
To use SICOR in a project:

import sicor


For processing multispectral data, atmospheric fields from ECMWF for your time of interest should be downloaded: --help

If this data is missing, SICOR can fall-back to default values, but this approach is not recommended.

Using SICOR from python:

# for multispectral data
from sicor import AC
# for hyperspectral data
from sicor.sicor_enmap import sicor_ac_enmap
enmap_l2a_vnir, enmap_l2a_swir, res = sicor_ac_enmap(data_l1b, options, logger)

From command line (currently, only applicable to the multispectral case): --help --help

Command line utilities

At the command line, sicor provides the sicor_ac command for multispectral datasets:

usage: sicor_ac [-h] [-g GRANULE_PATH] [-o OUT_DIR] [-l LOG_DIR] [-s SETTINGS]
                [-e EXPORT_OPTIONS_TO] [-v]

Named Arguments

-g, --granule_path

Path to S2 granule product folder.

-o, --out_dir

Path to output directory.

-l, --log_dir

Path to directory where log can be written.

-s, --settings

Path to settings json file.

-e, --export_options_to

Export options json file to given path. Other options are ignored.

-v, --version

Print version.

Default: False

The command line utility for hyperspectral datasets is currently under development

The program sicor_ecmwf can be used to download needed products from ECMWF servers needed for processing multispectral datasets:

usage: sicor_ecmwf [-h] [--test] [-p DB_PATH] [-f DATE_FROM] [-t DATE_TO]
                   [-d DAYS] [-r REPEAT] [-i PROCESSES] [-v VARIABLES] [-F]
                   [-m MAX_STEP]

Named Arguments


Run Test downloads.

Default: False

-p, --db_path

Root path do database which will be created.

Default: “./db_ECMWF/”

-f, --date_from

Start date in format: YYYY/MM/DD

Default: “2016/01/01”

-t, --date_to

To date in format: YYYY/MM/DD

Default: “today”

-d, --days

Download data for last [Days], ignoring -f and -t.

Default: 0

-r, --repeat

Repeat [repeat]/[repeat every hour fraction]/[print status every seconds], e.g. 2/0.5/30, [repeat]=0 repeats forever

Default: “1/0/0”

-i, --processes

Default: 0

-v, --variables

Comma separated list of to be retrieved variables.

Default: “fc_T2M,fc_O3,fc_SLP,fc_TCWV,fc_GMES_ozone,fc_total_AOT_550nm,fc_sulphate_AOT_550nm,fc_black_carbon_AOT_550nm,fc_dust_AOT_550nm,fc_organic_matter_AOT_550nm,fc_sea_salt_AOT_550nm”

-F, --force

Force downloads.

Default: False

-m, --max_step

Maximum forecast step to download.

Default: 120


SICOR operations can be started using make, available options are:

$ make

make options: (run make [option] to perform action):

    Remove all build, test, coverage and Python artifacts.

    Remove build artifacts including build/ dist/ and .eggs/ folders.

    Remove Python file artifacts, e.g. pyc files.

    Remove test and coverage artifacts.

    Use nbconvert to convert jupyter notebooks in examples to doc/examples.
    Links to internal images are adjusted such that SPHINX documentation
    can be build.

    Use coverage to run tests and to produce a coverage report.

    Open default browser to check coverage report.

    Generate HTML documentation using SPHINX. If example jupyer notebooks
    should be updated, run the target 'convert_examples_to_doc'

download-tables (currently, only needed for multispectral case):
    Download tables for atmospheric correction and scene classification
    from google drive if not found locally (anywhere in $PATH). Gdrive
    might be unreliable and fail. Just try again later. Files are
    checked for their hash before continuing here.

download-tables-all (currently, only needed for multispectral case):
    Download ALL tables for atmospheric correction and scene classification.
    This includes additional data, e.g. for methane retrievals or
    further development.

    Start a jupyter notebook server in the examples directory and
    open browser.

    Build a docker image for CI use within gitlab. This is based
    on docker and required sudo access to docker. Multiple images
    are build, the 'sicor:latest' includes a working environment
    for SICOR and is used to run the tests. SICOR is not included
    in this image and it is cloned and installed for each test run.

    Install the package to the active Python site-packages.

    Check style and pep8 conformity using multiple pep8 and style
    checkers. Flake8 and pycodestyle need to complete without error
    to not fail here. For now, pylint and pydocstyle are included,
    but their results ignored. The target 'test' depends on 'lint'
    which means that testing can only be a success when linting was
    run without errors. Run this before any commit!

    Install requirements as defined in requirements.txt using pip.

    Run tests quickly with the default Python interpreter and without

    Run a single test quickly with the default Python and without
    coverage. This is useful for debugging errors and feel free to
    change the considered test case to your liking.