Source code for sicor.AC.RtFo

from matplotlib.pyplot import *
import numpy as np
from numpy import dot
from numpy.linalg import inv, solve
from copy import copy
import tables
import importlib
from numba import jit
from time import time, sleep
from multiprocessing import Pool
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
from itertools import product
import pyprind
from tqdm import tqdm

# custom imports
from ..Tools import initializer, SharedNdarray
from ..Tools import SolarIrradiance
from ..Tools import box_rspf, gauss_rspf

__author = "Niklas Bohn, Andre Hollstein"

[docs] @jit(forceobj=True) # equivalent to deprecated nopython=False (would be better/faster to make it nopython-compatible) def nrm(aa, bb): cc = 0.0 nn = aa.shape[0] for ii in range(nn): cc += np.abs(aa[ii] - bb[ii]) return cc / nn
[docs] @jit(nopython=True) def int_rho(n_inp, xx_inp, yy_inp, n_int, xx_int, yy_out, jac_out): """ :param n_inp: :param xx_inp: :param yy_inp: :param n_int: :param xx_int: :param yy_out: :param jac_out: :return: """ for i_int in range(n_int): for i_inp in range(n_inp): jac_out[i_inp, i_int] = 0.0 for i_int in range(n_int): for i_inp in range(n_inp): if xx_int[i_int] < xx_inp[i_inp]: break dx = xx_inp[i_inp] - xx_inp[i_inp - 1] jac_out[i_inp - 1, i_int] = (xx_inp[i_inp] - xx_int[i_int]) / dx jac_out[i_inp, i_int] = (xx_int[i_int] - xx_inp[i_inp - 1]) / dx yy_out[i_int] = yy_inp[i_inp - 1] * jac_out[i_inp - 1, i_int] + yy_inp[i_inp] * jac_out[i_inp, i_int]
# noinspection PyShadowingNames
[docs] @jit(nopython=True) def apply_bounds(xii, xi, bounds_up, bounds_dn): nn = xii.shape[0] step = 0.5 for ii in range(nn): if xii[ii] >= bounds_up[ii]: xii[ii] = xi[ii] + step * (bounds_up[ii] - xi[ii]) if xii[ii] < bounds_dn[ii]: xii[ii] = xi[ii] + step * (bounds_dn[ii] - xi[ii])
# noinspection PyShadowingNames
[docs] def sat(wvl_inst, wvl_rsp, solar, rspf_type="gaussian", sigma=None, width=None): """ Calculate normalized sensor specific response function with respect to given instrument wavelengths. :param wvl_inst: instrument wavelengths :param wvl_rsp: response wavelengths :param solar: solar irradiances :param rspf_type: type of response function, either "gaussian" or "box" :param sigma: fwhm of instrument bands (only for type "gaussian") :param width: fwhm of instrument bands (only for type "box") :return: dictionary containing instrument wavelengths, response wavelengths, sensor specific response function and solar irradiances """ rsp = np.zeros((len(wvl_inst), len(wvl_rsp))) sol = np.zeros(len(wvl_inst)) if sigma is not None: try: _ = sigma[0] # sigma is array assert len(sigma) == len(wvl_inst) sigmas = sigma except TypeError: sigmas = sigma * np.ones(len(wvl_inst)) else: sigmas = None if width is not None: try: _ = width[0] # sigma is array assert len(width) == len(wvl_inst) widths = width except TypeError: widths = width * np.ones(len(wvl_inst)) else: widths = None # calculate response function if rspf_type == "gaussian": for ii_chl, (wvl_center, sigma) in enumerate(zip(wvl_inst, sigmas)): rsp[ii_chl, :] = gauss_rspf(wvl_center=wvl_center, wvl_sol_irr=wvl_rsp, sigma=sigma) sol[ii_chl] = np.trapz(x=solar.wvl, y=gauss_rspf(wvl_center=wvl_center, sigma=sigma, wvl_sol_irr=solar.wvl) * solar()) elif rspf_type == "box": for ii_chl, (wvl_center, width) in enumerate(zip(wvl_inst, widths)): rsp[ii_chl, :] = box_rspf(wvl_center=wvl_center, wvl_sol_irr=wvl_rsp, width=width) sol[ii_chl] = np.trapz(x=solar.wvl, y=box_rspf(wvl_center=wvl_center, width=width, wvl_sol_irr=solar.wvl) * solar()) else: raise ValueError("Type is wrong.") return {"wvl_inst": wvl_inst, "wvl_rsp": wvl_rsp, "rspf": rsp, "sol_irr": sol}
# noinspection PyShadowingNames def __ff_jj_sc__(self, xi, sc_jj): ff, jj = self.reflectance_toa_j(pt=xi) jj_t_sc = sc_jj * jj.transpose() # for numpy broadcasting of sc_jj jj_sc = jj_t_sc.transpose() return ff, jj_sc, jj_t_sc # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences @jit(forceobj=True) # equivalent to deprecated nopython=False (would be better/faster to make it nopython-compatible) def __se_jj_sa_jit__(ssei, ssai, jj, g): ni = ssai.shape[0] nk = ssei.shape[0] bb = np.zeros((ni, ni)) for ii in range(ni): for jj in range(ni): bb[ii, jj] = 0.0 bb[ii, ii] = bb[ii, ii] + (1.0 + g) * ssai[ii] for ii in range(ni): for kk in range(nk): jj_ii_kk = jj[ii, kk] * ssei[kk] if jj_ii_kk != 0.0: for jj in range(ni): bb[ii, jj] += jj_ii_kk * jj[jj, kk] return bb def __se_jj_sa_np__(ssei, ssai, jj, g): jj_sc = jj jj_t_sc = jj.transpose() return dot(ssei * jj_sc, jj_t_sc) + (1.0 + g) * np.diag(ssai) # noinspection PyShadowingNames,PyShadowingNames
[docs] def opt(self, y_rfl, pt0, rho_0=[{"method": "const", "value": 0.1}, {"method": "guess", "sigma": None, "fill": 0.1}, {'method': 'prescribed'}][0], ftol=None, ftol_rel=None, ee=1.05, n_iter=55, n_bad=5, debug=False, g=0.0, ssei=None, ssai=None, instrument_error_model=None, compute_errors=True, sc_oe_thres=0.01, optimization=True, se_jj_sa=__se_jj_sa_jit__, rho_fg=None ): from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter1d # import here to avoid static TLS ImportError t0 = time() if ssei is None: assert hasattr(instrument_error_model, '__call__'), "instrument_error_model should be callable which converts refl. to error." # noinspection PyTypeChecker ssei = np.nan_to_num(1.0 / (instrument_error_model(y_rfl) ** 2.0)) else: # noinspection PyTypeChecker ssei = np.nan_to_num(1.0 / (ssei ** 2.0)) ssei[ssei > 1e10] = 1e10 if len(ssai) != len(self.scale_dn): # not all errors given, assume that first ones are given bf = np.ones(len(self.scale_dn), dtype=float) bf[:len(ssai)] = ssai[:] ssai = bf apriori_errors_sc = self.x_phys_to_scaled(ssai, offset_scaling=0.0)[:self.n_jac_at] # noinspection PyTypeChecker ssai = np.nan_to_num(1.0 / self.x_phys_to_scaled(ssai, offset_scaling=0.0) ** 2.0) # only error, no offset needed ssai[ssai > 1e10] = 1e10 sai = np.diag(ssai) # each method should produce rho_rfl if rho_0["method"] == "const": rho_rfl = rho_0["value"] * np.ones(self.n_wvl) elif rho_0["method"] == "prescribed": rho_rfl = np.array(rho_fg, dtype=self.dtype) rho_rfl[rho_rfl < 0.0] = 0.0 rho_rfl[rho_rfl > 1.0] = 0.0 elif rho_0["method"] == "guess": rho_rfl = self.reflectance_boa(pt=pt0, toa_reflectance=y_rfl) rho_rfl[rho_rfl < 0.0] = 0.0 rho_rfl[rho_rfl > 1.0] = 0.0 if rho_0["sigma"] is not None: rho_rfl = gaussian_filter1d(rho_rfl, sigma=rho_0["sigma"]) else: raise ValueError("rho_0 should be dictionary with parameters:%s" % str(rho_0)) rj = self.rho_to_rj(rho_rfl) rj0 = copy(rj) pt = copy(pt0) xi_ph, yi_ph = self.ptrh2x(pt, rj) xa_ph, ya_ph = self.ptrh2x(pt0, rj0) xa_sc = self.x_phys_to_scaled(xa_ph) xi_sc = self.x_phys_to_scaled(xi_ph) if ftol_rel is not None: assert ftol is None ftol = np.mean(y_rfl) / ftol_rel sc_jj = (self.bounds_up - self.bounds_dn) / (self.scale_up - self.scale_dn) xi_ph_best = copy(xi_ph) yi_ph_best = copy(yi_ph) pt_best = copy(pt0) rj_best = copy(rj) pt_s = np.zeros(len(pt)) rj_s = np.zeros(len(rj)) nrms = [] result = {} improved_result = False # we haven't improved jet result["ff"] = y_rfl jj_sc_best = np.zeros((len(xi_ph), self.n_wvl)) jj_t_sc_best = np.zeros((self.n_wvl, len(xi_ph))) if np.max(apriori_errors_sc) >= sc_oe_thres and optimization is True: ff_best = np.zeros(self.n_wvl) nrm_min = 1e10 # nrm(y_rfl,self.reflectance_toa(pt=pt0,rho=rho_rfl)) i_bad = 0 for ii in range(n_iter): # evaluate actual step, compute Jacobian ff, jj_sc, jj_t_sc = __ff_jj_sc__(self, xi=yi_ph, sc_jj=sc_jj) nrm_akt = nrm(y_rfl, ff) if debug and np.isnan(nrm_akt): # import pudb; pu.db ff, jj_sc, jj_t_sc = __ff_jj_sc__(self, xi=yi_ph, sc_jj=sc_jj) nrm_akt = nrm(y_rfl, ff) if debug: # print debug print(("step %2i,akt:%7.4f,min:%7.4f,ftol:%6.4f,ib:%2i->" % (ii, nrm_akt, nrm_min, ftol, i_bad)) + (8 * "%.2f," % tuple(yi_ph[:8])) ) if ee * nrm_akt < nrm_min: # if actual step is better than min nrm_min = copy(nrm_akt) nrms.append(copy(nrm_min)) i_bad = 0 # reset i_bad counter xi_ph_best[:] = xi_ph[:] ff_best[:] = ff[:] pt_best[:] = pt[:] rj_best[:] = rj[:] jj_sc_best[:] = jj_sc[:] jj_t_sc_best[:] = jj_t_sc[:] improved_result = True else: i_bad += 1 if i_bad > n_bad: break if nrm_min < ftol: break # make step, compute xi_ph, pt, and rj """ xii_sc = xi_sc + dot(inv(dot(ssei*jj_sc,jj_t_sc)+(1.0+g)*sai), (dot(jj_sc,ssei*(y_rfl-ff))-ssai*(xi_sc-xa_sc))) # readable but slow """ try: xii_sc = xi_sc + np.nan_to_num( solve(se_jj_sa(ssei, ssai, jj_sc, g), (dot(jj_sc, ssei * (y_rfl - ff)) - ssai * (xi_sc - xa_sc)))) result["ssei"] = ssei result["ssai"] = ssai except np.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError as err: print("LinalgError") raise err if np.isnan(np.sum(xii_sc)): raise ValueError() apply_bounds(xii_sc, xi_sc, self.scale_up, self.scale_dn) xi_ph = self.x_scaled_to_phys(xii_sc) rj[:] = xi_ph[-self.n_rho_lin:] pt[:self.n_jac_at] = xi_ph[:self.n_jac_at] xi_ph, yi_ph = self.ptrh2x(pt, rj) xi_sc = self.x_phys_to_scaled(xi_ph) result["ff"] = ff_best result["apriori_errors_sc"] = apriori_errors_sc result["pt"] = pt_best result["rj"] = rj_best if compute_errors: while True: try: ss = np.sqrt((np.diagonal(inv(dot(jj_sc_best * ssei, jj_t_sc_best) + sai)))) except UnboundLocalError: ff_best, jj_sc_best, jj_t_sc_best = __ff_jj_sc__(self, xi=yi_ph_best, sc_jj=sc_jj) else: break rj_s[:] = ss[-self.n_rho_lin:] pt_s[:self.n_jac_at] = self.x_scaled_to_phys(ss, offset_scaling=0.0)[:self.n_jac_at] result["pt_s"] = pt_s result["rj_s"] = rj_s if improved_result: result["rho_ac"] = self.reflectance_boa(pt=pt_best, toa_reflectance=y_rfl) result["rho_ac"][result["rho_ac"] > 1.0] = 0.0 result["rho_ac"][result["rho_ac"] < 0.0] = 0.0 result["rho_rj"] = copy(self.rj_to_rho_J(rj_best)[0]) result["rho_rjp"] = copy(self.rj_to_rho_J(rj_best + rj_s)[0]) result["rho_rjm"] = copy(self.rj_to_rho_J(rj_best - rj_s)[0]) else: result["rho_ac"] = rho_rfl result["rho_rj"] = rho_rfl if debug: print("EEooFF, runtime:%.3fs" % (time() - t0,)) print(len(pt0) * "%.3f," % tuple(pt0)) print(len(pt) * "%.3f," % tuple(pt_best)) print(nrms) return result
[docs] class Rho2Rj(object): def __init__(self, rho_wvl): self.rho_wvl = rho_wvl self.n_rho_lin = len(rho_wvl) def __call__(self, rho): return rho
[docs] class Rj2RhoJ(object): def __init__(self, rho_wvl): self.rho_wvl = rho_wvl self.n_rho_lin = len(rho_wvl) def __call__(self, rj): return rj, np.diag(rj)
[docs] def rho_wvl_lin_int(wvl, rho_wvl=None, n_rho_max=None, extra_points=None, linear_segments=None, min_wvl_difference=1.0): if rho_wvl is not None and n_rho_max is None: # only rho_wvl given pass elif n_rho_max is not None and rho_wvl is None: # only n_rho_max given rho_wvl = np.linspace(np.floor(wvl[0]), np.ceil(wvl[-1]), n_rho_max) else: ValueError("Give either rho_wvl or n_rho_max.s") if linear_segments is not None: rho_wvl = np.unique(np.hstack((rho_wvl, np.hstack(linear_segments)))) for ex in linear_segments: rho_wvl = (lambda x: rho_wvl[np.invert(np.logical_and(x[0] < rho_wvl, rho_wvl < x[1]))])(ex) if extra_points is not None: rho_wvl = np.unique(np.hstack((rho_wvl, np.array(extra_points)))) try: while np.min(np.abs(np.diff(rho_wvl[:-1]))) < min_wvl_difference: rho_wvl = np.delete(rho_wvl, 1 + np.argmin(np.abs(np.diff(rho_wvl[:-1])))) except ValueError: pass return rho_wvl
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] class Rho2Rj_LinInterp(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.rho_wvl = rho_wvl_lin_int(**kwargs) self.n_rho_lin = len(self.rho_wvl) self.wvl = kwargs["wvl"] if 'linear_segments' in kwargs: self.linear_segments = kwargs["linear_segments"] def __call__(self, rho): return np.interp(x=self.rho_wvl, xp=self.wvl, fp=rho)
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] class Rj2RhoJ_LinInterp(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.wvl = kwargs["wvl"] self.n_wvl = len(self.wvl) if 'linear_segments' in kwargs: self.linear_segments = kwargs["linear_segments"] self.rho_wvl = rho_wvl_lin_int(**kwargs) self.n_rho_lin = len(self.rho_wvl) self.rho = np.zeros(self.n_wvl, dtype=float) self.J_rho = np.zeros((self.n_rho_lin, self.n_wvl), dtype=float) def __call__(self, rj): int_rho(self.n_rho_lin, self.rho_wvl, rj, self.n_wvl, self.wvl, self.rho, self.J_rho) return self.rho, self.J_rho
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] class Rho2Rj_PCA(object): def __init__(self, components, mean, rho_wvl, bounds=None): assert len(rho_wvl) == len(mean) assert len(rho_wvl) == components.shape[1] self.rho_wvl = rho_wvl self.wvl = rho_wvl self.components = components self.mean = mean self.n_rho_lin = self.components.shape[0] if bounds is None: self.bounds_up = +1 * np.ones(self.n_rho_lin) self.bounds_dn = -1 * np.ones(self.n_rho_lin) else: self.bounds_up = +1 * np.abs(bounds) self.bounds_dn = -1 * np.abs(bounds) def __call__(self, rho): return, rho - self.mean)
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] class Rj2RhoJ_PCA(Rho2Rj_PCA): def __call__(self, rj): rho =, self.components) + self.mean rho[rho < 0.0] = 0.0 rho[rho > 1.0] = 1.0 return rho, self.components
[docs] class Rho2Rj_const(object): def __init__(self, rho_wvl): self.wvl = rho_wvl self.n_rho_lin = len(rho_wvl) def __call__(self, rho): return rho * np.ones(self.n_rho_lin)
[docs] class Rj2RhoJ_const(object): def __init__(self, rho_wvl): self.wvl = rho_wvl self.n_rho_lin = len(rho_wvl) def __call__(self, rj): rho = rj * np.ones(self.n_rho_lin) return rho, np.diag(rho)
# noinspection PyProtectedMember,PyShadowingNames
[docs] class RtFo(object): def __init__(self, atm_tables_fn, dim_scat, dim_atm=("spr", "coz", "cwv", "tmp"), dim_vza="vza", dim_sza="sza", dim_azi="azi", dim_pca="pca", dim_wvl="wvl", dim_layer="layer", table_path="", buffer_tables=None, only_toa=False, n_pcs=99, dtype=np.float32, slices=None, hash_formats=None, hash_format_default="%.3f,", interpol_dim_range=range(1, 12), sensors=None, response_function_threshold=1e-5, sensor_interpolation_reference=["sensor", "pca"][0], sol_irr_pca=None, default_sensor=None, **_ ): """ 1. Build Forward Operator Object including relevant data from LUT 2. Interpolation of atmospheric functions for a specific spectral subset, returns object which can be used to compute toa reflectance, radiance and surface reflectance :param atm_tables_fn: path to LUT :param dim_scat: key of relevant scattering parameter (tau) :param dim_atm: keys of relevant atmospheric parameters :param dim_vza: key of viewing zenith angle :param dim_sza: key of sun zenith angle :param dim_azi: key of sun azimuth angle :param dim_pca: key of principle components :param dim_wvl: key of wavelengths :param dim_layer: key of atmospheric layer :param table_path: path to aerosol table within LUT :param buffer_tables: AC table for specific sensors (smile) :param only_toa: use only TOA fluxes :param n_pcs: number of principle components :param dtype: data type of values stored in dimensions dictionary :param slices: part of LUT which should be considered :param hash_formats: fixed length of the parameter values :param hash_format_default: default length of the parameter values :param interpol_dim_range: maximum dimension of interpolation :param sensors: dict containing wavelength, response function and solar irradiances of input sensor :param response_function_threshold: threshold for sensor response function :param sensor_interpolation_reference: interpolation reference :param sol_irr_pca: principle components of solar irradiance :param default_sensor: default sensor :param _: """ # check input parameters if slices is None: slices = {} if hash_formats is None: hash_formats = {} assert type(dim_scat) == list, "dim_scat is not list" assert all(isinstance(item, str) for item in dim_scat), "should be string with dim name for hdf5 file" assert type(n_pcs) == int assert type(table_path) == str, "table_path should be path string in hdf5 file" assert type(only_toa) == bool assert all(isinstance(item, int) for item in interpol_dim_range), "interpol_dim_range should only contain ints" assert type(slices) == dict, "Slices should be dictionary with dim_name:slice as key:value pairs" assert type(hash_formats) == dict, "hash_patterns should be dictionary" assert type(response_function_threshold) == float, "response_function_threshold should be small float number" # load interpolation classes self.interp = {ii: importlib.import_module("sicor.Tools.NM.interp_spectral_n_%i" % ii) for ii in interpol_dim_range} # open LUT hdf5 file and group as defined in table_path with tables.open_file(atm_tables_fn, "r") as atm_tables_h5: self.atm_tables_h5 = atm_tables_h5 self.atm_tables = atm_tables_h5.root self.grp = self.atm_tables.__getattr__(table_path) # copy dimension data names to self, collect in dim_names self.wvl_pca = self.atm_tables.__getattr__(dim_wvl).read() self.wvl = self.wvl_pca self.n_wvl = len(self.wvl_pca) self.dtype = dtype self.dim_scat = dim_scat self.dim_atm = dim_atm self.dim_vza = dim_vza self.dim_sza = dim_sza self.dim_azi = dim_azi self.dim_pca = dim_pca self.dim_layer = dim_layer self.dim_names = list(self.dim_atm) + list(self.dim_scat) + [ self.dim_vza, self.dim_sza, self.dim_azi, self.dim_pca, self.dim_layer] self.sza_reduced = None self.vza_reduced = None # set given slices, default is all elements self.slices = {dim: slice(None) for dim in self.dim_names} for dim, slc in slices.items(): self.slices[dim] = slc # same same for hash formats self.hash_formats = {dim: hash_format_default for dim in self.dim_names} for dim, slc in hash_formats.items(): self.hash_formats[dim] = slc # set number of principal components, add slice for pca dimension self.n_pca_max = self.grp.E_DN.components.shape[0] self.n_pcs = np.min([self.n_pca_max, n_pcs]) self.slices[self.dim_pca] = slice(0, self.n_pcs) # set dictionary for dimension_name:scale self.dims = {dim: np.array(self.atm_tables.__getattr__(dim)[self.slices[dim]], dtype=self.dtype) for dim in self.dim_names} # convert arccos to degree self.dims[self.dim_vza] = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(self.dims[self.dim_vza])) self.dims[self.dim_sza] = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(self.dims[self.dim_sza])) # set sensor wavelengths, response function and solar irradiances self.sensors = sensors if self.sensors is not None: self.response_function_threshold = response_function_threshold self.sensor_interpolation_reference = sensor_interpolation_reference self.wvl_sensors = {sensor_name: sensor["wvl_inst"] for sensor_name, sensor in self.sensors.items()} self.sol_irr_sensors = {sensor_name: sensor["sol_irr"] / np.pi for sensor_name, sensor in self.sensors.items() if sensor["sol_irr"] is not None} for name, sensor in self.sensors.items(): self.__instrument_val__(sensor) self.components = "components" self.mean = "mean" if sol_irr_pca is not None: self.sol_irr_pca = sol_irr_pca / np.pi else: self.sol_irr_pca = None self.sol_irr = self.sol_irr_pca # each atmospheric function is defined as dictionary with common types as defined in __mk_table__ # serves as preparation for the atmospheric dimension interpolation # __mk_table__ creates a spectral subset of the LUT to match the wavelengths (or subset) of the input sensor # process atmospheric path reflection and upward transmittance only at TOA if only_toa: if buffer_tables is not None and "L0" in buffer_tables: self.L0 = buffer_tables["L0"] else: self.L0 = self.__mk_tble__( grp=self.grp.L0_TOA, dims=(list(self.dim_atm) + list(self.dim_scat) + [self.dim_vza, self.dim_sza, self.dim_azi, self.dim_pca]) ) if buffer_tables is not None and "T_UP" in buffer_tables: self.T_UP = buffer_tables["T_UP"] else: self.T_UP = self.__mk_tble__( grp=self.grp.T_UP_TOA, dims=list(self.dim_atm) + list(self.dim_scat) + [self.dim_vza, self.dim_pca], idx=self.L0["dims"] ) # process atmospheric path reflection and upward transmittance including the layer dimension else: self.L0 = self.__mk_tble__( grp=self.grp.L0, dims=(list(self.dim_atm) + list(self.dim_scat) + [self.dim_layer, self.dim_vza, self.dim_sza, self.dim_azi, self.dim_pca]) ) self.T_UP = self.__mk_tble__( grp=self.grp.T_UP, dims=list(self.dim_atm) + list(self.dim_scat) + [self.dim_layer, self.dim_vza, self.dim_pca], idx=self.L0["dims"] ) self.pt_dims = copy(self.L0["dims"]) self.pt_dims.remove(self.dim_pca) self.jacobean_switch = {dim_name: 1 for dim_name in self.pt_dims} if buffer_tables is not None and "E_DN" in buffer_tables: self.E_DN = buffer_tables["E_DN"] else: self.E_DN = self.__mk_tble__(grp=self.grp.E_DN, dims=list(self.dim_atm) + list(self.dim_scat) + [self.dim_sza, self.dim_pca], idx=self.L0["dims"] ) if buffer_tables is not None and "SS" in buffer_tables: self.SS = buffer_tables["SS"] else: self.SS = self.__mk_tble__(grp=self.grp.SS, dims=list(self.dim_atm) + list(self.dim_scat) + [self.dim_pca], idx=self.L0["dims"] ) # settings for interpolation between atmospheric dimensions self.__jacobean__ = False self.__caching__ = False self.__jacobean_range__ = self.SS["idx"] self.n_jac_at = len(self.__jacobean_range__) self.n_jac_fl = len(self.L0["idx"]) self.interpolation_settings(jacobean=self.__jacobean__, caching=self.__caching__) self.idx_dim_vza = self.L0["dims"].index(self.dim_vza) self.idx_dim_sza = self.L0["dims"].index(self.dim_sza) if default_sensor is not None: self.set_sensor(default_sensor) self.rho = None self.J_rho = None self.n_rho_lin = None self.bounds_atm = None self.bounds_up = None self.bounds_dn = None self.scale_up = None self.scale_dn = None self.rho_to_rj = None self.rj_to_rho_J = None self.LUTS = (self.L0, self.E_DN, self.T_UP, self.SS) self.LUT_suffixs = [] self.current_sensor = "" # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] def set_rho_lin(self, Rho2Rj, Rj2RhoJ): """ Assign the surface reflectance model to the forward operator. :param Rho2Rj: Model to obtain a first guess of surface reflectance values for selected absorption feature wavelengths. :param Rj2RhoJ: Surface reflectance model. Following models can be chosen: Rj2RhoJ_LinInterp, Rj2RhoJ_PCA or Rj2RhoJ_const for Sentinel-2; Rj2RhoJ_LinX1X2 for EnMAP single CH4/CWV Retrieval or Rj2RhoJ_Beer_Lambert for EnMAP simultaneous 3 phases of water retrieval. :return: None """ # test api for surface reflectance model class assert hasattr(Rho2Rj, '__call__') assert hasattr(Rj2RhoJ, '__call__') assert Rho2Rj.n_rho_lin == Rj2RhoJ.n_rho_lin self.rho_to_rj = Rho2Rj self.rj_to_rho_J = Rj2RhoJ # number of surface reflectance values (i.e. number of the respective absorption feature wavelengths) used by # the chosen model self.n_rho_lin = Rho2Rj.n_rho_lin # Assign lower and upper bounds for the values of atmospheric state parameters self.bounds_atm = np.array(self.L0["range"]) self.bounds_up = np.ones(self.n_jac_fl + self.n_rho_lin) self.bounds_up[:self.n_jac_fl] = self.bounds_atm[:self.n_jac_fl, 1] self.bounds_dn = np.zeros(self.n_jac_fl + self.n_rho_lin) self.bounds_dn[:self.n_jac_fl] = self.bounds_atm[:self.n_jac_fl, 0] try: self.bounds_up[self.n_jac_fl:] = Rho2Rj.bounds_up self.bounds_dn[self.n_jac_fl:] = Rho2Rj.bounds_dn except AttributeError: pass # assign lower and upper bounds for scaling of the values of atmospheric state parameters self.scale_up = 1.0 + np.zeros(self.bounds_up.shape[0]) self.scale_dn = 0.0 + np.zeros(self.bounds_up.shape[0]) # check if instrument wavelengths equal model walenghths if np.sum(np.abs(self.wvl - self.rho_to_rj.wvl)) > 0.0: print("Warning, do something!")
[docs] def ptrh2x(self, pt, rj): return np.hstack((pt[self.__jacobean_range__], rj)), np.hstack((pt, rj))
[docs] def x_phys_to_scaled(self, xx, offset_scaling=1.0): """ Convert physical values of atmospheric state parameters to scaled values with respect to the upper bounds.. :param xx: array containing physical values of atmospheric state parameters :param offset_scaling: offset scaling :return: array containing scaled values of atmospheric state parameters (ratio of the max. value as defined in LUT) """ aa = (self.scale_up - self.scale_dn) / (self.bounds_up - self.bounds_dn) bb = self.scale_dn - aa * self.bounds_dn return aa * xx + bb * offset_scaling
[docs] def x_scaled_to_phys(self, xx, offset_scaling=1.0): """ Convert scaled values of atmospheric parameters to physical values. :param xx: array containing scaled values of atmospheric state parameters (ratio of the max. value as defined in LUT) :param offset_scaling: offset scaling :return: array containing physical values of atmospheric state parameters """ aa = (self.bounds_up - self.bounds_dn) / (self.scale_up - self.scale_dn) bb = self.bounds_dn - aa * self.scale_dn return aa * xx + bb * offset_scaling
[docs] def pt(self, **kwargs): pt = np.zeros(len(self.pt_dims)) for ii, key in enumerate(self.pt_dims): pt[ii] = kwargs[key] return pt
@staticmethod def __instrument_val__(instrument): for key in ["wvl_inst", "wvl_rsp", "rspf"]: assert type(instrument[key]) == np.ndarray, "%s should be numpy ndarray" assert instrument["rspf"].shape == ( len(instrument["wvl_inst"]), len(instrument["wvl_rsp"])), "Shape of rspf is wrong." @staticmethod def __component_key__(sensor_name): return sensor_name + "_components" @staticmethod def __mean_key__(sensor_name): return sensor_name + "_mean"
[docs] def set_sensor(self, sensor_name=None): self.rho_to_rj = None self.rj_to_rho_J = None if sensor_name is None: self.components = "components" self.mean = "mean" self.wvl = self.wvl_pca self.sol_irr = self.sol_irr_pca self.current_sensor = sensor_name else: assert self.sensors is not None, "Sensors were not defined on init." assert sensor_name in self.sensors, "Sensor %s were not defined. Defined are:%s" % ( sensor_name, str(self.sensors.keys())) self.components = self.__component_key__(sensor_name) self.mean = self.__mean_key__(sensor_name) self.wvl = self.wvl_sensors[sensor_name] self.sol_irr = self.sol_irr_sensors[sensor_name] if sensor_name in self.sol_irr_sensors else None self.current_sensor = sensor_name self.n_wvl = len(self.wvl)
[docs] def interpolation_settings(self, jacobean, caching): """ Set Jacobean and/or caching to True or False. :param jacobean: True or False :param caching: True or False :return: None """ assert type(jacobean) == bool assert type(caching) == bool for interp in [self.E_DN, self.SS, self.T_UP, self.L0]: interp["int"].settings(jacobean, caching) self.__jacobean__ = jacobean self.__caching__ = caching
# noinspection PyProtectedMember,PyDictCreation def __mk_tble__(self, grp, dims, idx=None): """ Build a subset of LUT for each atmospheric function to match the spectral subset of the input sensor. :param grp: atmospheric function :param dims: parameters of the atmospheric state the respective function depends on :param idx: indices dims as stored in LUT :return: spectral subset of LUT for the respective atmospheric function """ assert type(grp) ==, "grp should be hdf5 group" assert all(isinstance(item, str) for item in dims), "dims should be list of strings with dim names" # set up table dict tble = {} # noinspection PyProtectedMember # fill dict with information from LUT and set interpolation parameters tble["pathname"] = grp._v_pathname tble["dims"] = dims tble["components"] = np.array(grp.components[0:self.n_pcs, :], dtype=self.dtype) tble["mean"] = np.array(grp.mean[:], dtype=self.dtype) tble["range"] = [(self.dims[dim][0], self.dims[dim][-1]) for dim in tble["dims"]] tble["n_dims"] = len(tble["dims"]) - 1 # only for interpolation, spectral dim doesn't count # set up the jacobian with the same dimension as the atmospheric state tble["jacobean_switch"] = np.ones((tble["n_dims"], self.n_pcs)) # load table data to memory, according to given slice tble["dat"] = np.array(grp.pca[tuple([self.slices[dim] for dim in tble["dims"]])], dtype=self.dtype) if idx is None: tble["idx"] = np.arange(tble["n_dims"]) else: tble["idx"] = np.array([idx.index(dim) for dim in tble["dims"][:-1]], dtype=int) # instance the n-dimensional interpolation function (n = number of dimensions of atmospheric state) tble["int"] = self.interp[tble["n_dims"]].intp(data=tble["dat"], axes=[self.dims[dim] for dim in tble["dims"][:-1]], hash_pattern="".join( [self.hash_formats[dim] for dim in tble["dims"][:-1]])) if self.sensors is not None: # build LUT subset with respect to either the sensor response wavelengths (default) or the wavelengths # stored in the LUT. # for now this is super slow - but we do this only once and premature optimization might not be needed here for sensor_name, sensor in tqdm(self.sensors.items()): components = self.__component_key__(sensor_name) mean = self.__mean_key__(sensor_name) tble[components] = np.zeros((self.n_pcs, len(self.sensors[sensor_name]["wvl_inst"]))) tble[mean] = np.zeros(len(self.sensors[sensor_name]["wvl_inst"])) if self.sensor_interpolation_reference == "sensor": sels = [(lambda x: slice(x[0], x[1]))( np.where(sensor["rspf"][jj_sensor, :] > self.response_function_threshold)[0][[0, -1]]) for jj_sensor in range(len(sensor["wvl_inst"]))] for jj_sensor, sel in zip(range(len(sensor["wvl_inst"])), sels): smpl = np.interp(x=sensor["wvl_rsp"][sel], xp=self.wvl_pca, fp=tble["mean"], left=0.0, right=0.0) buf = np.trapz(x=sensor["wvl_rsp"][sel], y=sensor["rspf"][jj_sensor, sel] * smpl) tble[mean][jj_sensor] = buf for jj_pc in range(self.n_pcs): for jj_sensor, sel in zip(range(len(sensor["wvl_inst"])), sels): smpl = np.interp(x=sensor["wvl_rsp"][sel], xp=self.wvl_pca, fp=tble["components"][jj_pc, :]) buf = np.trapz(x=sensor["wvl_rsp"][sel], y=sensor["rspf"][jj_sensor, sel] * smpl) tble[components][jj_pc, jj_sensor] = buf elif self.sensor_interpolation_reference == "pca": for jj_sensor in range(len(sensor["wvl_inst"])): smpl = np.interp(x=self.wvl_pca, xp=sensor["wvl_rsp"], fp=sensor["rspf"][jj_sensor, :], left=0.0, right=0.0) buf = np.trapz(x=self.wvl_pca, y=tble["mean"][:] * smpl) tble[mean][jj_sensor] = buf for jj_pc in range(self.n_pcs): for jj_sensor in range(len(sensor["wvl_inst"])): smpl = np.interp(x=self.wvl_pca, xp=sensor["wvl_rsp"], fp=sensor["rspf"][jj_sensor, :], left=0.0, right=0.0) buf = np.trapz(x=self.wvl_pca, y=tble["components"][jj_pc, :] * smpl) tble[components][jj_pc, jj_sensor] = buf else: raise ValueError("self.sensor_interpolation_reference=\"%s\" is not implemented" % self.sensor_interpolation_reference) return tble def __interpolate__(self, func, pt): """ Interpolate within atmospheric function for a given state. :param func: atmospheric function (E_DN, L0, SS, T_UP) :param pt: array containing atmospheric state parameters :return: interpolated spectrum and its jacobean of atmospheric function """ try: if func["int"].__jacobean__: # we have a Jacobean ii, jj = func["int"](pt[func["idx"]]) # e.g., sicor.Tools.NM.interp_spectral_n_3.intp(pt[0, 2, 6]) # reconstruction of the spectrum from the principle components using matrix multiplication spectrum =, func[self.components]) + func[self.mean] jacobean = * func["jacobean_switch"], func[self.components]) if self.__jacobean_range__ is None: return spectrum, jacobean else: return spectrum, jacobean[self.__jacobean_range__, :] else: # spectral scalar return case return["int"](pt[func["idx"]]), func[self.components]) + func[self.mean] except ValueError as err: raise err
[docs] def set_jacobean_switch(self, **kwargs): """ update self.jacobean_switch and update function jacobean switch matrices """ for key, value in kwargs.items(): self.jacobean_switch[key] = value for func in [self.T_UP, self.E_DN, self.SS, self.L0]: self.__set_jacobean_switch__(func)
def __set_jacobean_switch__(self, func): """ edit jacobean switch matrix of function according to self.jacobean_switch """ for ii, dim in enumerate(func["dims"][:-1]): func["jacobean_switch"][ii] = self.jacobean_switch[dim]
[docs] def ee(self, pt): """ Interpolate E_DN for a given atmospheric state pt. :param pt: atmospheric state :return: solar downward reflection at the surface """ return self.__interpolate__(self.E_DN, pt)
[docs] def tt(self, pt): """ Interpolate T_UP for a given atmospheric state pt. :param pt: atmospheric state :return: upward transmittance """ return self.__interpolate__(self.T_UP, pt)
[docs] def ss(self, pt): """ Interpolate SS for a given atmospheric state pt. :param pt: atmospheric state :return: spherical albedo """ return self.__interpolate__(self.SS, pt)
[docs] def l0(self, pt): """ Interpolate L0 for a given atmospheric state pt. :param pt: atmospheric state :return: atmospheric path reflectance """ return self.__interpolate__(self.L0, pt)
[docs] def reflectance_to_radiance(self, reflectance, pt): """ Convert TOA reflectance to radiance. :param reflectance: TOA reflectance :param pt: atmospheric state :return: TOA radiance """ return reflectance * self.sol_irr * self.mu_sun(pt)
[docs] def radiance_to_reflectance(self, radiance, pt, in_place=False): """ Convert TOA radiance to reflectance. :param radiance: TOA radiance :param pt: atmospheric state :param in_place: if True, convert input radiance array without returning a new one :return: if in_place=False, TOA reflectance, else None """ if in_place is True: radiance_bf = radiance.reshape((-1, radiance.shape[-1])).T radiance_bf /= self.mu_sun(pt).reshape(-1) radiance /= self.sol_irr else: return radiance / (self.sol_irr * self.mu_sun(pt))
[docs] def reflectance_toa(self, pt, rho): """ Calculate TOA reflectance for a given atmospheric state and for given surface reflectance by interpolating in the LUT and applying the simplified solution of the RTE. :param pt: atmospheric state :param rho: surface reflectance :return: TOA reflectance """ if self.__jacobean__: self.interpolation_settings(jacobean=False, caching=self.__caching__) ee = tt = ss = l0 = self.l0(pt) # this is the simplified solution of the RTE return (ee * rho * tt / (-rho * ss + 1) + l0 * np.pi) / self.mu_sun(pt)
[docs] def radiance_toa(self, pt, rho): """ Convert TOA reflectance, calculated by the simplified solution of the RTE, to radiance. :param pt: atmospheric state :param rho: surface reflectance :return: TOA radiance """ return self.reflectance_to_radiance(self.reflectance_toa(pt, rho), pt)
[docs] def reflectance_toa_j(self, pt): """ Calculate TOA reflectance for a given atmospheric state by interpolating in the LUT and applying the simplified solution of the RTE. The needed surface reflectance value is derived from the predefined surface reflectance model. Additionally, the Jacobian is calculated. :param pt: atmospheric state :return: TOA reflectance and the Jacobian """ if self.__jacobean__ is False: self.interpolation_settings(jacobean=True, caching=self.__caching__) assert len(pt) >= max(self.L0["idx"]) + + self.n_rho_lin ee, j_ee = tt, j_tt = ss, j_ss = l0, j_l0 = self.l0(pt) # calculate surface reflectance and its Jacobian from the surface reflectance model rho, j_rho = self.rj_to_rho_J(pt[-self.n_rho_lin:]) # calculate TOA reflectance ll = ee * rho * tt / (-rho * ss + 1) + l0 * np.pi # calculate Jacobian jj = np.zeros((self.n_jac_at + self.n_rho_lin, self.n_wvl)) jj[0:self.n_jac_at, :] = (j_l0 * np.pi * (rho * ss - 1) ** 2 + j_ss * ee * rho ** 2 * tt - rho * ( j_ee * tt + j_tt * ee) * (rho * ss - 1)) / (rho * ss - 1) ** 2 jj[self.n_jac_at:, :] = j_rho * ee * tt / (rho * ss - 1) ** 2 return ll, jj
[docs] def radiance_toa_j(self, pt): """ Convert TOA reflectance, calculated by the simplified solution of the RTE, to radiance. Additionally, the Jacobian is calculated. :param pt: atmospheric state :return: TOA radiance and the Jacobian """ ll, jj = self.reflectance_toa_j(pt) return (self.reflectance_to_radiance(ll, pt), self.reflectance_to_radiance(jj, pt))
[docs] def mu_sun(self, pt): """ Compute cosine of solar incidence angle for given background state pt. :param pt: pt numpy ndarray which holds background information for data, e.g. 1-D array with state (water vapor, observation angles, ...) or e.g. 3-D array with first two dimensions for the 'image' and the last for the state :return: cosine of solar angle """ if self.idx_dim_sza is not None: assert isinstance(pt, np.ndarray) return np.cos(np.deg2rad( pt.__getitem__((pt.ndim-1)*[slice(None)] + [self.idx_dim_sza]))) else: return np.cos(np.deg2rad(self.sza_reduced))
[docs] def reflectance_boa(self, pt, toa_radiance=None, toa_reflectance=None): """ Calculate surface reflectance for a given atmospheric state and for given TOA reflectance or radiance by interpolating in the LUT and applying the simplified solution of the RTE. :param pt: atmospheric state :param toa_radiance: TOA radiance :param toa_reflectance: TOA reflectance :return: surface reflectance """ if self.__jacobean__: self.interpolation_settings(jacobean=False, caching=self.__caching__) # if TOA radiance is given, convert to TOA reflectance if toa_reflectance is None and toa_radiance is not None: toa_reflectance = self.radiance_to_reflectance(toa_radiance, pt) ll = toa_reflectance ee = tt = ss = l0 = self.l0(pt) ld = ll - l0 * np.pi return ld / (ee * tt + ld * ss)
[docs] def reflectance_boa_j(self, pt, toa_radiance=None, toa_reflectance=None): """ Calculate surface reflectance for a given atmospheric state and for given TOA reflectance or radiance by interpolating in the LUT and applying the simplified solution of the RTE. Additionally, the Jacobian is calculated. :param pt: atmospheric state :param toa_radiance: TOA radiance :param toa_reflectance: TOA reflectance :return: surface reflectance and the Jacobian """ if self.__jacobean__ is False: self.interpolation_settings(jacobean=True, caching=self.__caching__) # if TOA radiance is given, convert to TOA reflectance if toa_reflectance is None and toa_radiance is not None: toa_reflectance = self.radiance_to_reflectance(toa_radiance, pt) ll = toa_reflectance ee, j_ee = tt, j_tt = ss, j_ss = l0, j_l0 = self.l0(pt) ld = ll - l0 * np.pi # calculate surface reflectance rr = ld / (ee * tt + ld * ss) # calculate Jacobian jj = -(j_l0 * np.pi * (ee * tt + ss * (ll - l0 * np.pi)) + (ll - l0 * np.pi) * ( j_ee * tt - j_l0 * np.pi * ss + j_ss * (ll - l0 * np.pi) + j_tt * ee)) / (ee * tt + ss * (ll - l0 * np.pi)) ** 2 return rr, jj
def __reduce_LUT__(self, fkt, reduce_suffix, reduce_dims): """ Reduce dimension of LUT by defining fixed values for chosen state parameters. :param fkt: table of atmospheric function :param reduce_suffix: suffix of the name for LUT subset :param reduce_dims: state parameters to be fixed :return: None """ def get_int_dx(dims, value): """ dims: numpy array, monotonly rising, scale value: scalar, within dims returns: lower index for bin containing value, fraction of value within bin """ ii, dd = None, None # init count variables with None, will raise error if not found for ii, dd in enumerate(dims): if dd >= value: break return ii - 1, (dd - value) / (dd - dims[ii - 1]) principal_keys = ["range", "idx", "dims", "dat", "jacobean_switch"] for key in principal_keys: # rename principal keys to key_orig if necessary new_key = key + "_orig" if new_key not in fkt: fkt[new_key] = fkt.pop(key) if "int_orig" not in fkt: fkt["int_orig"] = fkt.pop("int") dat = copy(fkt["dat_orig"]) idx = list(copy(fkt["idx_orig"])) dms = copy(fkt["dims_orig"]) rng = copy(fkt["range_orig"]) jac = copy(fkt["jacobean_switch_orig"]) # perform reduction through linear interpolation for reduce_dim, value in reduce_dims.items(): if reduce_dim in dms: rdx = dms.index(reduce_dim) rii, rpp = get_int_dx(self.dims[reduce_dim], value) slc1 = len(dat.shape) * [slice(None)] slc2 = copy(slc1) slc1[rdx] = rii slc2[rdx] = rii + 1 dat = rpp * dat[tuple(slc1)] + (1.0 - rpp) * dat[tuple(slc2)] _ = dms.pop(rdx) _ = idx.pop(rdx) _ = rng.pop(rdx) jac = np.delete(jac, rdx, axis=0) idx = np.array(idx, dtype=int) for key, val in [("dat", dat), ("idx", idx), ("dims", dms), ("range", rng), ("jacobean_switch", jac)]: fkt["%s_%s" % (key, reduce_suffix)] = val fkt["reduce_dims_%s" % reduce_suffix] = reduce_dims fkt["int_%s" % reduce_suffix] = self.interp[len(dat.shape) - 1].intp(data=fkt["dat_%s" % reduce_suffix], caching=True, axes=[self.dims[dim] for dim in fkt["dims_%s" % reduce_suffix][:-1]], hash_pattern="".join( [self.hash_formats[dim] for dim in fkt["dims_%s" % reduce_suffix][:-1]]), )
[docs] def reduce_luts(self, reduce_suffix, reduce_dims, set_new_luts=True): """ Function to call for reducing dimension of LUT. :param reduce_suffix: suffix of the name for LUT subset :param reduce_dims: state parameters to be fixed :param set_new_luts: :return: None """ for fkt in self.LUTS: self.__reduce_LUT__(fkt, reduce_suffix, reduce_dims) if reduce_suffix not in self.LUT_suffixs: self.LUT_suffixs.append(reduce_suffix) if set_new_luts is True: self.set_luts(reduce_suffix)
[docs] def set_luts(self, suffix): """ Assigns a LUT to the forward operator. :param suffix: suffix of the LUT's name :return: None """ principal_keys = {"range", "idx", "dims", "dat", "int", "jacobean_switch"} for fkt in self.LUTS: for key in principal_keys: try: fkt[key] = fkt["%s_%s" % (key, suffix)] except KeyError: if suffix != "orig": raise self.__jacobean_range__ = np.arange(len(self.SS["idx"])) self.n_jac_at = len(self.__jacobean_range__) self.n_jac_fl = len(self.L0["idx"]) try: self.idx_dim_sza = self.L0["dims"].index(self.dim_sza) except ValueError: self.idx_dim_sza = None self.sza_reduced = self.L0["reduce_dims_%s" % suffix]["sza"] # noinspection PyBroadException try: self.idx_dim_vza = self.L0["dims"].index(self.dim_vza) except Exception: self.idx_dim_vza = None self.vza_reduced = self.L0["reduce_dims_%s" % suffix]["vza"]
[docs] def get_wvl_idx(self, data_wvls, sensor_name=None): """ :param sensor_name: :param data_wvls: numpy array with wavelength as used in the data :return: numpy array with ints which give the closest indices to the wavelength in data_wvls """ if sensor_name is None: return np.array([np.argmin(np.abs(data_wvls - wv)) for wv in self.wvl], dtype=int) else: return np.array([np.argmin(np.abs(data_wvls - wv)) for wv in self.wvl_sensors[sensor_name]], dtype=int)
# noinspection PyProtectedMember,PyDictCreation,PyUnresolvedReferences def __minimize__(pt_index, p0, pt_names, data, opt_func, zoom_factor=None, opt_range="full", opt_options=None, update_p0=True, zoom_interpolation_order=1, debug=False, monitor=True, processes=None): if not opt_options: opt_options = {"maxiter": 50, "disp": False} if processes is None: processes = np.max([1, int(np.ceil(cpu_count() / 2) - 2)]) if zoom_factor is None: zoom_factor = np.ones(3, dtype=float) elif len(zoom_factor) == 1: zoom_factor = np.array([zoom_factor, zoom_factor, 1.0], dtype=float) elif len(zoom_factor) == 2: zoom_factor = np.array([zoom_factor[0], zoom_factor[1], 1.0], dtype=float) else: raise ValueError("Wrong zoom_factor") globs = {} globs["__p0__"] = __zm__(p0[:, :, pt_index], zoom_factor, order=zoom_interpolation_order) globs["__ff__"] = opt_func globs["__opt_options__"] = opt_options globs["__data__"] = __zm__(data, zoom_factor, order=zoom_interpolation_order) res_shape = list(globs["__data__"].shape[:2]) + [opt_func.n_x] globs["__res__"] = SharedNdarray(res_shape, default_value=np.NaN) globs["__norm__"] = SharedNdarray(res_shape[:2]) globs["__meta__"] = SharedNdarray(res_shape[:2] + [data.shape[2]]) if opt_range == "full": rng = list(product(np.arange(0, res_shape[0], 1), np.arange(0, res_shape[1], 1))) else: funcs = (np.ceil, np.floor, np.ceil) opt_range_x = [int(fun(val)) for fun, val in zip(funcs, np.array(opt_range[0]) * zoom_factor[0])] opt_range_y = [int(fun(val)) for fun, val in zip(funcs, np.array(opt_range[1]) * zoom_factor[1])] rng = list(product(np.arange(*opt_range_x), np.arange(*opt_range_y))) if monitor is True: with Pool(processes=processes, initializer=initializer, initargs=(globals(), globs,)) as pl: result = pl.map_async(__min__, rng) p_bar = pyprind.ProgBar(result._number_left, monitor=True, width=130) while not result.ready(): p_bar.cnt = p_bar.max_iter - result._number_left p_bar.update() p_bar.cnt -= 1 sleep(1) pl.close() pl.join() else: if debug is True: initializer(globals(), globs) for rr in rng: __min__(rr) else: with Pool(processes=processes, initializer=initializer, initargs=(globals(), globs,)) as pl:, rng) pl.close() pl.join() for ii, (up, dn) in enumerate(zip(opt_func.x_bounds_up, opt_func.x_bounds_dn)): globs["__res__"].np[globs["__res__"].np[:, :, ii] > up, ii] = up globs["__res__"].np[globs["__res__"].np[:, :, ii] < dn, ii] = dn res = __rezoom__(globs["__res__"].np, data.shape, order=zoom_interpolation_order) norm = __rezoom__(globs["__norm__"].np, data.shape[:2], order=zoom_interpolation_order) meta = __rezoom__(globs["__meta__"].np, data.shape, order=zoom_interpolation_order) for ii, (up, dn) in enumerate(zip(opt_func.x_bounds_up, opt_func.x_bounds_dn)): res[res[:, :, ii] > up, ii] = up res[res[:, :, ii] < dn, ii] = dn if update_p0 is True: res_to_pt = [list(pt_names).index(dim) for dim in opt_func.jjsc_names if dim in pt_names] if opt_range == "full": p0[:, :, res_to_pt] = res[:, :, :opt_func.n_atm] else: slx = slice(*opt_range[0]) sly = slice(*opt_range[1]) p0[slx, sly, res_to_pt] = res[slx, sly, :opt_func.n_atm] elif update_p0 is False: pass else: res_to_pt = [list(pt_names).index(dim) for dim in globs["__ff__"].jjsc_names if dim in pt_names and dim in update_p0] res_id = [ii for ii, dim in enumerate(globs["__ff__"].dim_names) if dim in update_p0] print(res_to_pt, res_id) if opt_range == "full": p0[:, :, res_to_pt] = res[:, :, res_id] else: slx = slice(*opt_range[0]) sly = slice(*opt_range[1]) p0[slx, sly, res_to_pt] = res[slx, sly, res_id] del globs["__norm__"] del globs["__res__"] del globs["__meta__"] return res, meta, norm # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences def __min__(ii, debug=False, only_success=False): """ Core function of the optimization process. Optimization is done by looping through all pixels. :param ii: row/column index of each enmap pixel :param debug: :param only_success: :return: """ from scipy.optimize import minimize # import here to avoid static TLS ImportError i1, i2 = ii if __data__[i1, i2, 0] == 0.0: return if __opt_options__ is None: __res__[i1, i2, :] =[i1, i2, :], data=__data__[i1, i2, :])) else: if np.all(np.isfinite(__data__[i1, i2, :])): ress_full = [ minimize(fun=__ff__, x0=__ff__.x0(p0=__p0__[i1, i2, :], data=__data__[i1, i2, :], first_guess=fg), args=(__p0__[i1, i2, :], __data__[i1, i2, :]), jac=True, method='BFGS', options=__opt_options__) for fg in [0.06, 0.1]] # choose the optimization with the lowest norm value between modeled and measured TOA reflectance # => best one ress_full = sorted(ress_full, key=lambda k: k['fun']) res = ress_full[0] if debug is True: print(__opt_options__) print((__p0__[i1, i2, :], __data__[i1, i2, :])) print(__ff__.x0(p0=__p0__[i1, i2, :], data=__data__[i1, i2, :])) return res else: if only_success is True: if res["success"] is True: __res__[i1, i2, :] = __ff__.x_scaled_to_phys(res["x"]) else: __res__[i1, i2, :] = np.NaN else: # create array containing the optimization result, the norms and the modeled TOA reflectance __res__[i1, i2, :] = __ff__.x_scaled_to_phys(res["x"]) __norm__[i1, i2] = np.sqrt(res["fun"]) / np.mean(__data__[i1, i2, :]) __meta__[i1, i2, :] = __ff__(res["x"], __p0__[i1, i2, :], __data__[i1, i2, :], model_output=True) def __rezoom__(res, data_shape, order=3): from scipy.ndimage import zoom # import here to avoid static TLS ImportError sh0, sh1 = np.array(res.shape, dtype=float), np.array(res.shape, dtype=float) sh1[:2] = np.array(data_shape)[:2] fac = sh1 / sh0 if np.mean(fac) == 1.0: return np.copy(res) else: return zoom(input=res, zoom=fac, order=order) def __zm__(data, fac, order=3): from scipy.ndimage import zoom # import here to avoid static TLS ImportError if fac is None: return data elif np.mean(fac) == 1.0: return data else: try: return zoom(data, fac, output=data.dtype, order=order) except RuntimeError: return zoom(np.array(data, dtype=np.float32), fac, output=np.float32, order=order) # noinspection PyShadowingNames
[docs] class FF(object): def __init__(self, fo, optimize_dims_atm, weight=None, wvl_sel=slice(None)): self.weight = weight = fo self.optimize_dims_atm = optimize_dims_atm self.n_rho_lin = self.n_atm = len(self.optimize_dims_atm) self.n_x = self.n_rho_lin + self.n_atm self.wvl_sel = wvl_sel if not all([dim in["dims"] for dim in self.optimize_dims_atm]): raise ValueError("Missing:", self.optimize_dims_atm,["dims"]) self.atm_idx = np.array([idx for dim, idx in zip(["dims"],["idx"])], dtype=int) self.atm_opt_idx = np.array( [idx for dim, idx in zip(["dims"],["idx"]) if dim in self.optimize_dims_atm], dtype=int) self.atm_bgr_idx = np.array( [idx for dim, idx in zip(["dims"],["idx"]) if dim not in self.optimize_dims_atm], dtype=int) dim_names = list(optimize_dims_atm) + [[dx] for dx in self.atm_bgr_idx] self.dim_names = [dim for dim in["dims"] if dim in dim_names] + self.n_rho_lin * ["rj"] # not all lut parameters are in the jacobean (view directions) jjsc = ( - / ( - self.jjsc = [jj for jj, dim in zip(jjsc, self.dim_names) if dim == "rj" or dim in["dims"]] self.jjsc_names = [dim for jj, dim in zip(jjsc, self.dim_names) if dim == "rj" or dim in["dims"]] = np.zeros(np.max(["idx"]) + 1 + # atmospheric indices, # surface indices dtype=float) self.pt_bounds_up = np.zeros(len( self.pt_bounds_dn = np.zeros(len( for ii, idx in enumerate(["idx"]): self.pt_bounds_up[idx] =[ii] self.pt_bounds_dn[idx] =[ii] try: self.pt_bounds_up[-self.n_rho_lin:] =[:] except AttributeError: self.pt_bounds_up[-self.n_rho_lin:] = 1.0 try: self.pt_bounds_dn[-self.n_rho_lin:] =[:] except AttributeError: self.pt_bounds_dn[-self.n_rho_lin:] = 0.0 self.n_atm_all = len(self.atm_idx) self.n_x_all = self.n_rho_lin + self.n_atm_all self.x_bounds_up = np.zeros(self.n_x) self.x_bounds_dn = np.zeros(self.n_x) self.x_bounds_up[:self.n_atm] = self.pt_bounds_up[self.atm_opt_idx] self.x_bounds_dn[:self.n_atm] = self.pt_bounds_dn[self.atm_opt_idx] try: self.x_bounds_up[self.n_atm:] = except AttributeError: self.x_bounds_up[self.n_atm:] = 1.0 try: self.x_bounds_dn[self.n_atm:] = except AttributeError: self.x_bounds_dn[self.n_atm:] = 0.0 self.jac_sel = np.array([False] * len(self.jjsc)) for ii, dim in enumerate(self.jjsc_names): if dim in self.optimize_dims_atm or dim == "rj": self.jac_sel[ii] = True
[docs] @staticmethod def apply_bounds(xii, bounds_up, bounds_dn): nn = xii.shape[0] for ii in range(nn): if xii[ii] >= bounds_up[ii]: xii[ii] = bounds_up[ii] if xii[ii] < bounds_dn[ii]: xii[ii] = bounds_dn[ii]
def __norm__(self, aa, bb): if self.weight is None: return (aa - bb) ** 2 else: return self.weight * (aa - bb) ** 2 def __d_bb_norm__(self, aa, bb): if self.weight is None: return -2 * (aa - bb) else: return -2 * (aa - bb) * self.weight
[docs] def x_phys_to_scaled(self, xx): return (xx - self.x_bounds_dn) / (self.x_bounds_up - self.x_bounds_dn)
[docs] def x_scaled_to_phys(self, xx): return (self.x_bounds_up - self.x_bounds_dn) * xx + self.x_bounds_dn
[docs] def x0(self, p0=None, data=None, first_guess=None): """ Estimation of the first guess solution x0. x0 contains a first guess solution of parameter concentration as well as estimated reflectance values at the two continuum levels of the chosen absorption feature. :param p0: :param data: :param first_guess: :return: """ xx = np.ones(self.n_x) # initial first guess if p0 is not None and data is not None:[self.atm_opt_idx] = p0[self.atm_opt_idx][self.atm_bgr_idx] = p0[self.atm_bgr_idx] self.apply_bounds(, self.pt_bounds_up, self.pt_bounds_dn) xx[-self.n_rho_lin:] =, toa_reflectance=data)) # copy first guess for atm xx[:self.n_atm] = p0[self.atm_opt_idx] self.apply_bounds(xx, self.x_bounds_up, self.x_bounds_dn) # values are scaled => (value - lower bound) / (upper bound - lower bound) xx = self.x_phys_to_scaled(xx) if first_guess is not None: xx[:self.n_atm] = first_guess return xx
def __call__(self, xx, pt, dt, xx_is_scaled=True, model_output=False): if xx_is_scaled: # scale back xx = self.x_scaled_to_phys(xx)[self.atm_opt_idx] = xx[:self.n_atm] # copy x to pt[self.atm_bgr_idx] = pt[self.atm_bgr_idx] # copy bg data[-self.n_rho_lin:] = xx[] # copy surface data self.apply_bounds(, self.pt_bounds_up, self.pt_bounds_dn) ff, jj = if model_output is True: return ff else: f = (np.sum(self.__norm__(dt[self.wvl_sel], ff[self.wvl_sel]))) j = (np.sum(jj[:, self.wvl_sel] * self.__d_bb_norm__(dt[self.wvl_sel], ff[self.wvl_sel]), axis=1)) if xx_is_scaled: j = j * self.jjsc n = float(len(dt)) return f / n, j[self.jac_sel] / n
# noinspection PyDictCreation if __name__ == "__main__": solar = SolarIrradiance(path_thuillier="./databases/solar_irradiance/Solar_irradiance_Thuillier_2002.xls", path_fontenla="./databases/solar_irradiance/SUNp1fontenla.asc", path_earth_sun_distance='./databases/solar_distance/Earth_Sun_distances_per_day_edited.csv' ) instruments = { "sat_1": sat(wvl_inst=np.arange(450, 650, 20.0), wvl_rsp=np.arange(250, 950, 0.2), sigma=5.0, solar=solar), "sat_2": sat(wvl_inst=np.arange(1450, 1650, 2.0), wvl_rsp=np.arange(1250, 2050, 0.2), sigma=5.0, solar=solar), "EnMap_Gauss": sat(wvl_inst=np.arange(450, 2450, 5.0), wvl_rsp=np.arange(400, 2540, 0.1), sigma=7.0, solar=solar), "MS": sat(wvl_inst=np.arange(450, 2450, 25.0), wvl_rsp=np.arange(400, 2540, 0.1), sigma=15.0, solar=solar), "MS2": sat(wvl_inst=np.arange(450, 2450, 125.0), wvl_rsp=np.arange(400, 2540, 0.1), sigma=45.0, solar=solar)} wvl_enmap, sigmas_enmap = (lambda x: (x[:, 0], x[:, 1]))(np.loadtxt("./databases/SRF_EnMap.txt")) instruments["EnMap"] = sat(wvl_inst=wvl_enmap, wvl_rsp=np.arange(wvl_enmap[0], wvl_enmap[-1], 0.2), sigma=sigmas_enmap, solar=solar) atm_tables_fn = "./linear_atm_functions_ncwv_3_npre_3_ncoz_3_ntmp_4_wvl_350.0_2550.0_1.00_pca.h5" self = RtFo(atm_tables_fn=atm_tables_fn, n_pcs=15, hash_formats={'spr': '%.0f,', 'coz': '%.0f,', 'cwv': '%.0f,', 'tmp': '%0f,', 'tau_a': '%.2f,', 'vza': '%.0f,'}, slices={"tmp": slice(0, 4, 1)}, dim_scat=["tau_a"], table_path="/table_aerosol/type_1", only_toa=False, sensors=instruments, sensor_interpolation_reference=["sensor", "pca", "error"][0]) fig = figure(figsize=(10, 7)) self.set_sensor() rho_pca = -1 * (self.wvl_pca - self.wvl_pca[0]) ** 2 / 10 ** 7 + 0.5 pt = np.array([1015.0, 350., 1.5, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) plot(self.wvl, self.reflectance_toa(pt, rho_pca), "0.7") for sat, col, ls in zip(['EnMap_Gauss', 'EnMap'], ["r", "c", "c", "y", "b", "m"], [".", ".", ".", "-", ".", ".", ".", "."]): self.set_sensor(sat) plot(self.wvl, self.reflectance_toa(pt, np.interp(x=self.wvl, xp=self.wvl_pca, fp=rho_pca)), linestyle=ls, color=col, markersize=3, marker="<") show() print("EEooFF")