Source code for sicor.AC.RtFo_3_phases

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

# SICOR is a freely available, platform-independent software designed to process hyperspectral remote sensing data,
# and particularly developed to handle data from the EnMAP sensor.

# This file contains the radiative transfer forward operator including a three phases of water retrieval.

# Copyright (C) 2018  Niklas Bohn (GFZ, <>),
# German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ, <>)

# This software was developed within the context of the EnMAP project supported by the DLR Space Administration with
# funds of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (on the basis of a decision by the German
# Bundestag: 50 EE 1529) and contributions from DLR, GFZ and OHB System AG.

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
# warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.
# If not, see <>.

import logging
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import dill
import multiprocessing as mp
from itertools import product
from time import time
import warnings
from contextlib import closing
from tqdm import tqdm
import os
import pkgutil
import platform

from py_tools_ds.processing.progress_mon import ProgressBar

from sicor.Tools.EnMAP.metadata import varsol
from sicor.Tools.EnMAP.LUT import get_data_file, read_lut_enmap_formatted, download_LUT, interpol_lut
from sicor.Tools.EnMAP.LUT import reduce_lut, interpol_lut_red
from sicor.Tools.EnMAP.conversion import generate_filter, table_to_array
from sicor.Tools.EnMAP.optimal_estimation import invert_function
from sicor.Tools.EnMAP.multiprocessing import SharedNdarray, initializer, mp_progress_bar
from sicor.Tools.EnMAP.first_guess import wv_band_ratio
from sicor.Tools.EnMAP.segmentation import SLIC_segmentation

# Generic
[docs] class FoGen(object): """Forward operator for input TOA radiance data formatted according to options file (i.e., not in standard EnMAP L1B format).""" def __init__(self, data, options, dem=None, logger=None): """Instance of forward operator object. :param data: ndarray containing data :param options: dictionary with EnMAP specific options :param logger: None or logging instance :param dem: digital elevation model to be provided in advance; default: None """ self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__) self.cpu = options["retrieval"]["cpu"] self.disable_progressbars = options["retrieval"]["disable_progressbars"] self.instrument = options["sensor"]["name"] = data if self.instrument == "EnMAP": self.data_fg = data[:, :, :88] # get observation metadata"Getting observation metadata...") self.jday = options["metadata"]["jday"] self.month = options["metadata"]["month"] self.dsol = varsol(jday=self.jday, month=self.month) self.dn2rad = self.dsol * self.dsol * 0.1 self.fac = 1 / self.dn2rad self.sza = np.full([:2], options["metadata"]["sza"]) self.vza = np.full([:2], options["metadata"]["vza"]) if dem is None: self.hsf = np.full([:2], options["metadata"]["hsf"]) else: self.hsf = dem self.saa = np.zeros(np.full([:2], options["metadata"]["saa"]).shape) for ii in range(self.saa.shape[0]): for jj in range(self.saa.shape[1]): if np.full([:2], options["metadata"]["saa"])[ii, jj] < 0: self.saa[ii, jj] = 360 + np.full([:2], options["metadata"]["saa"])[ii, jj] else: self.saa[ii, jj] = np.full([:2], options["metadata"]["saa"])[ii, jj] self.raa = np.abs(np.full([:2], options["metadata"]["vza"]) - self.saa) for ii in range(self.raa.shape[0]): for jj in range(self.raa.shape[1]): if self.raa[ii, jj] > 180: self.raa[ii, jj] = 360 - self.raa[ii, jj] # check if observation metadata values are within LUT value ranges"Checking if observation metadata values are within LUT value ranges...") try: assert np.min(self.vza) >= 0 and np.max(self.vza) <= 40 except AssertionError: raise AssertionError("vza not in LUT range, must be between 0 and 40. check input value!") try: assert np.min(self.sza) >= 0 and np.max(self.sza) <= 70 except AssertionError: raise AssertionError("sza not in LUT range, must be between 0 and 70. check input value!") if np.min(self.hsf) < 0: f"The provided DEM contains grid elements below sea level " f"(minimum value is: {np.min(self.hsf) * 1000} meters), " f"which is not supported by SICOR. Setting these grid points to 0." ) self.hsf[self.hsf < 0] = 0 try: assert np.max(self.hsf) <= 8 except AssertionError: raise AssertionError("Surface elevation not in LUT range, must be below 8 km. Check input value!") try: assert 0.05 <= options["metadata"]["aot"] <= 0.8 except AssertionError: raise AssertionError("aot not in LUT range, must be between 0.05 and 0.8. check input value!") = np.zeros(([0],[1], 5))[:, :, 0] = self.vza[:, :, 1] = self.sza[:, :, 2] = self.hsf[:, :, 3] = np.full([:2], options["metadata"]["aot"])[:, :, 4] = self.raa self.par_opt = ["water vapor", "intercept", "slope", "liquid water", "ice"] self.state_dim = len(self.par_opt) self.prior_mean, self.use_prior_mean, self.ll, self.ul, self.prior_sigma, self.unknowns = [], [], [], [], [], [] for key in options["retrieval"]["state_vector"].keys(): self.prior_mean.append(options["retrieval"]["state_vector"][key]["prior_mean"]) self.use_prior_mean.append(options["retrieval"]["state_vector"][key]["use_prior_mean"]) self.ll.append(options["retrieval"]["state_vector"][key]["ll"]) self.ul.append(options["retrieval"]["state_vector"][key]["ul"]) self.prior_sigma.append(options["retrieval"]["state_vector"][key]["prior_sigma"]) # Thompson et al. (2018) and Kou et al. (1993) for key in options["retrieval"]["unknowns"].keys(): self.unknowns.append(options["retrieval"]["unknowns"][key]["sigma"]) self.oe_gnform = options["retrieval"]["inversion"]["gnform"] self.oe_full = options["retrieval"]["inversion"]["full"] self.oe_maxiter = options["retrieval"]["inversion"]["maxiter"] self.oe_eps = options["retrieval"]["inversion"]["eps"] # wvl self.wvl = np.array(options["sensor"]["fit"]["wvl_center"]) self.fwhm = np.array(options["sensor"]["fit"]["fwhm"]) # vnir wvl if self.instrument == "EnMAP": self.wvl_vnir = self.wvl[:88] self.fwhm_vnir = self.fwhm[:88] # fit wvl self.fit_wvl = np.array(options["sensor"]["fit"]["idx"]) self.wvl_sel = self.wvl[self.fit_wvl] self.fwhm_sel = self.fwhm[self.fit_wvl] self.snr_fit = np.array(options["sensor"]["fit"]["snr"]) # get solar irradiances for absorption feature shoulders wavelengths"Getting solar irradiances for absorption feature shoulders wavelengths...") new_kur_fn = get_data_file(module_name="sicor", file_basename="newkur_EnMAP.dat") new_kur = pd.read_table(new_kur_fn, delim_whitespace=True) freq_0 = 10e6 / self.wvl_sel[0] freq_1 = 10e6 / self.wvl_sel[-1] solar_0 = np.zeros(1) solar_1 = np.zeros(1) for ii in range(1, new_kur.shape[0]): if int(freq_0) - int([ii, "FREQ"]) == 0: solar_0 =[ii, "SOLAR"] if int(freq_1) - int([ii, "FREQ"]) == 0: solar_1 =[ii, "SOLAR"] self.s0 = float(solar_0) * (10e6 / self.wvl_sel[0]) ** 2 self.s1 = float(solar_1) * (10e6 / self.wvl_sel[-1]) ** 2 # load RT LUT"Loading RT LUT...") if os.path.isfile(options["retrieval"]["fn_LUT"]): self.fn_table = options["retrieval"]["fn_LUT"] else: self.path_sicorlib = os.path.dirname(pkgutil.get_loader("sicor").path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.path_sicorlib, "AC", "data", "EnMAP_LUT_MOD5_formatted_1nm")): self.fn_table = os.path.join(self.path_sicorlib, "AC", "data", "EnMAP_LUT_MOD5_formatted_1nm") else: raise FileNotFoundError("LUT file was not found. Make sure to indicate path in options file or to " "store the LUT at /sicor/AC/data/ directory, otherwise, the AC will not work.") luts, axes_x, axes_y, wvl, lut1, lut2, xnodes, nm_nodes, ndim, x_cell = read_lut_enmap_formatted( file_lut=self.fn_table) self.wvl_lut = wvl # resample LUT to instrument wavelengths"Resampling LUT to instrument wavelengths...") self.s_norm_fit = generate_filter(wvl_m=self.wvl_lut, wvl=self.wvl_sel, wl_resol=self.fwhm_sel) self.s_norm_full = generate_filter(wvl_m=self.wvl_lut, wvl=self.wvl, wl_resol=self.fwhm) self.xnodes = xnodes self.nm_nodes = nm_nodes self.ndim = ndim self.x_cell = x_cell lut2_all_res_fit = np.zeros((5, 6, 4, 6, 1, 7, len(self.wvl_sel), 4)) lut2_all_res_full = np.zeros((5, 6, 4, 6, 1, 7, len(self.wvl), 4)) lut1_res_fit = lut1[:, :, :, :, :, :, :, 0] @ self.s_norm_fit lut1_res_full = lut1[:, :, :, :, :, :, :, 0] @ self.s_norm_full for ii in range(4): lut2_all_res_fit[:, :, :, :, :, :, :, ii] = lut2[:, :, :, :, :, :, :, ii] @ self.s_norm_fit lut2_all_res_full[:, :, :, :, :, :, :, ii] = lut2[:, :, :, :, :, :, :, ii] @ self.s_norm_full self.lut1_fit = lut1_res_fit self.lut1_full = lut1_res_full self.lut2_fit = lut2_all_res_fit self.lut2_full = lut2_all_res_full # calculate absorption coefficients of liquid water and ice"Calculating absorption coefficients of liquid water and ice...") warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") path_k = get_data_file(module_name="sicor", file_basename="k_liquid_water_ice.xlsx") k_wi = pd.read_excel(io=path_k, engine='openpyxl') wvl_water, k_water = table_to_array(k_wi=k_wi, a=0, b=982, col_wvl="wvl_6", col_k="T = 20°C") interp_kw = np.interp(x=self.wvl_sel, xp=wvl_water, fp=k_water) = interp_kw wvl_ice, k_ice = table_to_array(k_wi=k_wi, a=0, b=135, col_wvl="wvl_4", col_k="T = -7°C") interp_ki = np.interp(x=self.wvl_sel, xp=wvl_ice, fp=k_ice) = interp_ki self.abs_co_w = 4 * np.pi * / self.wvl_sel self.abs_co_i = 4 * np.pi * / self.wvl_sel # load mean solar exoatmospheric irradiances"Calculating mean solar exoatmospheric irradiances...") path_sol = get_data_file(module_name="sicor", file_basename="solar_irradiances_400_2500_1.dill") with open(path_sol, "rb") as fl: solar_lut = dill.load(fl) self.solar_res = solar_lut @ self.s_norm_fit
[docs] def surface_model(self, xx): """Nonlinear surface reflectance model using the Beer-Lambert attenuation law for the retrieval of liquid water and ice path lengths. :param xx: state vector, must be in the order [vapor, intercept, slope, liquid, ice] :return: modeled surface reflectance """ # modeling of surface reflectance attenuation = np.exp(-xx[3] * 1e7 * self.abs_co_w - xx[4] * 1e7 * self.abs_co_i) rho = (xx[1] + xx[2] * self.wvl_sel) * attenuation return rho
[docs] def toa_rad(self, xx, pt, perturb=None): """Model TOA radiance for a given atmospheric state by interpolating in the LUT and applying the simplified solution of the RTE. Here, the atmospheric state also contains path lengths of liquid water and ice. The needed surface reflectance values are derived from the nonlinear Beer-Lambert surface reflectance model. :param xx: state vector :param pt: model parameter vector :param perturb: perturbance factor for calculating perturbed TOA radiance; default None :return: modeled TOA radiance, modeled surface reflectance """ # LUT interpolation vtest = np.asarray([pt[0], pt[1], pt[2], pt[3], pt[4], xx[0]]) f_int = interpol_lut(lut1=self.lut1_fit, lut2=self.lut2_fit, xnodes=self.xnodes, nm_nodes=self.nm_nodes, ndim=self.ndim, x_cell=self.x_cell, vtest=vtest, intp_wvl=self.wvl_sel) f_int_l0 = f_int[0, :] * 1.e+3 f_int_edir = f_int[1, :] * 1.e+3 f_int_edif = f_int[2, :] * 1.e+3 f_int_ss = f_int[3, :] f_int_ee = f_int_edir * np.cos(np.deg2rad(pt[1])) + f_int_edif # modeling of surface reflectance rho = self.surface_model(xx=xx) # modeling of TOA radiance if perturb: f_int_toa = (f_int_l0 + f_int_ee * rho / np.pi / (1 - f_int_ss * rho * perturb)) * self.fac else: f_int_toa = (f_int_l0 + f_int_ee * rho / np.pi / (1 - f_int_ss * rho)) * self.fac return f_int_toa
[docs] def surf_ref(self, dt, xx, pt, mode=None): """Model surface reflectance for a given atmospheric state by interpolating in the LUT and applying the simplified solution of the RTE. Here, the atmospheric state also contains path lengths of liquid water and ice. :param dt: measurement vector :param xx: water vapor from state vector :param pt: model parameter vector :param mode: if vnir, interpolation is done for EnMAP vnir bands; if swir, it is done for swir bands :return: modeled surface reflectance """ # LUT interpolation vtest = np.asarray([pt[0], pt[1], pt[2], pt[3], pt[4], xx[0]]) if mode == "full": f_int = interpol_lut(lut1=self.lut1_full, lut2=self.lut2_full, xnodes=self.xnodes, nm_nodes=self.nm_nodes, ndim=self.ndim, x_cell=self.x_cell, vtest=vtest, intp_wvl=self.wvl) else: f_int = interpol_lut(lut1=self.lut1_fit, lut2=self.lut2_fit, xnodes=self.xnodes, nm_nodes=self.nm_nodes, ndim=self.ndim, x_cell=self.x_cell, vtest=vtest, intp_wvl=self.wvl_sel) f_int_l0 = f_int[0, :] * 1.e+3 * self.fac f_int_edir = f_int[1, :] * 1.e+3 * self.fac f_int_edif = f_int[2, :] * 1.e+3 * self.fac f_int_ss = f_int[3, :] f_int_ee = f_int_edir * np.cos(np.deg2rad(pt[1])) + f_int_edif # modeling of surface reflectance xterm = np.pi * (dt - f_int_l0) / f_int_ee rho = xterm / (1. + f_int_ss * xterm) return rho
[docs] def drdn_drtb(self, xx, pt, rdn): """Calculate Jacobian of radiance with respect to unknown radiative transfer model parameters. :param xx: state vector :param pt: model parameter vector :param rdn: forward modeled TOA radiance for the current state vector xx :return: Jacobian of unknown radiative transfer model parameters """ kb_rt = [] eps = 1e-5 perturb = (1.0 + eps) unknowns = ["skyview", "water_vapor_absorption_coefficients"] for unknown in unknowns: if unknown == "skyview": # perturb the sky view rdne = self.toa_rad(xx=xx, pt=pt, perturb=perturb) dx = (rdne - rdn) / eps kb_rt.append(dx) elif unknown == "water_vapor_absorption_coefficients": xx_perturb = xx.copy() xx_perturb[0] = xx[0] * perturb rdne = self.toa_rad(xx=xx_perturb, pt=pt) dx = (rdne - rdn) / eps kb_rt.append(dx) kb_rt = np.array(kb_rt).T return kb_rt
[docs] def drdn_dsurfaceb(self, xx, pt, rdn): """Calculate Jacobian of radiance with respect to unknown surface model parameters. :param xx: state vector :param pt: model parameter vector :param rdn: forward modeled TOA radiance for the current state vector xx :return: Jacobian of unknown surface model parameters """ kb_surface = [] eps = 1e-5 perturb = (1.0 * eps) unknowns = ["liquid_water_absorption_coefficients", "ice_absorption_coefficients"] for ii, unknown in enumerate(unknowns): xx_perturb = xx.copy() xx_perturb[ii+1] = xx[ii+1] * perturb rdne = self.toa_rad(xx=xx_perturb, pt=pt) dx = (rdne - rdn) / eps kb_surface.append(dx) kb_surface = np.array(kb_surface).T return kb_surface
[docs] def calc_kb(self, xx, pt, num_bd, sb): """Derivative of measurement with respect to unmodeled & unretrieved unknown variables, e.g. S_b. This is the concatenation of Jacobians with respect to parameters of the surface and the radiative transfer model. :param xx: state vector :param pt: model parameter vector :param num_bd: number of instrument bands :param sb: unknown model parameter error covariance matrix :return: Jacobian of unknown model parameters """ kb = np.zeros((num_bd, sb.shape[0]), dtype=float) # calculate the radiance at the current state vector rdn = self.toa_rad(xx=xx, pt=pt) drdn_drtb = self.drdn_drtb(xx=xx, pt=pt, rdn=rdn) drdn_dsurfaceb = self.drdn_dsurfaceb(xx=xx, pt=pt, rdn=rdn) kb[:, :2] = drdn_drtb kb[:, 2:] = drdn_dsurfaceb return kb
[docs] def calc_se(self, xx, dt, pt, sb, num_bd, snr, unknowns): """Calculate the total uncertainty of the observation, including both the instrument noise and the uncertainty due to unmodeled variables. This is the S_epsilon matrix of Rodgers et al. :param xx: state vector :param dt: measurement vector :param pt: model parameter vector :param sb: unknown model parameter error covariance matrix :param num_bd: number of instrument bands :param snr: signal-to-noise ratio for each instrument band :param unknowns: if True, uncertainties due to unknown forward model parameters are added to S_epsilon; default: False :return: measurement error covariance matrix """ if self.instrument == "AVIRIS": nedl = abs(snr[:, 0] * np.sqrt(snr[:, 1] + dt) + snr[:, 2]) sy = np.identity(num_bd) * nedl else: sy = np.identity(num_bd) * ((dt / snr) ** 2) if not unknowns: return sy else: kb = self.calc_kb(xx=xx, pt=pt, num_bd=num_bd, sb=sb) se = sy + return se
[docs] class Fo(object): """ Forward operator for input TOA radiance data in standard EnMAP L1B format. """ def __init__(self, enmap_l1b, options, logger=None): """ Instance of forward operator object. :param enmap_l1b: EnMAP Level-1B object :param options: dictionary with EnMAP specific options :param logger: None or logging instance """ self.logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__) self.cpu = options["retrieval"]["cpu"] self.disable_progressbars = options["retrieval"]["disable_progressbars"] self.instrument = options["sensor"]["name"] self.data_vnir =[:].copy() self.data_swir =[:].copy() self.resamp_alg = options["sensor"]["resamp_alg"] self.land_only = options["retrieval"]["land_only"] self.water_mask_vnir = enmap_l1b.vnir.mask_landwater[:, :] if self.land_only:"SICOR is applied to land pixels only. This may result in edge effects, e.g., at coastlines...") self.water_mask_swir = enmap_l1b.transform_vnir_to_swir_raster(array_vnirsensorgeo=self.water_mask_vnir, resamp_alg=self.resamp_alg, respect_keystone=False) self.data_vnir[self.water_mask_vnir != 1] = 0.0 self.data_swir[self.water_mask_swir != 1] = 0.0 else:"SICOR is applied to land AND water pixels.") # transform vnir array data to swir sensor geometry to enable first guess retrievals for liquid water and ice"Transforming VNIR data to SWIR sensor geometry to enable first guess retrievals for liquid water " "and ice...") self.data_vnir_trans = enmap_l1b.transform_vnir_to_swir_raster(array_vnirsensorgeo=self.data_vnir, resamp_alg=self.resamp_alg, respect_keystone=False) # get observation metadata"Getting observation metadata...") self.jday = self.month = enmap_l1b.meta.observation_datetime.month self.dsol = varsol(jday=self.jday, month=self.month) self.dn2rad = self.dsol * self.dsol * 0.1 self.fac = 1 / self.dn2rad self.sza = np.full([:2], enmap_l1b.meta.geom_sun_zenith) self.vza = np.full([:2], enmap_l1b.meta.geom_view_zenith) self.raa = np.zeros([:2]) if enmap_l1b.meta.geom_sun_azimuth < 0: self.saa = 360 + enmap_l1b.meta.geom_sun_azimuth else: self.saa = enmap_l1b.meta.geom_sun_azimuth self.geom_rel_azimuth = np.abs(enmap_l1b.meta.geom_view_zenith - self.saa) if self.geom_rel_azimuth > 180: self.raa[:, :] = 360 - self.geom_rel_azimuth else: self.raa[:, :] = self.geom_rel_azimuth # get dem for each detector, if no dem is provided by the L1B object the algorithm falls back to an average # elevation given in the EnPT config file self.hsf = {} for detector_name in enmap_l1b.detector_attrNames: detector = getattr(enmap_l1b, detector_name) if detector.dem.size == 0: self.hsf[detector_name] = np.full([:2], (enmap_l1b.cfg.average_elevation / 1000)) else: self.hsf[detector_name] = detector.dem[:, :] / 1000 # check if observation metadata values are within LUT value ranges"Checking if observation metadata values are within LUT value ranges...") try: assert np.min(self.vza) >= 0 and np.max(self.vza) <= 40 except AssertionError: raise AssertionError("vza not in LUT range, must be between 0 and 40. check input value!") try: assert np.min(self.sza) >= 0 and np.max(self.sza) <= 70 except AssertionError: raise AssertionError("sza not in LUT range, must be between 0 and 70. check input value!") if np.min(self.hsf["swir"]) < 0: f"The provided DEM contains grid elements below sea level " f"(minimum value is: {np.min(self.hsf['swir']) * 1000} meters), " f"which is not supported by SICOR. Setting these grid points to 0." ) self.hsf["swir"][self.hsf["swir"] < 0] = 0 try: assert np.max(self.hsf["swir"]) <= 8 except AssertionError: raise AssertionError("surface elevation not in LUT range, must be below 8 km. Check input value!") try: assert 0.05 <= options["retrieval"]["default_aot_value"] <= 0.8 except AssertionError: raise AssertionError("aot not in LUT range, must be between 0.05 and 0.8. check input value!") = np.zeros((self.data_swir.shape[0], self.data_swir.shape[1], 5))[:, :, 0] = self.vza[:, :, 1] = self.sza[:, :, 2] = self.hsf["swir"][:, :, 3] = np.full(self.data_swir.shape[:2], options["retrieval"]["default_aot_value"])[:, :, 4] = self.raa self.pt_vnir = np.zeros((self.data_vnir.shape[0], self.data_vnir.shape[1], 5)) self.pt_vnir[:, :, 0] = self.vza self.pt_vnir[:, :, 1] = self.sza self.pt_vnir[:, :, 2] = self.hsf["vnir"] self.pt_vnir[:, :, 3] = np.full(self.data_vnir.shape[:2], options["retrieval"]["default_aot_value"]) self.pt_vnir[:, :, 4] = self.raa self.par_opt = ["water vapor", "intercept", "slope", "liquid water", "ice"] self.state_dim = len(self.par_opt) self.prior_mean, self.use_prior_mean, self.ll, self.ul, self.prior_sigma, self.unknowns = [], [], [], [], [], [] for key in options["retrieval"]["state_vector"].keys(): self.prior_mean.append(options["retrieval"]["state_vector"][key]["prior_mean"]) self.use_prior_mean.append(options["retrieval"]["state_vector"][key]["use_prior_mean"]) self.ll.append(options["retrieval"]["state_vector"][key]["ll"]) self.ul.append(options["retrieval"]["state_vector"][key]["ul"]) self.prior_sigma.append(options["retrieval"]["state_vector"][key]["prior_sigma"]) # Thompson et al. (2018) and Kou et al. (1993) for key in options["retrieval"]["unknowns"].keys(): self.unknowns.append(options["retrieval"]["unknowns"][key]["sigma"]) self.oe_gnform = options["retrieval"]["inversion"]["gnform"] self.oe_full = options["retrieval"]["inversion"]["full"] self.oe_maxiter = options["retrieval"]["inversion"]["maxiter"] self.oe_eps = options["retrieval"]["inversion"]["eps"] # fit wvl self.fit_wvl = np.array(options["sensor"]["fit"]["idx"]) self.wvl_sel = np.array(enmap_l1b.swir.detector_meta.wvl_center[self.fit_wvl]) self.fwhm_sel = np.array(enmap_l1b.swir.detector_meta.fwhm[self.fit_wvl]) self.snr_fit = np.array(options["sensor"]["fit"]["snr"]) # vnir wvl self.wvl_vnir = np.array(enmap_l1b.vnir.detector_meta.wvl_center[:]) self.fwhm_vnir = np.array(enmap_l1b.vnir.detector_meta.fwhm[:]) # swir wvl self.wvl_swir = np.array(enmap_l1b.swir.detector_meta.wvl_center[:]) self.fwhm_swir = np.array(enmap_l1b.swir.detector_meta.fwhm[:]) # load solar irradiance model"Loading solar irradiance model...") self.sol_model = options["retrieval"]["sol_model"] try: assert self.sol_model == "new_kurucz" or self.sol_model == "fontenla" except AssertionError: raise AssertionError("No valid solar model is provided. Please indicate either 'new_kurucz' or 'fontenla' " "in the options file.") if self.sol_model == "new_kurucz": new_kur_fn = get_data_file(module_name="sicor", file_basename="newkur_EnMAP.dat") new_kur = pd.read_csv(new_kur_fn, delim_whitespace=True) new_kur_wvl = 10e6 / np.asarray(new_kur["FREQ"][1:], dtype=float) new_kur_sol = np.asarray(new_kur["SOLAR"][1:], dtype=float) * (10e6 / new_kur_wvl) ** 2 self.solar_lut = {"wvl": new_kur_wvl, "sol_irr": new_kur_sol} # get solar irradiances for shoulders of 1140 nm water absorption feature s_norm_new_kur_fit = generate_filter(wvl_m=new_kur_wvl, wvl=self.wvl_sel, wl_resol=self.fwhm_sel) new_kur_sol_fit = new_kur_sol @ s_norm_new_kur_fit self.s0 = new_kur_sol_fit[0] self.s1 = new_kur_sol_fit[-1] elif self.sol_model == "fontenla": fon_fn = get_data_file(module_name="sicor", file_basename="fontenla_EnMAP.dat") fon = pd.read_csv(fon_fn, delim_whitespace=True) fon_wvl = np.asarray(fon["um=micron"], dtype=float) * 1000 fon_sol = np.asarray(fon["E0"], dtype=float) * 10 self.solar_lut = {"wvl": fon_wvl, "sol_irr": fon_sol} # get solar irradiances for shoulders of 1140 nm water absorption feature s_norm_fon_fit = generate_filter(wvl_m=fon_wvl, wvl=self.wvl_sel, wl_resol=self.fwhm_sel) new_kur_sol_fit = fon_sol @ s_norm_fon_fit self.s0 = new_kur_sol_fit[0] self.s1 = new_kur_sol_fit[-1] # load RT LUT # check if LUT file is available"Loading RT LUT...") if os.path.isfile(options["retrieval"]["fn_LUT"]): self.fn_table = options["retrieval"]["fn_LUT"] else: self.path_sicorlib = os.path.dirname(pkgutil.get_loader("sicor").path) self.path_LUT_default = os.path.join(self.path_sicorlib, "AC", "data", "EnMAP_LUT_MOD5_formatted_1nm") if os.path.isfile(self.path_LUT_default): self.fn_table = self.path_LUT_default else:"LUT file was not found locally. Try to download it from Git repository...") self.fn_table = download_LUT(path_LUT_default=self.path_LUT_default) # check if LUT is a regular file (not only an LFS pointer) try: assert os.path.getsize(self.fn_table) > 1000"LUT file was properly downloaded and is available for AC!") except AssertionError:"LUT file only represents an LFS pointer. Try to download it from Git repository...") self.fn_table = download_LUT(path_LUT_default=self.path_LUT_default) luts, axes_x, axes_y, wvl, lut1, lut2, xnodes, nm_nodes, ndim, x_cell = read_lut_enmap_formatted( file_lut=self.fn_table) self.wvl_lut = wvl self.xnodes = xnodes self.nm_nodes = nm_nodes self.ndim = ndim self.x_cell = x_cell # applying spectral conversion factor to LUT in case Fontenla solar model is to be used if self.sol_model == "fontenla":"Converting LUT to Fontenla solar model...") path_conv_fac = get_data_file(module_name="sicor", file_basename="conv_fac_fon_lut.dill") with open(path_conv_fac, "rb") as fl: conv_fac_fon_lut = dill.load(fl) lut1_fon = np.zeros(lut1.shape) lut2_fon = np.zeros(lut2.shape) for ii in range(5): for jj in range(6): for kk in range(4): for ll in range(6): for mm in range(7): lut1_fon[ii, jj, kk, ll, mm, 0, :, 0] = lut1[ii, jj, kk, ll, mm, 0, :, 0] * \ conv_fac_fon_lut for nn in range(2): lut2_fon[ii, jj, kk, ll, 0, mm, :, nn] = lut2[ii, jj, kk, ll, 0, mm, :, nn] * \ conv_fac_fon_lut for ii in range(2): lut2_fon[:, :, :, :, :, :, :, ii + 2] = lut2[:, :, :, :, :, :, :, ii + 2] lut1 = lut1_fon lut2 = lut2_fon # resampling LUT to EnMAP wavelengths"Resampling LUT to EnMAP wavelengths...") self.s_norm_fit = generate_filter(wvl_m=self.wvl_lut, wvl=self.wvl_sel, wl_resol=self.fwhm_sel) self.s_norm_vnir = generate_filter(wvl_m=self.wvl_lut, wvl=self.wvl_vnir, wl_resol=self.fwhm_vnir) self.s_norm_swir = generate_filter(wvl_m=self.wvl_lut, wvl=self.wvl_swir, wl_resol=self.fwhm_swir) lut2_all_res_fit = np.zeros((5, 6, 4, 6, 1, 7, len(self.wvl_sel), 4)) lut2_all_res_vnir = np.zeros((5, 6, 4, 6, 1, 7, len(self.wvl_vnir), 4)) lut2_all_res_swir = np.zeros((5, 6, 4, 6, 1, 7, len(self.wvl_swir), 4)) lut1_res_fit = lut1[:, :, :, :, :, :, :, 0] @ self.s_norm_fit lut1_res_vnir = lut1[:, :, :, :, :, :, :, 0] @ self.s_norm_vnir lut1_res_swir = lut1[:, :, :, :, :, :, :, 0] @ self.s_norm_swir for ii in range(4): lut2_all_res_fit[:, :, :, :, :, :, :, ii] = lut2[:, :, :, :, :, :, :, ii] @ self.s_norm_fit lut2_all_res_vnir[:, :, :, :, :, :, :, ii] = lut2[:, :, :, :, :, :, :, ii] @ self.s_norm_vnir lut2_all_res_swir[:, :, :, :, :, :, :, ii] = lut2[:, :, :, :, :, :, :, ii] @ self.s_norm_swir self.lut1_fit = lut1_res_fit self.lut1_vnir = lut1_res_vnir self.lut1_swir = lut1_res_swir self.lut2_fit = lut2_all_res_fit self.lut2_vnir = lut2_all_res_vnir self.lut2_swir = lut2_all_res_swir # reduce grid dimensionality of LUTs to increase interpolation speed"Reducing grid dimensionality of LUT to increase interpolation speed...") = [enmap_l1b.meta.geom_view_zenith, enmap_l1b.meta.geom_sun_zenith, options["retrieval"]["default_aot_value"], self.raa.mean()] self.lut_red_fit, self.xnodes_red, self.nm_nodes_red, self.ndim_red, self.x_cell_red = reduce_lut( lut1=self.lut1_fit, lut2=self.lut2_fit, xnodes=self.xnodes, nm_nodes=self.nm_nodes, ndim=self.ndim, x_cell=self.x_cell,, intp_wvl=self.wvl_sel) self.lut_red_vnir, _, _, _, _ = reduce_lut(lut1=self.lut1_vnir, lut2=self.lut2_vnir, xnodes=self.xnodes, nm_nodes=self.nm_nodes, ndim=self.ndim, x_cell=self.x_cell,, intp_wvl=self.wvl_vnir) self.lut_red_swir, _, _, _, _ = reduce_lut(lut1=self.lut1_swir, lut2=self.lut2_swir, xnodes=self.xnodes, nm_nodes=self.nm_nodes, ndim=self.ndim, x_cell=self.x_cell,, intp_wvl=self.wvl_swir) # calculate absorption coefficients of liquid water and ice warnings.filterwarnings("ignore")"Calculating absorption coefficients of liquid water and ice...") path_k = get_data_file(module_name="sicor", file_basename="k_liquid_water_ice.xlsx") k_wi = pd.read_excel(io=path_k, engine='openpyxl') wvl_water, k_water = table_to_array(k_wi=k_wi, a=0, b=982, col_wvl="wvl_6", col_k="T = 20°C") interp_kw = np.interp(x=self.wvl_sel, xp=wvl_water, fp=k_water) = interp_kw wvl_ice, k_ice = table_to_array(k_wi=k_wi, a=0, b=135, col_wvl="wvl_4", col_k="T = -7°C") interp_ki = np.interp(x=self.wvl_sel, xp=wvl_ice, fp=k_ice) = interp_ki self.abs_co_w = 4 * np.pi * / self.wvl_sel self.abs_co_i = 4 * np.pi * / self.wvl_sel # perform first guess water vapor retrieval based on a common band ratio using VNIR data warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") if self.use_prior_mean[0]: self.cwv_fg = np.full(self.data_vnir.shape[:2], self.prior_mean[0]) else:"Performing first guess water vapor retrieval based on a common band ratio using VNIR data...") b870 = np.argmin(abs(self.wvl_vnir - 870)) b895 = np.argmin(abs(self.wvl_vnir - 895)) b940 = np.argmin(abs(self.wvl_vnir - 940)) self.cwv_fg = wv_band_ratio(data=self.data_vnir, water_msk=self.water_mask_vnir, fn_table=self.fn_table, sol_model=self.solar_lut,[:, :, 0].mean(),[:, :, 1].mean(), dem=self.hsf["vnir"].mean(),[:, :, 3].mean(),[:, :, 4].mean(), intp_wvl=self.wvl_vnir, intp_fwhm=self.fwhm_vnir, jday=self.jday, month=self.month, idx=[b870, b895, b940]) # replace potential non-physical values (e.g., for cloudy, shaded, or water pixel) self.cwv_fg[np.logical_or(np.isnan(self.cwv_fg), np.isinf(self.cwv_fg))] = self.prior_mean[0] self.cwv_fg[self.water_mask_vnir != 1] = self.prior_mean[0] self.cwv_fg[self.cwv_fg < self.xnodes[:, 5].min()] = self.prior_mean[0] self.cwv_fg[self.cwv_fg > self.xnodes[:, 5].max()] = self.prior_mean[0] # transform CWV first guess map to SWIR sensor geometry to enable segmentation and 3 phases of water retrieval"Transforming CWV first guess map to SWIR sensor geometry to enable segmentation and 3 phases of " "water retrieval...") self.cwv_fg_trans = enmap_l1b.transform_vnir_to_swir_raster(array_vnirsensorgeo=self.cwv_fg, resamp_alg=self.resamp_alg, respect_keystone=False, src_nodata=0, # just for clearance (same like None) tgt_nodata=0) # just for clearance (same like None) self.cwv_fg_trans[self.cwv_fg_trans == 0.0] = self.prior_mean[0] # perform first guess liquid water retrieval based on the NDWI if self.use_prior_mean[3]: self.liq_fg = np.full(self.data_swir.shape[:2], self.prior_mean[3]) else:"Performing first guess liquid water retrieval based on the NDWI...") idx_b865 = np.argmin(abs(self.wvl_vnir - 865)) idx_b2200 = np.argmin(abs(self.wvl_swir - 2200)) b865 = self.data_vnir_trans[:, :, idx_b865].astype(float) b2200 = self.data_swir[:, :, idx_b2200].astype(float) ndwi = (b865 - b2200) / (b865 + b2200) self.liq_fg = 0.49585423 * ndwi ** 2 - 0.0396154 * ndwi - 0.0174602 self.liq_fg[np.isnan(self.liq_fg)] = self.prior_mean[3] # perform first guess ice retrieval based on the NDSI if self.use_prior_mean[4]: self.ice_fg = np.full(self.data_swir.shape[:2], self.prior_mean[4]) else:"Performing first guess ice retrieval based on the NDSI...") idx_b570 = np.argmin(abs(self.wvl_vnir - 570)) idx_b1650 = np.argmin(abs(self.wvl_swir - 1650)) b570 = self.data_vnir_trans[:, :, idx_b570].astype(float) b1650 = self.data_swir[:, :, idx_b1650].astype(float) ndsi = (b570 - b1650) / (b570 + b1650) self.ice_fg = np.zeros(self.data_swir.shape[:2]) self.ice_fg[ndsi > 0.9] = 0.25 # perform calculation of first guess for intercept and slope of absorption feature continuum"Calculating first guess for intercept and slope of absorption feature continuum...") if self.use_prior_mean[1] and self.use_prior_mean[2]: self.intercept_fg = np.full(self.data_swir.shape[:2], self.prior_mean[1]) self.slope_fg = np.full(self.data_swir.shape[:2], self.prior_mean[2]) else: y1 = np.zeros((self.data_swir.shape[:2])) y2 = np.zeros((self.data_swir.shape[:2])) self.intercept_fg = np.zeros((self.data_swir.shape[:2])) self.slope_fg = np.zeros((self.data_swir.shape[:2])) y1[:, :] = (np.pi * self.data_swir[:, :, self.fit_wvl][:, :, 0]) / \ (self.s0 * np.cos(np.deg2rad([:, :, 1]))) y2[:, :] = (np.pi * self.data_swir[:, :, self.fit_wvl][:, :, -1]) / \ (self.s1 * np.cos(np.deg2rad([:, :, 1]))) self.intercept_fg[:, :] = y2 - ((y1 - y2) / (self.wvl_sel[0] - self.wvl_sel[-1])) * self.wvl_sel[-1] self.slope_fg[:, :] = (y1 - y2) / (self.wvl_sel[0] - self.wvl_sel[-1]) # do optional image segmentation to enhance processing speed self.segmentation = options["retrieval"]["segmentation"] self.n_pca = options["retrieval"]["n_pca"] self.segs = options["retrieval"]["segs"] self.smoothing_sigma = options["retrieval"]["smoothing_sigma"] if self.segmentation:"Segmenting SWIR L1B spectra to enhance processing speed...") self.X, self.segs, self.labels = SLIC_segmentation(data_rad_all=self.data_swir, n_pca=self.n_pca, segs=self.segs) # prepare segmented SWIR L1B data cube"Preparing segmented SWIR L1B data cube...") if self.land_only: self.labels[self.water_mask_swir != 1] = -1 self.lbl = np.unique(self.labels)[1:] self.segs = len(self.lbl) self.rdn_subset = np.zeros((1, self.segs, self.data_swir.shape[2])) self.cwv_fg_subset = np.zeros((1, self.segs)) self.liq_fg_subset = np.zeros((1, self.segs)) self.ice_fg_subset = np.zeros((1, self.segs)) self.intercept_fg_subset = np.zeros((1, self.segs)) self.slope_fg_subset = np.zeros((1, self.segs)) self.dem_subset = np.zeros((1, self.segs)) self.pt_subset = np.zeros((1, self.segs,[2])) if self.land_only: for ii, lbl in enumerate(self.lbl): self.rdn_subset[:, ii, :] = self.X[self.labels.flat == lbl, :].mean(axis=0) self.cwv_fg_subset[:, ii] = self.cwv_fg_trans.flatten()[self.labels.flat == lbl].mean(axis=0) self.liq_fg_subset[:, ii] = self.liq_fg.flatten()[self.labels.flat == lbl].mean(axis=0) self.ice_fg_subset[:, ii] = self.ice_fg.flatten()[self.labels.flat == lbl].mean(axis=0) self.intercept_fg_subset[:, ii] = self.intercept_fg.flatten()[self.labels.flat == lbl].mean(axis=0) self.slope_fg_subset[:, ii] = self.slope_fg.flatten()[self.labels.flat == lbl].mean(axis=0) self.dem_subset[:, ii] = self.hsf["swir"].flatten()[self.labels.flat == lbl].mean(axis=0) self.pt_subset[:, ii, :] =[0] *[1],[2])[self.labels.flat == lbl, :].mean(axis=0) else: for ii in range(self.segs): self.rdn_subset[:, ii, :] = self.X[self.labels.flat == ii, :].mean(axis=0) self.cwv_fg_subset[:, ii] = self.cwv_fg_trans.flatten()[self.labels.flat == ii].mean(axis=0) self.liq_fg_subset[:, ii] = self.liq_fg.flatten()[self.labels.flat == ii].mean(axis=0) self.ice_fg_subset[:, ii] = self.ice_fg.flatten()[self.labels.flat == ii].mean(axis=0) self.intercept_fg_subset[:, ii] = self.intercept_fg.flatten()[self.labels.flat == ii].mean(axis=0) self.slope_fg_subset[:, ii] = self.slope_fg.flatten()[self.labels.flat == ii].mean(axis=0) self.dem_subset[:, ii] = self.hsf["swir"].flatten()[self.labels.flat == ii].mean(axis=0) self.pt_subset[:, ii, :] =[0] *[1],[2])[self.labels.flat == ii, :].mean(axis=0)
[docs] def surface_model(self, xx): """ Nonlinear surface reflectance model using the Beer-Lambert attenuation law for the retrieval of liquid water and ice path lengths. :param xx: state vector, must be in the order [vapor, intercept, slope, liquid, ice] :return: modeled surface reflectance """ # modeling of surface reflectance attenuation = np.exp(-xx[3] * 1e7 * self.abs_co_w - xx[4] * 1e7 * self.abs_co_i) rho = (xx[1] + xx[2] * self.wvl_sel) * attenuation return rho
[docs] def toa_rad(self, xx, pt, perturb=None): """ Forward model for calculating TOA radiance for a given atmospheric state by interpolating in the LUT and applying the simplified solution of the RTE. The needed surface reflectance values are derived from the nonlinear Beer-Lambert surface reflectance model. :param xx: state vector :param pt: forward model parameter vector :param perturb: perturbance factor for calculating perturbed TOA radiance; default None :return: modeled TOA radiance """ # LUT interpolation vtest = np.asarray([pt[2], xx[0]]) f_int = interpol_lut_red(lut1=self.lut_red_fit[:, :, :, 0], lut2=self.lut_red_fit[:, :, :, 1:], xnodes=self.xnodes_red, nm_nodes=self.nm_nodes_red, ndim=self.ndim_red, x_cell=self.x_cell_red, vtest=vtest, intp_wvl=self.wvl_sel) f_int_l0 = f_int[0, :] * 1.e+3 f_int_edir = f_int[1, :] * 1.e+3 f_int_edif = f_int[2, :] * 1.e+3 f_int_ss = f_int[3, :] f_int_ee = f_int_edir * np.cos(np.deg2rad(pt[1])) + f_int_edif # modeling of surface reflectance rho = self.surface_model(xx=xx) # modeling of TOA radiance if perturb: f_int_toa = (f_int_l0 + f_int_ee * rho / np.pi / (1 - f_int_ss * rho * perturb)) * self.fac else: f_int_toa = (f_int_l0 + f_int_ee * rho / np.pi / (1 - f_int_ss * rho)) * self.fac return f_int_toa
[docs] def surf_ref(self, dt, xx, pt, mode=None): """ Invert the simplified solution of the RTE algebraically to calculate the surface reflectance for a given atmospheric state by interpolating in the multidimensional LUT. :param dt: measurement vector :param xx: estimated water vapor :param pt: forward model parameter vector :param mode: if vnir, interpolation is done for EnMAP vnir bands; if swir, it is done for swir bands :return: modeled surface reflectance """ # LUT interpolation vtest = np.asarray([pt[2], xx]) if mode == "vnir": f_int = interpol_lut_red(lut1=self.lut_red_vnir[:, :, :, 0], lut2=self.lut_red_vnir[:, :, :, 1:], xnodes=self.xnodes_red, nm_nodes=self.nm_nodes_red, ndim=self.ndim_red, x_cell=self.x_cell_red, vtest=vtest, intp_wvl=self.wvl_vnir) elif mode == "swir": f_int = interpol_lut_red(lut1=self.lut_red_swir[:, :, :, 0], lut2=self.lut_red_swir[:, :, :, 1:], xnodes=self.xnodes_red, nm_nodes=self.nm_nodes_red, ndim=self.ndim_red, x_cell=self.x_cell_red, vtest=vtest, intp_wvl=self.wvl_swir) else: f_int = interpol_lut_red(lut1=self.lut_red_fit[:, :, :, 0], lut2=self.lut_red_fit[:, :, :, 1:], xnodes=self.xnodes_red, nm_nodes=self.nm_nodes_red, ndim=self.ndim_red, x_cell=self.x_cell_red, vtest=vtest, intp_wvl=self.wvl_sel) f_int_l0 = f_int[0, :] * 1.e+3 * self.fac f_int_edir = f_int[1, :] * 1.e+3 * self.fac f_int_edif = f_int[2, :] * 1.e+3 * self.fac f_int_ss = f_int[3, :] f_int_ee = f_int_edir * np.cos(np.deg2rad(pt[1])) + f_int_edif # calculation of surface reflectance xterm = np.pi * (dt - f_int_l0) / f_int_ee rho = xterm / (1. + f_int_ss * xterm) return rho
[docs] def drdn_drtb(self, xx, pt, rdn): """ Calculate Jacobian of radiance with respect to unknown forward model parameters. :param xx: state vector :param pt: forward model parameter vector :param rdn: modeled TOA radiance for the current state vector xx :return: Jacobian of unknown forward model parameters """ kb_rt = [] eps = 1e-5 perturb = (1.0 + eps) unknowns = ["skyview", "water_vapor_absorption_coefficients"] for unknown in unknowns: if unknown == "skyview": # perturb the sky view rdne = self.toa_rad(xx=xx, pt=pt, perturb=perturb) dx = (rdne - rdn) / eps kb_rt.append(dx) elif unknown == "water_vapor_absorption_coefficients": xx_perturb = xx.copy() xx_perturb[0] = xx[0] * perturb rdne = self.toa_rad(xx=xx_perturb, pt=pt) dx = (rdne - rdn) / eps kb_rt.append(dx) kb_rt = np.array(kb_rt).T return kb_rt
[docs] def drdn_dsurfaceb(self, xx, pt, rdn): """ Calculate Jacobian of radiance with respect to unknown surface model parameters. :param xx: state vector :param pt: forward model parameter vector :param rdn: modeled TOA radiance for the current state vector xx :return: Jacobian of unknown surface model parameters """ kb_surface = [] eps = 1e-5 perturb = (1.0 * eps) unknowns = ["liquid_water_absorption_coefficients", "ice_absorption_coefficients"] for ii, unknown in enumerate(unknowns): xx_perturb = xx.copy() xx_perturb[ii+3] = xx[ii+3] * perturb rdne = self.toa_rad(xx=xx_perturb, pt=pt) dx = (rdne - rdn) / eps kb_surface.append(dx) kb_surface = np.array(kb_surface).T return kb_surface
[docs] def calc_kb(self, xx, pt, num_bd, sb): """ Derivative of measurement with respect to unmodeled & unretrieved unknown variables, e.g. S_b. This is the concatenation of Jacobians with respect to parameters of the surface and the forward model. :param xx: state vector :param pt: forward model parameter vector :param num_bd: number of instrument bands :param sb: unknown forward model parameter error covariance matrix :return: Jacobian of unknown forward model parameters """ kb = np.zeros((num_bd, sb.shape[0]), dtype=float) # calculate the radiance at the current state vector rdn = self.toa_rad(xx=xx, pt=pt) drdn_drtb = self.drdn_drtb(xx=xx, pt=pt, rdn=rdn) drdn_dsurfaceb = self.drdn_dsurfaceb(xx=xx, pt=pt, rdn=rdn) kb[:, :2] = drdn_drtb kb[:, 2:] = drdn_dsurfaceb return kb
[docs] def calc_se(self, xx, dt, pt, sb, num_bd, snr, unknowns): """ Calculate the total uncertainty of the observation, including both the instrument noise and the uncertainty due to unmodeled variables. This is the S_epsilon matrix of Rodgers et al. :param xx: state vector :param dt: measurement vector :param pt: forward model parameter vector :param sb: error covariance matrix of unknown forward model parameters :param num_bd: number of instrument bands :param snr: signal-to-noise ratio for each instrument band :param unknowns: if True, uncertainties due to unknown forward model parameters are added to S_epsilon; default: False :return: measurement error covariance matrix """ sy = np.identity(num_bd) * ((dt / snr) ** 2) if not unknowns: return sy else: kb = self.calc_kb(xx=xx, pt=pt, num_bd=num_bd, sb=sb) se = sy + return se
[docs] class FoFunc(object): """ Forward operator function function including the nonlinear Beer-Lambert model for the surface reflectance. """ def __init__(self, fo): """ Instance of forward operator function. :param fo: Forward operator """ = fo @staticmethod def __norm__(aa, bb): """ Calculate L2 norm between measured and modeled values. :param aa: measured values :param bb: modeled values :return: L2 norm """ return (aa - bb) ** 2 @staticmethod def __d_bb_norm__(aa, bb): """ Calculate derivative of L2 norm between measured and modeled values. :param aa: measured values :param bb: modeled values :return: derivative of L2 norm """ return -2 * (aa - bb) def __call__(self, xx, pt, dt, model_output=False): """ Call forward operator function. :param xx: state vector :param pt: forward model parameter vector :param dt: measurement vector :param model_output: if True, modeled TOA radiance is returned, else, L2 norm; default: False :return: if model_output=False, L2 norm is returned, else, modeled TOA radiance """ ff =, pt=pt) if model_output is True: return ff else: f = (np.sum(self.__norm__(aa=dt, bb=ff))) n = float(len(dt)) return f / n
# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences def __minimize__(fo, opt_func, unknowns=False, logger=None): """ Minimize value of cost function using optimal estimation. :param fo: forward operator :param opt_func: forward operator function :param unknowns: if True, forward model unknown uncertainties are calculated and propagated into Se; default: False :param logger: None or logging instance :return: solution state vector as well as optional measures of retrieval uncertainty """ logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__) # set up multiprocessing warnings.filterwarnings("always") processes = fo.cpu if platform.system() == "Windows" and processes > 1: logger.warning('Multiprocessing is currently not available on Windows.') if platform.system() == "Windows" or processes == 1:"Singleprocessing on 1 cpu") else:"Setting up multiprocessing...")"Multiprocessing on %s cpu's" % processes) globs = dict() globs["__instrument__"] = fo.instrument globs["__land_only__"] = fo.land_only if fo.land_only: globs["__water_mask__"] = fo.water_mask_swir globs["__segmentation__"] = fo.segmentation if fo.segmentation: opt_pt = np.array(fo.pt_subset) opt_data = fo.rdn_subset[:, :, fo.fit_wvl] opt_cwv_fg = fo.cwv_fg_subset opt_liq_fg = fo.liq_fg_subset opt_ice_fg = fo.ice_fg_subset opt_intercept_fg = fo.intercept_fg_subset opt_slope_fg = fo.slope_fg_subset globs["__pt__"] = opt_pt globs["__data__"] = opt_data else: opt_pt = np.array( opt_data = fo.data_swir[:, :, fo.fit_wvl] opt_cwv_fg = fo.cwv_fg_trans opt_liq_fg = fo.liq_fg opt_ice_fg = fo.ice_fg opt_intercept_fg = fo.intercept_fg opt_slope_fg = fo.slope_fg globs["__pt__"] = opt_pt globs["__data__"] = opt_data # prepare arguments for optimal estimation"Preparing optimal estimation input...") globs["__state_dim__"] = fo.state_dim xa = np.zeros((opt_data.shape[0], opt_data.shape[1], fo.state_dim)) ll = np.zeros(fo.state_dim) ul = np.zeros(fo.state_dim) sa_arr = np.zeros(fo.state_dim) for ii in range(xa.shape[0]): for jj in range(xa.shape[1]): xa[ii, jj, :] = np.array([opt_cwv_fg[ii, jj], opt_intercept_fg[ii, jj], opt_slope_fg[ii, jj], opt_liq_fg[ii, jj], opt_ice_fg[ii, jj]]) for dd in range(fo.state_dim): ll[dd] = fo.ll[dd] ul[dd] = fo.ul[dd] sa_arr[dd] = fo.prior_sigma[dd] sa = np.diagflat(pow(sa_arr, 2)) sb = np.diagflat(pow(np.array(fo.unknowns), 2)) globs["__xa__"] = xa globs["__ll__"] = ll globs["__ul__"] = ul globs["__sa__"] = sa globs["__sb__"] = sb globs["__fit_wvl__"] = fo.fit_wvl globs["__forward__"] = opt_func globs["__cwv_model__"] = SharedNdarray(dims=list(opt_data.shape[:2])) globs["__liq_model__"] = SharedNdarray(dims=list(opt_data.shape[:2])) globs["__ice_model__"] = SharedNdarray(dims=list(opt_data.shape[:2])) globs["__intercept_model__"] = SharedNdarray(dims=list(opt_data.shape[:2])) globs["__slope_model__"] = SharedNdarray(dims=list(opt_data.shape[:2])) globs["__toa_model__"] = SharedNdarray(dims=list(opt_data.shape[:2]) + [fo.fit_wvl.shape[0]]) globs["__sx__"] = SharedNdarray(dims=list(opt_data.shape[:2]) + [fo.state_dim] + [fo.state_dim]) globs["__scem__"] = SharedNdarray(dims=list(opt_data.shape[:2]) + [fo.state_dim] + [fo.state_dim]) globs["__srem__"] = SharedNdarray(dims=list(opt_data.shape[:2]) + [fo.state_dim] + [fo.state_dim]) if fo.oe_full: globs["__jacobian__"] = SharedNdarray(dims=list(opt_data.shape[:2]) + [fo.fit_wvl.shape[0]] + [fo.state_dim]) globs["__convergence__"] = SharedNdarray(dims=list(opt_data.shape[:2])) globs["__iterations__"] = SharedNdarray(dims=list(opt_data.shape[:2])) globs["__gain__"] = SharedNdarray(dims=list(opt_data.shape[:2]) + [fo.state_dim] + [fo.fit_wvl.shape[0]]) globs["__averaging_kernel__"] = SharedNdarray(dims=list(opt_data.shape[:2]) + [fo.state_dim] + [fo.state_dim]) globs["__cost_function__"] = SharedNdarray(dims=list(opt_data.shape[:2])) globs["__dof__"] = SharedNdarray(dims=list(opt_data.shape[:2])) globs["__information_content__"] = SharedNdarray(dims=list(opt_data.shape[:2])) globs["__retrieval_noise__"] = SharedNdarray(dims=list(opt_data.shape[:2]) + [fo.state_dim] + [fo.state_dim]) globs["__smoothing_error__"] = SharedNdarray(dims=list(opt_data.shape[:2]) + [fo.state_dim] + [fo.state_dim]) globs["__snr__"] = fo.snr_fit globs["__inv_func__"] = invert_function(fo.toa_rad) globs["__calc_se__"] = fo.calc_se globs["__unknowns__"] = unknowns globs["__gnform__"] = fo.oe_gnform globs["__full__"] = fo.oe_full globs["__maxiter__"] = fo.oe_maxiter globs["__eps__"] = fo.oe_eps rng = list(product(np.arange(0, opt_data.shape[0], 1), np.arange(0, opt_data.shape[1], 1))) mp_fun = __oe__ # start optimization"Optimization...") t0 = time() # check if operating system is 'Windows'; in that case, multiprocessing is currently not working # TODO: enable Windows compatibility for multiprocessing if platform.system() == "Windows" or processes == 1: initializer(globals(), globs) [mp_fun(ii) for ii in tqdm(rng, disable=fo.disable_progressbars)] else: with closing(mp.get_context("fork").Pool(processes=processes, initializer=initializer, initargs=(globals(), globs))) as pl: results = pl.map_async(mp_fun, rng, chunksize=1) if not fo.disable_progressbars: bar = ProgressBar(prefix='\tprogress:') while True: if not fo.disable_progressbars: mp_progress_bar(iter_list=rng, results=results, bar=bar) if results.ready(): results.get() break pl.close() pl.join() t1 = time() cwv_model = globs["__cwv_model__"].np liq_model = globs["__liq_model__"].np ice_model = globs["__ice_model__"].np intercept_model = globs["__intercept_model__"].np slope_model = globs["__slope_model__"].np toa_model = globs["__toa_model__"].np sx = globs["__sx__"].np scem = globs["__scem__"].np srem = globs["__srem__"].np # optional optimal estimation output if fo.oe_full: jacobian = globs["__jacobian__"].np convergence = globs["__convergence__"].np iterations = globs["__iterations__"].np gain = globs["__gain__"].np averaging_kernel = globs["__averaging_kernel__"].np cost_function = globs["__cost_function__"].np dof = globs["__dof__"].np information_content = globs["__information_content__"].np retrieval_noise = globs["__retrieval_noise__"].np smoothing_error = globs["__smoothing_error__"].np else: jacobian = None convergence = None iterations = None gain = None averaging_kernel = None cost_function = None dof = None information_content = None retrieval_noise = None smoothing_error = None # simple validation of optimization output warnings.filterwarnings("always") cwv_check = np.sum(cwv_model - xa[:, :, 0]) liq_check = np.sum(liq_model - xa[:, :, 3]) ice_check = np.sum(ice_model - xa[:, :, 4]) if cwv_check == 0 or liq_check == 0 or ice_check == 0: logger.warning("Optimization failed and returned first guess values. Please check for errors in the input" "data, the options file, or the processing code.")"Done!")"Runtime: %.2f" % (t1 - t0) + " s") res = {"cwv_model": cwv_model, "liq_model": liq_model, "ice_model": ice_model, "intercept_model": intercept_model, "slope_model": slope_model, "toa_model": toa_model, "sx": sx, "scem": scem, "srem": srem, "jacobian": jacobian, "convergence": convergence, "iterations": iterations, "gain": gain, "averaging_kernel": averaging_kernel, "cost_function": cost_function, "dof": dof, "information_content": information_content, "retrieval_noise": retrieval_noise, "smoothing_error": smoothing_error} return res # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences def __oe__(ii): """ Minimize value of cost function using optimal estimation. :param ii: index of input spectrum """ i1, i2 = ii if not __segmentation__ and __land_only__ and __water_mask__[i1, i2] != 1: __cwv_model__[i1, i2] = np.nan __liq_model__[i1, i2] = np.nan __ice_model__[i1, i2] = np.nan __intercept_model__[i1, i2] = np.nan __slope_model__[i1, i2] = np.nan __toa_model__[i1, i2, :] = np.full(len(__fit_wvl__), np.nan) __sx__[i1, i2, :, :] = np.full((__state_dim__, __state_dim__), np.nan) __scem__[i1, i2, :, :] = np.full((__state_dim__, __state_dim__), np.nan) __srem__[i1, i2, :, :] = np.full((__state_dim__, __state_dim__), np.nan) if __full__: __jacobian__[i1, i2, :, :] = np.full((len(__fit_wvl__), __state_dim__), np.nan) __convergence__[i1, i2] = np.nan __iterations__[i1, i2] = np.nan __gain__[i1, i2, :, :] = np.full((__state_dim__, len(__fit_wvl__)), np.nan) __averaging_kernel__[i1, i2, :, :] = np.full((__state_dim__, __state_dim__), np.nan) __cost_function__[i1, i2] = np.nan __dof__[i1, i2] = np.nan __information_content__[i1, i2] = np.nan __retrieval_noise__[i1, i2, :, :] = np.full((__state_dim__, __state_dim__), np.nan) __smoothing_error__[i1, i2, :, :] = np.full((__state_dim__, __state_dim__), np.nan) else: se = __calc_se__(xx=__xa__[i1, i2, :], dt=__data__[i1, i2, :], pt=__pt__[i1, i2, :], sb=__sb__, num_bd=len(__fit_wvl__), snr=__snr__, unknowns=__unknowns__) res = __inv_func__(yy=__data__[i1, i2, :], fparam=__pt__[i1, i2, :], ll=__ll__, ul=__ul__, xa=__xa__[i1, i2, :], sa=__sa__, se=se, gnform=__gnform__, full=__full__, maxiter=__maxiter__, eps=__eps__) model = __forward__(xx=res[0], pt=__pt__[i1, i2, :], dt=__data__[i1, i2, :], model_output=True) __cwv_model__[i1, i2] = res[0][0] __liq_model__[i1, i2] = res[0][3] __ice_model__[i1, i2] = res[0][4] __intercept_model__[i1, i2] = res[0][1] __slope_model__[i1, i2] = res[0][2] __toa_model__[i1, i2, :] = model # a posteriori covariance matrix __sx__[i1, i2, :, :] = res[4] # correlation error matrix cem = np.zeros((__state_dim__, __state_dim__)) for mm in range(__state_dim__): for nn in range(__state_dim__): cem[mm, nn] = __sx__[i1, i2, :, :][mm, nn] / np.sqrt(__sx__[i1, i2, :, :][mm, mm] * __sx__[i1, i2, :, :][nn, nn]) __scem__[i1, i2, :, :] = cem # relative error matrix x_ = res[0] rem = np.zeros((__state_dim__, __state_dim__)) warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") for mm in range(__state_dim__): for nn in range(__state_dim__): rem[mm, nn] = 100 * np.sqrt(__sx__[i1, i2, :, :][mm, nn] / (x_[mm] * x_[nn])) __srem__[i1, i2, :, :] = rem if __full__: __jacobian__[i1, i2, :, :] = res[1] __convergence__[i1, i2] = res[2] __iterations__[i1, i2] = res[3] __gain__[i1, i2, :, :] = res[5] __averaging_kernel__[i1, i2, :, :] = res[6] __cost_function__[i1, i2] = res[7] __dof__[i1, i2] = res[8] __information_content__[i1, i2] = res[9] __retrieval_noise__[i1, i2, :, :] = res[10] __smoothing_error__[i1, i2, :, :] = res[11]