' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:46:   AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 and AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 don't fit to be appended.
2024/03/07 11:36:46:   AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 and AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 don't fit to be appended.
2024/03/07 11:36:46:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_landwater' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:46:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cloudshadow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:46:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_haze' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:46:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_snow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:46:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cirrus' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:49:   AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 and AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 don't fit to be appended.
2024/03/07 11:36:49:   AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 and AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 don't fit to be appended.
2024/03/07 11:36:49:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_landwater' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:49:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cloudshadow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:49:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_haze' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:49:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_snow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:49:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cirrus' as it does not exist in the current image.


PASSED Test_L1B_Reader::test_append_150_lines 0:00:17.128040



Captured stdout call
2024/03/07 11:36:52:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:52:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:52:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:53:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:53:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:36:53:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:53:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:53:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:53:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:53:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:53:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:53:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:36:53:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:54:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:54:   Check new image for VNIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:36:54:   Append new image to VNIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0
2024/03/07 11:36:54:   Check new image for SWIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:36:54:   Append new image to SWIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0
2024/03/07 11:36:54:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp0lq6j7hg/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1
Writing GeoArray of size (200, 1000, 88) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp0lq6j7hg/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (200, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp0lq6j7hg/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_cloudmask.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (88, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp0lq6j7hg/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (200, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp0lq6j7hg/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_quicklook.png.
Writing GeoArray of size (200, 1000, 154) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp0lq6j7hg/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (154, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp0lq6j7hg/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (200, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp0lq6j7hg/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2_quicklook.png.
2024/03/07 11:36:54:   L1B product successfully written!
2024/03/07 11:36:54:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:54:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:54:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:55:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:55:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:36:55:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:55:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:55:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:56:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:56:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:36:56:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:56:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:56:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:56:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:56:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:56:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:57:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:36:57:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:57:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:57:   Check new image for VNIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:36:57:   Append new image to VNIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0
2024/03/07 11:36:57:   Check new image for SWIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:36:57:   Append new image to SWIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0
2024/03/07 11:36:57:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:36:58:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:36:58:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpq1xxwr0s/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1
Writing GeoArray of size (200, 1000, 88) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpq1xxwr0s/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (200, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpq1xxwr0s/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_cloudmask.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (88, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpq1xxwr0s/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (200, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpq1xxwr0s/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_quicklook.png.
Writing GeoArray of size (200, 1000, 154) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpq1xxwr0s/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (154, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpq1xxwr0s/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (200, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpq1xxwr0s/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2_quicklook.png.
2024/03/07 11:36:59:   L1B product successfully written!
2024/03/07 11:36:59:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:59:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:59:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:36:59:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:36:59:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:36:59:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:37:01:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:37:01:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:01:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:01:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:02:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:02:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:02:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:02:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:02:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:02:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:02:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:03:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:03:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:03:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:03:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:03:   Check new image for VNIR: AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:37:03:   Check new image for SWIR: AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:37:03:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpvaskoxwr/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 88) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpvaskoxwr/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpvaskoxwr/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_cloudmask.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (88, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpvaskoxwr/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpvaskoxwr/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_quicklook.png.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 154) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpvaskoxwr/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (154, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpvaskoxwr/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpvaskoxwr/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2_quicklook.png.
2024/03/07 11:37:03:   L1B product successfully written!
2024/03/07 11:37:03:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:03:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:03:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:04:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:04:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:04:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:04:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:04:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:05:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:05:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:05:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:05:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:05:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:05:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:05:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:05:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:05:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:05:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:06:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:06:   Check new image for VNIR: AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:37:06:   Check new image for SWIR: AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:37:06:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:37:06:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:37:06:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp15kes8ov/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 88) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp15kes8ov/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp15kes8ov/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_cloudmask.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (88, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp15kes8ov/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp15kes8ov/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_quicklook.png.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 154) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp15kes8ov/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (154, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp15kes8ov/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp15kes8ov/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2_quicklook.png.
2024/03/07 11:37:07:   L1B product successfully written!
2024/03/07 11:37:07:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:07:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:07:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:07:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:07:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:07:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:37:08:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
Captured stderr call
2024/03/07 11:36:54:   n_lines (150) exceeds the total number of line of second image
2024/03/07 11:36:54:   Set to the image number of line
2024/03/07 11:36:54:   Could not append the 'mask_landwater' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:54:   Could not append the 'mask_cloudshadow' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:54:   Could not append the 'mask_haze' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:54:   Could not append the 'mask_snow' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:54:   Could not append the 'mask_cirrus' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:54:   n_lines (150) exceeds the total number of line of second image
2024/03/07 11:36:54:   Set to the image number of line
2024/03/07 11:36:54:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_landwater' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:54:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cloudshadow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:54:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_haze' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:54:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_snow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:54:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cirrus' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:57:   n_lines (150) exceeds the total number of line of second image
2024/03/07 11:36:57:   Set to the image number of line
2024/03/07 11:36:57:   Could not append the 'mask_landwater' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:57:   Could not append the 'mask_cloudshadow' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:57:   Could not append the 'mask_haze' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:57:   Could not append the 'mask_snow' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:57:   Could not append the 'mask_cirrus' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:57:   n_lines (150) exceeds the total number of line of second image
2024/03/07 11:36:57:   Set to the image number of line
2024/03/07 11:36:58:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_landwater' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:58:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cloudshadow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:58:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_haze' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:58:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_snow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:36:58:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cirrus' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:03:   AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 and AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 don't fit to be appended.
2024/03/07 11:37:03:   AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 and AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 don't fit to be appended.
2024/03/07 11:37:03:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_landwater' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:03:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cloudshadow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:03:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_haze' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:03:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_snow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:03:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cirrus' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:06:   AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 and AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 don't fit to be appended.
2024/03/07 11:37:06:   AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 and AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 don't fit to be appended.
2024/03/07 11:37:06:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_landwater' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:07:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cloudshadow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:07:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_haze' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:07:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_snow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:07:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cirrus' as it does not exist in the current image.


PASSED Test_L1B_Reader::test_append_50_lines 0:00:15.823158



Captured stdout call
2024/03/07 11:37:09:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:09:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:09:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:10:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:10:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:10:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:10:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:10:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:10:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:10:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:10:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:10:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:10:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:11:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:11:   Check new image for VNIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:37:11:   Append new image to VNIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0
2024/03/07 11:37:11:   Check new image for SWIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:37:11:   Append new image to SWIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0
2024/03/07 11:37:11:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpvtmbfyod/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1
Writing GeoArray of size (150, 1000, 88) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpvtmbfyod/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (150, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpvtmbfyod/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_cloudmask.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (88, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpvtmbfyod/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (150, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpvtmbfyod/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_quicklook.png.
Writing GeoArray of size (150, 1000, 154) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpvtmbfyod/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (154, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpvtmbfyod/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (150, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpvtmbfyod/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2_quicklook.png.
2024/03/07 11:37:11:   L1B product successfully written!
2024/03/07 11:37:11:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:11:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:11:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:12:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:12:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:12:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:12:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:12:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:12:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:12:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:12:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:12:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:13:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:13:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:13:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:13:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:13:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:13:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:14:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:14:   Check new image for VNIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:37:14:   Append new image to VNIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0
2024/03/07 11:37:14:   Check new image for SWIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:37:14:   Append new image to SWIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0
2024/03/07 11:37:14:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:37:15:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:37:15:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpog63sty5/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1
Writing GeoArray of size (150, 1000, 88) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpog63sty5/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (150, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpog63sty5/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_cloudmask.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (88, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpog63sty5/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (150, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpog63sty5/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_quicklook.png.
Writing GeoArray of size (150, 1000, 154) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpog63sty5/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (154, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpog63sty5/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (150, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpog63sty5/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2_quicklook.png.
2024/03/07 11:37:15:   L1B product successfully written!
2024/03/07 11:37:15:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:15:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:16:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:16:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:16:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:16:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:37:17:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:37:17:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:17:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:17:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:18:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:18:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:18:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:18:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:18:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:18:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:18:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:19:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:19:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:19:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:19:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:19:   Check new image for VNIR: AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:37:19:   Check new image for SWIR: AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:37:19:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmptpi84x9q/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 88) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmptpi84x9q/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmptpi84x9q/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_cloudmask.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (88, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmptpi84x9q/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmptpi84x9q/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_quicklook.png.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 154) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmptpi84x9q/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (154, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmptpi84x9q/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmptpi84x9q/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2_quicklook.png.
2024/03/07 11:37:19:   L1B product successfully written!
2024/03/07 11:37:19:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:20:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:20:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:20:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:20:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:20:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:20:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:20:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:21:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:21:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:21:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:21:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:21:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:21:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:21:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:21:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:21:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:21:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:22:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:22:   Check new image for VNIR: AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:37:22:   Check new image for SWIR: AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:37:22:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:37:22:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:37:22:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp8wqpg7nj/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 88) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp8wqpg7nj/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp8wqpg7nj/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_cloudmask.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (88, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp8wqpg7nj/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp8wqpg7nj/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_quicklook.png.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 154) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp8wqpg7nj/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (154, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp8wqpg7nj/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp8wqpg7nj/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2_quicklook.png.
2024/03/07 11:37:23:   L1B product successfully written!
2024/03/07 11:37:23:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:23:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:23:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:23:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:23:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:23:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:37:24:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
Captured stderr call
2024/03/07 11:37:11:   Could not append the 'mask_landwater' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:11:   Could not append the 'mask_cloudshadow' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:11:   Could not append the 'mask_haze' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:11:   Could not append the 'mask_snow' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:11:   Could not append the 'mask_cirrus' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:11:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_landwater' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:11:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cloudshadow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:11:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_haze' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:11:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_snow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:11:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cirrus' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:14:   Could not append the 'mask_landwater' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:14:   Could not append the 'mask_cloudshadow' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:14:   Could not append the 'mask_haze' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:14:   Could not append the 'mask_snow' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:14:   Could not append the 'mask_cirrus' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:15:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_landwater' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:15:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cloudshadow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:15:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_haze' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:15:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_snow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:15:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cirrus' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:19:   AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 and AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 don't fit to be appended.
2024/03/07 11:37:19:   AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 and AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 don't fit to be appended.
2024/03/07 11:37:19:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_landwater' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:19:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cloudshadow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:19:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_haze' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:19:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_snow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:19:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cirrus' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:22:   AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 and AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 don't fit to be appended.
2024/03/07 11:37:22:   AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 and AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 don't fit to be appended.
2024/03/07 11:37:22:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_landwater' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:22:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cloudshadow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:22:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_haze' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:22:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_snow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:22:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cirrus' as it does not exist in the current image.


PASSED Test_L1B_Reader::test_append_80_lines 0:00:17.356131



Captured stdout call
2024/03/07 11:37:25:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:25:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:25:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:25:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:25:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:25:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:25:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:26:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:26:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:26:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:26:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:26:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:26:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:26:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:26:   Check new image for VNIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:37:26:   Append new image to VNIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0
2024/03/07 11:37:26:   Check new image for SWIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:37:26:   Append new image to SWIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0
2024/03/07 11:37:27:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp5ey7ggop/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1
Writing GeoArray of size (180, 1000, 88) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp5ey7ggop/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (180, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp5ey7ggop/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_cloudmask.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (88, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp5ey7ggop/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (180, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp5ey7ggop/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_quicklook.png.
Writing GeoArray of size (180, 1000, 154) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp5ey7ggop/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (154, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp5ey7ggop/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (180, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp5ey7ggop/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2_quicklook.png.
2024/03/07 11:37:27:   L1B product successfully written!
2024/03/07 11:37:27:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:27:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:27:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:27:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:27:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:28:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:28:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:28:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:28:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:28:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:28:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:28:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:28:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:29:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:29:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:29:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:29:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:29:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:29:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:29:   Check new image for VNIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:37:29:   Append new image to VNIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0
2024/03/07 11:37:29:   Check new image for SWIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:37:29:   Append new image to SWIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0
2024/03/07 11:37:29:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:37:31:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:37:31:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpurb6zmds/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1
Writing GeoArray of size (180, 1000, 88) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpurb6zmds/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (180, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpurb6zmds/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_cloudmask.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (88, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpurb6zmds/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (180, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpurb6zmds/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_quicklook.png.
Writing GeoArray of size (180, 1000, 154) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpurb6zmds/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (154, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpurb6zmds/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (180, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpurb6zmds/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2_quicklook.png.
2024/03/07 11:37:31:   L1B product successfully written!
2024/03/07 11:37:31:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:31:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:31:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:32:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:32:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:32:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:37:34:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:37:34:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:34:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:34:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:35:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:35:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:35:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:35:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:35:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:35:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:35:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:36:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:36:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:36:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:36:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:36:   Check new image for VNIR: AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:37:36:   Check new image for SWIR: AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:37:36:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpdy0lgb39/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 88) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpdy0lgb39/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpdy0lgb39/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_cloudmask.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (88, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpdy0lgb39/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpdy0lgb39/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_quicklook.png.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 154) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpdy0lgb39/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (154, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpdy0lgb39/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpdy0lgb39/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2_quicklook.png.
2024/03/07 11:37:36:   L1B product successfully written!
2024/03/07 11:37:36:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:37:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:37:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:37:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:37:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:37:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:37:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:37:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:38:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:38:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:38:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:38:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:38:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:38:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:38:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:38:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:39:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:39:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:39:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:39:   Check new image for VNIR: AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:37:39:   Check new image for SWIR: AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:37:39:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:37:39:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:37:39:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp0n4p2wga/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 88) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp0n4p2wga/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp0n4p2wga/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_cloudmask.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (88, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp0n4p2wga/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp0n4p2wga/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_quicklook.png.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 154) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp0n4p2wga/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (154, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp0n4p2wga/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmp0n4p2wga/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2_quicklook.png.
2024/03/07 11:37:40:   L1B product successfully written!
2024/03/07 11:37:40:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:40:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:40:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:40:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:40:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:40:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:37:41:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
Captured stderr call
2024/03/07 11:37:26:   Could not append the 'mask_landwater' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:26:   Could not append the 'mask_cloudshadow' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:26:   Could not append the 'mask_haze' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:26:   Could not append the 'mask_snow' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:26:   Could not append the 'mask_cirrus' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:27:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_landwater' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:27:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cloudshadow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:27:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_haze' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:27:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_snow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:27:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cirrus' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:29:   Could not append the 'mask_landwater' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:29:   Could not append the 'mask_cloudshadow' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:29:   Could not append the 'mask_haze' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:29:   Could not append the 'mask_snow' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:29:   Could not append the 'mask_cirrus' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:31:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_landwater' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:31:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cloudshadow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:31:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_haze' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:31:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_snow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:31:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cirrus' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:36:   AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 and AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 don't fit to be appended.
2024/03/07 11:37:36:   AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 and AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 don't fit to be appended.
2024/03/07 11:37:36:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_landwater' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:36:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cloudshadow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:36:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_haze' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:36:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_snow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:36:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cirrus' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:39:   AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 and AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 don't fit to be appended.
2024/03/07 11:37:39:   AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 and AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 don't fit to be appended.
2024/03/07 11:37:40:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_landwater' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:40:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cloudshadow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:40:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_haze' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:40:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_snow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:40:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cirrus' as it does not exist in the current image.


PASSED Test_L1B_Reader::test_append_all_lines 0:00:17.002753



Captured stdout call
2024/03/07 11:37:42:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:42:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:42:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:43:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:43:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:43:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:43:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:43:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:43:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:43:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:44:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:44:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:44:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:44:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:44:   Check new image for VNIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:37:44:   Append new image to VNIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0
2024/03/07 11:37:44:   Check new image for SWIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:37:44:   Append new image to SWIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0
2024/03/07 11:37:44:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpa2ar6gz4/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1
Writing GeoArray of size (200, 1000, 88) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpa2ar6gz4/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (200, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpa2ar6gz4/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_cloudmask.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (88, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpa2ar6gz4/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (200, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpa2ar6gz4/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_quicklook.png.
Writing GeoArray of size (200, 1000, 154) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpa2ar6gz4/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (154, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpa2ar6gz4/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (200, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpa2ar6gz4/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2_quicklook.png.
2024/03/07 11:37:44:   L1B product successfully written!
2024/03/07 11:37:44:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:45:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:45:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:45:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:45:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:45:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:45:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:45:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:46:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:46:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:46:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:46:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:46:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:46:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:46:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:47:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:47:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:47:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:47:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:47:   Check new image for VNIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:37:47:   Append new image to VNIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0
2024/03/07 11:37:47:   Check new image for SWIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:37:47:   Append new image to SWIR: AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0
2024/03/07 11:37:47:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:37:48:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:37:48:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpigwbgf1d/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1
Writing GeoArray of size (200, 1000, 88) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpigwbgf1d/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (200, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpigwbgf1d/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_cloudmask.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (88, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpigwbgf1d/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (200, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpigwbgf1d/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_quicklook.png.
Writing GeoArray of size (200, 1000, 154) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpigwbgf1d/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (154, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpigwbgf1d/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (200, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpigwbgf1d/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2_quicklook.png.
2024/03/07 11:37:49:   L1B product successfully written!
2024/03/07 11:37:49:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:49:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:49:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:49:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:50:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:50:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:37:51:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:37:51:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:52:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:52:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:52:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:52:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:52:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:52:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:52:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:53:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:53:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:53:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:53:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:53:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:53:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:53:   Check new image for VNIR: AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:37:53:   Check new image for SWIR: AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:37:53:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpw04nkbnp/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 88) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpw04nkbnp/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpw04nkbnp/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_cloudmask.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (88, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpw04nkbnp/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpw04nkbnp/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_quicklook.png.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 154) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpw04nkbnp/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (154, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpw04nkbnp/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpw04nkbnp/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2_quicklook.png.
2024/03/07 11:37:53:   L1B product successfully written!
2024/03/07 11:37:53:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:54:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:54:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:54:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:54:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:54:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:54:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:54:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:55:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:55:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:55:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:55:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:55:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:55:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:55:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:56:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:56:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:56:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:56:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:56:   Check new image for VNIR: AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:37:56:   Check new image for SWIR: AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 
2024/03/07 11:37:56:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:37:57:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:37:57:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpklnb47rc/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 88) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpklnb47rc/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpklnb47rc/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_cloudmask.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (88, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpklnb47rc/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpklnb47rc/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1_quicklook.png.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 154) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpklnb47rc/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (154, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpklnb47rc/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpklnb47rc/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest2_D2_quicklook.png.
2024/03/07 11:37:57:   L1B product successfully written!
2024/03/07 11:37:57:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:57:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:57:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:58:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:58:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:37:58:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:37:58:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
Captured stderr call
2024/03/07 11:37:44:   Could not append the 'mask_landwater' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:44:   Could not append the 'mask_cloudshadow' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:44:   Could not append the 'mask_haze' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:44:   Could not append the 'mask_snow' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:44:   Could not append the 'mask_cirrus' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:44:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_landwater' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:44:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cloudshadow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:44:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_haze' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:44:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_snow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:44:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cirrus' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:47:   Could not append the 'mask_landwater' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:47:   Could not append the 'mask_cloudshadow' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:47:   Could not append the 'mask_haze' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:47:   Could not append the 'mask_snow' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:47:   Could not append the 'mask_cirrus' attribute as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:49:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_landwater' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:49:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cloudshadow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:49:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_haze' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:49:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_snow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:49:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cirrus' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:53:   AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 and AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 don't fit to be appended.
2024/03/07 11:37:53:   AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 and AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 don't fit to be appended.
2024/03/07 11:37:53:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_landwater' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:53:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cloudshadow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:53:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_haze' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:53:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_snow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:53:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cirrus' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:56:   AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 and AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 don't fit to be appended.
2024/03/07 11:37:56:   AlpineTest2_CWV2_SM0 and AlpineTest1_CWV2_SM0 don't fit to be appended.
2024/03/07 11:37:57:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_landwater' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:57:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cloudshadow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:57:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_haze' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:57:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_snow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:37:57:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cirrus' as it does not exist in the current image.


PASSED Test_L1B_Reader::test_read_and_save_single_image_no_snr 0:00:02.490211

Test to read test image 1, save it and read the saved result again - without SNR.



Captured stdout call
2024/03/07 11:37:59:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:37:59:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:37:59:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:00:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:00:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:38:00:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:00:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:00:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpdbibs37q/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 88) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpdbibs37q/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpdbibs37q/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_cloudmask.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (88, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpdbibs37q/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpdbibs37q/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_quicklook.png.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 154) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpdbibs37q/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (154, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpdbibs37q/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpdbibs37q/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2_quicklook.png.
2024/03/07 11:38:00:   L1B product successfully written!
2024/03/07 11:38:00:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:00:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:01:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:01:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:01:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
Captured stderr call
2024/03/07 11:38:00:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_landwater' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:38:00:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cloudshadow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:38:00:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_haze' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:38:00:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_snow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:38:00:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cirrus' as it does not exist in the current image.


PASSED Test_L1B_Reader::test_read_and_save_single_image_with_snr 0:00:03.196846

Test to read test image 1, save it and read the saved result again - with SNR.



Captured stdout call
2024/03/07 11:38:02:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:02:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:02:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:02:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:02:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:38:02:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:02:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:03:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:38:03:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:38:03:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpakh5ex6g/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 88) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpakh5ex6g/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpakh5ex6g/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_cloudmask.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (88, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpakh5ex6g/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpakh5ex6g/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1_quicklook.png.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 154) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpakh5ex6g/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2.bsq.
Writing GeoArray of size (154, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpakh5ex6g/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2_deadpixelmap.tif.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/tmpakh5ex6g/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D1/EnMAP_AlpineTest1_D2_quicklook.png.
2024/03/07 11:38:03:   L1B product successfully written!
2024/03/07 11:38:04:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:04:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:04:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:04:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:04:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
Captured stderr call
2024/03/07 11:38:03:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_landwater' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:38:03:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cloudshadow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:38:03:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_haze' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:38:03:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_snow' as it does not exist in the current image.
2024/03/07 11:38:03:   Could not save the VNIR attribute 'mask_cirrus' as it does not exist in the current image.


PASSED Test_L1B_Reader_DLR::test_read_inputdata 0:00:02.628750



Captured stdout call
2024/03/07 11:38:05:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:05:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:05:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:05:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:05:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:38:06:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:06:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:06:   Computing VNIR geolayer...
2024/03/07 11:38:06:   Computing SWIR geolayer...
2024/03/07 11:38:06:   Write product to: /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/no_snr/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 88) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/no_snr/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-SPECTRAL_IMAGE_VNIR.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/no_snr/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_QUALITY_CLASSES.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/no_snr/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_QUALITY_CLOUD.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/no_snr/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_QUALITY_CLOUDSHADOW.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/no_snr/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_QUALITY_HAZE.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/no_snr/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_QUALITY_SNOW.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/no_snr/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_QUALITY_CIRRUS.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 88) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/no_snr/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_PIXELMASK_VNIR.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/no_snr/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_VNIR.png.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 124) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/no_snr/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-SPECTRAL_IMAGE_SWIR.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 124) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/no_snr/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_PIXELMASK_SWIR.TIF.
Writing GeoArray of size (100, 1000, 3) to /builds/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT/tests/data/test_outputs/no_snr/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z/ENMAP01-____L1B-DT000400126_20170218T110115Z_002_V000204_20200206T182719Z-QL_SWIR.png.
2024/03/07 11:38:07:   L1B product successfully written!
Captured stderr call
2024/03/07 11:38:04:   The input EnMAP Level-1B image was processed with an old version of the ground segment processing system (version 00.02.04), which, e.g. did not include de-striping. It is highly recommended to re-download the dataset in the latest processing version from the archive via the EOWEB GeoPortal (www.eoweb.dlr.de) before passing it to EnPT.


PASSED Test_L1B_Reader_DLR::test_read_inputdata_dont_drop_bad_bands 0:00:02.048236



Captured stdout call
2024/03/07 11:38:07:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:07:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:07:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:08:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:08:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:38:08:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:08:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:08:   Computing VNIR geolayer...
2024/03/07 11:38:09:   Computing SWIR geolayer...
Captured stderr call
2024/03/07 11:38:07:   The input EnMAP Level-1B image was processed with an old version of the ground segment processing system (version 00.02.04), which, e.g. did not include de-striping. It is highly recommended to re-download the dataset in the latest processing version from the archive via the EOWEB GeoPortal (www.eoweb.dlr.de) before passing it to EnPT.


tests/test_orthorectification.py 10 0:00:26.006993

PASSED Test_Orthorectifier::test_run_transformation_ll 0:00:05.229536



Captured stdout call
2024/03/07 11:38:09:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:09:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:09:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:10:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:10:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:38:10:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:10:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:10:   Starting orthorectification...
2024/03/07 11:38:10:   Computed common target extent of orthorectified image (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax in EPSG 4326): (10.691214991975885, 47.455058810417405, 11.070768, 47.540321)
2024/03/07 11:38:10:   Orthorectifying VNIR data using 'bilinear' resampling algorithm...
2024/03/07 11:38:11:   Orthorectifying SWIR data using 'bilinear' resampling algorithm...
2024/03/07 11:38:12:   Merging VNIR and SWIR data...
2024/03/07 11:38:12:   Orthorectifying 'mask_clouds' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:38:13:   Setting all pixels to nodata that have values in the VNIR or the SWIR only...
2024/03/07 11:38:13:   Generating L2A metadata...


PASSED Test_Orthorectifier::test_run_transformation_utm 0:00:05.456504



Captured stdout call
2024/03/07 11:38:14:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:15:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:15:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:15:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:15:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:38:15:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:15:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:15:   Starting orthorectification...
2024/03/07 11:38:16:   Computed common target extent of orthorectified image (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax in EPSG 32632): (627300.0, 5257770.0, 656040.0, 5266620.0)
2024/03/07 11:38:16:   Orthorectifying VNIR data using 'bilinear' resampling algorithm...
2024/03/07 11:38:16:   Orthorectifying SWIR data using 'bilinear' resampling algorithm...
2024/03/07 11:38:18:   Merging VNIR and SWIR data...
2024/03/07 11:38:18:   Orthorectifying 'mask_clouds' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:38:18:   Setting all pixels to nodata that have values in the VNIR or the SWIR only...
2024/03/07 11:38:19:   Generating L2A metadata...


PASSED Test_Orthorectifier_DLR::test_run_transformation_ll 0:00:07.121108



Captured stdout call
2024/03/07 11:38:20:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:20:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:20:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:21:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:21:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:38:21:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:21:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:21:   Computing VNIR geolayer...
2024/03/07 11:38:22:   Computing SWIR geolayer...
2024/03/07 11:38:22:   Starting orthorectification...
2024/03/07 11:38:22:   Computed common target extent of orthorectified image (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax in EPSG 4326): (-1.2717290915354968, 44.60009471477741, -0.9054060033197534, 44.68406888113938)
2024/03/07 11:38:22:   Orthorectifying VNIR data using 'bilinear' resampling algorithm...
2024/03/07 11:38:23:   Orthorectifying SWIR data using 'bilinear' resampling algorithm...
2024/03/07 11:38:24:   Merging VNIR and SWIR data...
2024/03/07 11:38:24:   Orthorectifying 'mask_landwater' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:38:24:   Orthorectifying 'mask_clouds' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:38:24:   Orthorectifying 'mask_cloudshadow' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:38:25:   Orthorectifying 'mask_haze' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:38:25:   Orthorectifying 'mask_snow' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:38:25:   Orthorectifying 'mask_cirrus' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:38:25:   Setting all pixels to nodata that have values in the VNIR or the SWIR only...
2024/03/07 11:38:26:   Generating L2A metadata...
Captured stderr call
2024/03/07 11:38:20:   The input EnMAP Level-1B image was processed with an old version of the ground segment processing system (version 00.02.04), which, e.g. did not include de-striping. It is highly recommended to re-download the dataset in the latest processing version from the archive via the EOWEB GeoPortal (www.eoweb.dlr.de) before passing it to EnPT.


PASSED Test_Orthorectifier_DLR::test_run_transformation_utm 0:00:08.139614



Captured stdout call
2024/03/07 11:38:27:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:27:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:27:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:28:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:28:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:38:28:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:28:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:28:   Computing VNIR geolayer...
2024/03/07 11:38:29:   Computing SWIR geolayer...
2024/03/07 11:38:29:   Starting orthorectification...
2024/03/07 11:38:29:   Computed common target extent of orthorectified image (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax in EPSG 32630): (636990.0, 4940640.0, 666180.0, 4949340.0)
2024/03/07 11:38:29:   Orthorectifying VNIR data using 'bilinear' resampling algorithm...
2024/03/07 11:38:30:   Orthorectifying SWIR data using 'bilinear' resampling algorithm...
2024/03/07 11:38:31:   Merging VNIR and SWIR data...
2024/03/07 11:38:31:   Orthorectifying 'mask_landwater' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:38:32:   Orthorectifying 'mask_clouds' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:38:32:   Orthorectifying 'mask_cloudshadow' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:38:32:   Orthorectifying 'mask_haze' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:38:32:   Orthorectifying 'mask_snow' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:38:33:   Orthorectifying 'mask_cirrus' attribute...
2024/03/07 11:38:33:   Setting all pixels to nodata that have values in the VNIR or the SWIR only...
2024/03/07 11:38:34:   Generating L2A metadata...
Captured stderr call
2024/03/07 11:38:27:   The input EnMAP Level-1B image was processed with an old version of the ground segment processing system (version 00.02.04), which, e.g. did not include de-striping. It is highly recommended to re-download the dataset in the latest processing version from the archive via the EOWEB GeoPortal (www.eoweb.dlr.de) before passing it to EnPT.


PASSED Test_VNIR_SWIR_Stacker::test_compute_stack 0:00:00.008869




PASSED Test_VNIR_SWIR_Stacker::test_get_stack_average 0:00:00.010567




PASSED Test_VNIR_SWIR_Stacker::test_get_stack_order_by_wvl 0:00:00.009951




PASSED Test_VNIR_SWIR_Stacker::test_get_stack_swir_only 0:00:00.009274




PASSED Test_VNIR_SWIR_Stacker::test_get_stack_vnir_only 0:00:00.008594




PASSED Test_VNIR_SWIR_Stacker::test_validate_input 0:00:00.012975




tests/test_radiometric_transform.py 1 0:00:04.301593

PASSED Test_Radiometric_Transformer::test_transform_TOARad2TOARef 0:00:04.301593



Captured stdout call
Tmp dir: /tmp/tmpn3mcugi_
2024/03/07 11:38:35:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:35:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:35:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:36:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:36:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:38:36:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:36:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:36:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:38:37:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:38:37:   Converting TOA radiance to TOA reflectance for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:37:   Converting TOA radiance to TOA reflectance for SWIR detector...
Tmp dir: /tmp/tmp1d4gpol_
2024/03/07 11:38:37:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:38:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:38:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:38:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:38:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:38:38:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:38:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:38:   Computing SNR from VNIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:38:39:   Computing SNR from SWIR TOA radiance.
2024/03/07 11:38:39:   Converting TOA radiance to TOA reflectance for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:39:   Converting TOA radiance to TOA reflectance for SWIR detector...


tests/test_spatial_optimization.py 1 0:00:07.914493

PASSED Test_Spatial_Optimizer::test_optimize_geolayer 0:00:07.914493



Captured stdout call
2024/03/07 11:38:40:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:40:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:40:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:40:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:40:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:38:41:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:41:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:41:   Computing VNIR geolayer...
2024/03/07 11:38:41:   Computing SWIR geolayer...
2024/03/07 11:38:42:   Temporarily transforming EnMAP band 40 to map geometry for co-registration.
2024/03/07 11:38:42:   Temporarily transforming EnMAP water mask to map geometry for co-registration.
2024/03/07 11:38:42:   Preparing reference image for co-registration.
2024/03/07 11:38:43:   Computing tie points between the EnMAP image and the given spatial reference image.
Calculating footprint polygon and actual data corner coordinates for reference image...
Bounding box of calculated footprint for reference image:
	(637005.0, 4940640.0, 666300.0, 4949895.0)
Bounding box of calculated footprint for image to be shifted:
	(637009.9236523756, 4940648.633479693, 666298.6703669054, 4949893.375184522)
Matching window position (X,Y): 651655.4222751356/4945271.096554121
Target window size (256, 256) not possible due to too small overlap area or window position too close to an image edge. New matching window size: (164, 164).
Initializing tie points grid...
With respect to the provided bad data mask(s) 81 points of initially 242 have been excluded.
Calculating tie point grid (161 points) using 24 CPU cores...
Found 131 matches.
Performing validity checks...
41 tie points flagged by level 1 filtering (reliability).
63 tie points flagged by level 2 filtering (SSIM).
4 tie points flagged by level 3 filtering (RANSAC)
47 valid tie points remain after filtering.
2024/03/07 11:38:46:   Generating misregistration array.
interpolation runtime: 0.16s
interpolation runtime: 0.15s
2024/03/07 11:38:47:   Transforming spatial optimization results back to sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:38:47:   Applying results of spatial optimization to geolayer.
Captured stderr call
2024/03/07 11:38:39:   The input EnMAP Level-1B image was processed with an old version of the ground segment processing system (version 00.02.04), which, e.g. did not include de-striping. It is highly recommended to re-download the dataset in the latest processing version from the archive via the EOWEB GeoPortal (www.eoweb.dlr.de) before passing it to EnPT.
2024/03/07 11:38:42:   Statically using band 40 for co-registration.

Warping progress     |--------------------------------------------------| 0.0% Complete  => 0:00:00
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Warping progress     |==================================================| 99.0% Complete  => 0:00:00
Warping progress     |==================================================| 100.0% Complete  => 0:00:00

	progress: |--------------------------------------------------| 0.0% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |--------------------------------------------------| 0.6% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |====----------------------------------------------| 7.5% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |=======-------------------------------------------| 13.7% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |===========---------------------------------------| 23.0% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |=================---------------------------------| 33.5% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |====================------------------------------| 41.0% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |=========================-------------------------| 50.9% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |===============================-------------------| 61.5% Complete  => 0:00:00
	progress: |===================================---------------| 69.6% Complete  => 0:00:01
	progress: |========================================----------| 80.7% Complete  => 0:00:01
	progress: |===============================================---| 94.4% Complete  => 0:00:01
	progress: |==================================================| 100.0% Complete  => 0:00:01


tests/test_spatial_transform.py 17 0:00:37.122816

PASSED Test_Geometry_Transformer::test_to_map_geometry 0:00:01.724046



Captured stdout call
2024/03/07 11:38:48:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:48:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:48:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:48:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:48:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:38:48:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:48:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...


PASSED Test_Geometry_Transformer::test_to_sensor_geometry 0:00:01.331627



Captured stdout call
2024/03/07 11:38:49:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:49:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:49:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:50:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:50:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:38:50:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:50:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...


PASSED Test_VNIR_SWIR_SensorGeometryTransformer::test_transform_sensorgeo_SWIR_to_VNIR_2D 0:00:02.632384


Captured stdout setup
2024/03/07 11:38:51:   Reading metadata for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:51:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:51:   Reading metadata for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:51:   Calculating solar irradiance...
2024/03/07 11:38:51:   Reading image masks in VNIR sensor geometry.
2024/03/07 11:38:52:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for VNIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:52:   Converting DN values to radiance [mW/m^2/sr/nm] for SWIR detector...
2024/03/07 11:38:52:   Computing VNIR geolayer...
2024/03/07 11:38:52:   Computing SWIR geolayer...
Captured stderr setup
2024/03/07 11:38:50:   The input EnMAP Level-1B image was processed with an old version of the ground segment processing system (version 00.02.04), which, e.g. did not include de-striping. It is highly recommended to re-download the dataset in the latest processing version from the archive via the EOWEB GeoPortal (www.eoweb.dlr.de) before passing it to EnPT.



PASSED Test_VNIR_SWIR_SensorGeometryTransformer::test_transform_sensorgeo_SWIR_to_VNIR_2band3DInput_2DGeolayer 0:00:00.395776




PASSED Test_VNIR_SWIR_SensorGeometryTransformer::test_transform_sensorgeo_SWIR_to_VNIR_2band3DInput_3DGeolayer 0:00:00.403530




PASSED Test_VNIR_SWIR_SensorGeometryTransformer::test_transform_sensorgeo_VNIR_to_SWIR_2D 0:00:00.384634




PASSED Test_VNIR_SWIR_SensorGeometryTransformer::test_transform_sensorgeo_VNIR_to_SWIR_3D 0:00:17.508606




PASSED Test_RPC_Geolayer_Generator::test_compute_geolayer 0:00:01.103353




PASSED Test_RPC_Geolayer_Generator::test_compute_geolayer_average_elevation 0:00:00.966706




PASSED Test_RPC_Geolayer_Generator::test_compute_normalized_image_coordinates 0:00:00.005195




PASSED Test_RPC_Geolayer_Generator::test_normalize_coordinates 0:00:00.004005




PASSED Test_RPC_Geolayer_Generator::test_transform_LonLatHeight_to_RowCol 0:00:00.004306




PASSED Test_RPC_3D_Geolayer_Generator::test_compute_geolayer_average_elevation 0:00:02.478335




PASSED Test_RPC_3D_Geolayer_Generator::test_compute_geolayer_faulty_coeff_set 0:00:01.355254

Test in case of a faulty/inaccurate coeff set the result really does not contain NaNs.

NOTE: NaNs should be filled automatically.




PASSED Test_RPC_3D_Geolayer_Generator::test_compute_geolayer_multiple_coeff_sets_multiprocessing 0:00:02.474577




PASSED Test_RPC_3D_Geolayer_Generator::test_compute_geolayer_multiple_coeff_sets_singleprocessing 0:00:03.286303




PASSED Test_RPC_3D_Geolayer_Generator::test_compute_geolayer_one_unique_coeff_set 0:00:01.064177




tests/test_srf.py 1 0:00:00.006165

PASSED Test_SRF::test_from_cwl_fwhm 0:00:00.006165


