===== About ===== The enpt_enmapboxapp Python package provides a graphical user interface for the EnMAP_ processing tool (EnPT_) developed at the German Research Centre for Geosciences Potsdam (GFZ). The GUI is accessible within the EnMAP-Box_, a QGIS_ plugin to process imaging spectroscopy data and particularly the hyperspectral EnMAP_ data within the framework of QGIS_. It allows to parameterize EnPT_ and run the processing chain to generate EnMAP_ Level-2A from Level-1B data. .. image:: ./images/screenshot_enpt_enmapboxapp_v0.6.0.png :width: 1046 px :height: 876 px :scale: 70 % .. _EnPT: https://git.gfz-potsdam.de/EnMAP/GFZ_Tools_EnMAP_BOX/EnPT .. _EnMAP-Box: https://www.enmap.org/data_tools/enmapbox/ .. _EnMAP: https://www.enmap.org/ .. _QGIS: https://www.qgis.org