Source code for sicor.Tools.EnMAP.LUT

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

# SICOR is a freely available, platform-independent software designed to process hyperspectral remote sensing data,
# and particularly developed to handle data from the EnMAP sensor.

# This file contains LUT tools.

# Copyright (C) 2018  Niklas Bohn (GFZ, <>),
# Maximilian Brell (GFZ, <>),
# Daniel Scheffler (GFZ, <>)
# German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ, <>)

# This software was developed within the context of the EnMAP project supported by the DLR Space Administration with
# funds of the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (on the basis of a decision by the German
# Bundestag: 50 EE 1529) and contributions from DLR, GFZ and OHB System AG.

# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.

# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
# warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.
# If not, see <>.

from pkg_resources import resource_filename, Requirement, DistributionNotFound
import os
from os.path import isfile, join, dirname
import inspect
import sys
import numpy as np
import urllib.request

[docs] def get_data_file(module_name, file_basename): """ Load data file. :param module_name: name of python module where data file is located :param file_basename: name of data file :return: path to data file """ try: fn = resource_filename(Requirement.parse(module_name), os.path.join("data", file_basename)) if isfile(fn) is False: raise FileNotFoundError(fn, os.listdir(os.path.dirname(fn))) except (FileNotFoundError, DistributionNotFound): # noinspection PyProtectedMember fn = join(dirname(inspect.getfile(sys._getframe(1))), "data", file_basename) if isfile(fn) is False: raise FileNotFoundError((module_name, file_basename, fn)) if isfile(fn) is False: raise FileNotFoundError(fn, file_basename) else: return fn
[docs] def download_LUT(path_LUT_default): """ Download LUT file from remote GIT repository. :param path_LUT_default: directory where to store the LUT file :return: directory of downloaded LUT file """ fname = "" urllib.request.urlretrieve(fname, path_LUT_default) if os.path.isfile(path_LUT_default): fn_table = path_LUT_default else: raise FileNotFoundError("Download of LUT file failed. Please download it manually from " " and store it at /sicor/AC/data/ directory. " "Otherwise, the AC will not work.") return fn_table
[docs] def read_lut_enmap_formatted(file_lut): """ Read MODTRAN® LUT. :param file_lut: path to LUT :return: LUT of atmospheric functions, x and y axes grid points, LUT wavelengths """ ndim = 6 with open(file_lut, mode='rb') as fd:, 0) cnt = np.fromfile(fd, dtype='int16', count=1) dim_wvl = cnt[0], 0) wvl = np.fromfile(fd, dtype='f4', count=cnt[0]) cnt0 = cnt[0]*4+2, 0) cnt = np.fromfile(fd, dtype='int16', count=1) dim_vza = cnt[0], 0) vza_arr = np.fromfile(fd, dtype='f4', count=cnt[0]) cnt0 = cnt0+cnt[0]*4+2, 0) cnt = np.fromfile(fd, dtype='int16', count=1) dim_sza = cnt[0], 0) sza_arr = np.fromfile(fd, dtype='f4', count=cnt[0]) cnt0 = cnt0+cnt[0]*4+2, 0) cnt = np.fromfile(fd, dtype='int16', count=1) dim_hsf = cnt[0], 0) hsf_arr = np.fromfile(fd, dtype='f4', count=cnt[0]) cnt0 = cnt0+cnt[0]*4+2, 0) cnt = np.fromfile(fd, dtype='int16', count=1) dim_aot = cnt[0], 0) aot_arr = np.fromfile(fd, dtype='f4', count=cnt[0]) cnt0 = cnt0+6*4+2, 0) cnt = np.fromfile(fd, dtype='int16', count=1) dim_phi = cnt[0], 0) phi_arr = np.fromfile(fd, dtype='f4', count=cnt[0]) cnt0 = cnt0+cnt[0]*4+2, 0) cnt = np.fromfile(fd, dtype='int16', count=1) dim_cwv = cnt[0], 0) cwv_arr = np.fromfile(fd, dtype='f4', count=cnt[0]) cnt0 = cnt0+cnt[0]*4+2, 0) npar1 = np.fromfile(fd, dtype='int16', count=1)[0] cnt0 = cnt0+2, 0) npar2 = np.fromfile(fd, dtype='int16', count=1)[0] cnt_lut1 = 10584000 lut1 = np.fromfile(fd, dtype='f4', count=cnt_lut1).reshape( (dim_vza, dim_sza, dim_hsf, dim_aot, dim_phi, 1, dim_wvl, npar1)) cnt_lut2 = 42336000 lut2 = np.fromfile(fd, dtype='f4', count=cnt_lut2).reshape( (dim_vza, dim_sza, dim_hsf, dim_aot, 1, dim_cwv, dim_wvl, npar2)) dim_arr1 = np.array([dim_vza, dim_sza, dim_phi, dim_hsf, dim_aot, 1]) dim_arr2 = np.array([dim_vza, dim_sza, 1, dim_hsf, dim_aot, dim_cwv]) dim_max = max(dim_arr1) xnodes1 = np.zeros((dim_max, ndim)) xnodes1[0:dim_arr1[0], 0] = vza_arr xnodes1[0:dim_arr1[1], 1] = sza_arr xnodes1[0:dim_arr1[2], 2] = phi_arr xnodes1[0:dim_arr1[3], 3] = hsf_arr xnodes1[0:dim_arr1[4], 4] = aot_arr xnodes1[0:dim_arr1[5], 5] = 1 dim_max = max(dim_arr2) xnodes2 = np.zeros((dim_max, ndim)) xnodes2[0:dim_arr2[0], 0] = vza_arr xnodes2[0:dim_arr2[1], 1] = sza_arr xnodes2[0:dim_arr2[2], 2] = 1 xnodes2[0:dim_arr2[3], 3] = hsf_arr xnodes2[0:dim_arr2[4], 4] = aot_arr xnodes2[0:dim_arr2[5], 5] = cwv_arr dim_arr = np.zeros(ndim) dim_arr[0:4] = dim_arr1[[0, 1, 3, 4]] dim_arr[4] = dim_arr1[2] dim_arr[5] = dim_arr2[5] xnodes = np.zeros((np.max(dim_arr1), ndim)) xnodes[:, 0:4] = xnodes1[:, [0, 1, 3, 4]] xnodes[:, 4] = xnodes1[:, 2] xnodes[:, 5] = xnodes2[:, 5] nm_nodes = 2**ndim x_cell = np.zeros((nm_nodes, ndim)) cont = 0 xx = [0, 1] for i in xx: for j in xx: for k in xx: for ii in xx: for jj in xx: for kk in xx: x_cell[cont, :] = [i, j, k, ii, jj, kk] cont = cont + 1 elip = 0.0001 dim_arr = np.asarray(dim_arr, dtype=int) vza_arr[0] = vza_arr[0] + elip vza_arr[dim_arr[0] - 1] = vza_arr[dim_arr[0] - 1] - elip sza_arr[0] = sza_arr[0] + elip sza_arr[dim_arr[1] - 1] = sza_arr[dim_arr[1] - 1] - elip hsf_arr[0] = hsf_arr[0] + elip hsf_arr[dim_arr[2] - 1] = hsf_arr[dim_arr[2] - 1] - elip aot_arr[0] = aot_arr[0] + elip aot_arr[dim_arr[3] - 1] = aot_arr[dim_arr[3] - 1] - elip phi_arr[0] = phi_arr[0] + elip phi_arr[dim_arr[4] - 1] = phi_arr[dim_arr[4] - 1] - elip cwv_arr[0] = cwv_arr[0] + elip cwv_arr[dim_arr[5] - 1] = cwv_arr[dim_arr[5] - 1] - elip l0_lut = lut1[:, :, :, :, :, :, :, 0] edir_lut = lut2[:, :, :, :, :, :, :, 0] edif_lut = lut2[:, :, :, :, :, :, :, 1] sab_lut = lut2[:, :, :, :, :, :, :, 2] l0_lut = np.squeeze(l0_lut, axis=5) edir_lut = np.squeeze(edir_lut, axis=4) edif_lut = np.squeeze(edif_lut, axis=4) sab_lut = np.squeeze(sab_lut, axis=4) luts = [l0_lut, edir_lut, edif_lut, sab_lut] axes_x_l0 = [vza_arr, sza_arr, hsf_arr, aot_arr, phi_arr] axes_x_e_s = [vza_arr, sza_arr, hsf_arr, aot_arr, cwv_arr] axes_x = [axes_x_l0, axes_x_e_s] axes_y_l0 = [np.arange(ii) for ii in np.asarray(l0_lut.shape[:-1])] axes_y_e_s = [np.arange(ii) for ii in np.asarray(edir_lut.shape[:-1])] axes_y = [axes_y_l0, axes_y_e_s] return luts, axes_x, axes_y, wvl, lut1, lut2, xnodes, nm_nodes, ndim, x_cell
[docs] def interpol_lut(lut1, lut2, xnodes, nm_nodes, ndim, x_cell, vtest, intp_wvl): """ Multidimensional LUT interpolation. :param lut1: LUT containing path radiance :param lut2: LUT containing downwelling direct and diffuse surface solar irradiance, spherical albedo and transmittance :param xnodes: gridpoints for each LUT dimension :param nm_nodes: overall number of LUT gridpoints (2**ndim) :param ndim: dimension of LUT :param x_cell: interpolation grid (nm_nodes x n_dim) :param vtest: atmospheric state vector (interpolation point); contains VZA, SZA, HSF, AOT, RAA, CWV :param intp_wvl: wavelengths for which interpolation should be conducted :return: path radiance, downwelling direct and diffuse surface solar irradiance, spherical albedo and transmittance interpolated at vtest """ lim = np.zeros((2, ndim), np.int8) for ii in range(ndim): if vtest[ii] >= xnodes[:, ii].max(): vtest[ii] = 0.99 * xnodes[-1, ii] if vtest[ii] < xnodes[:, ii].min(): vtest[ii] = 1.01 * xnodes[0, ii] wh = np.where(vtest[ii] < xnodes[:, ii])[0] lim[0, ii] = wh[0] - 1 lim[1, ii] = wh[0] lut_cell = np.zeros((5, nm_nodes, len(intp_wvl))) cont = 0 for i in range(2): iv = lim[i, 0] for j in range(2): jv = lim[j, 1] for k in range(2): kv = lim[k, 2] for ii in range(2): iiv = lim[ii, 3] for jj in range(2): jjv = lim[jj, 4] for kk in range(2): kkv = lim[kk, 5] lut_cell[0, cont, :] = \ lut1[iv, jv, kv, iiv, jjv, 0, :] for ind in range(1, 5): lut_cell[ind, cont, :] = \ lut2[iv, jv, kv, iiv, 0, kkv, :, ind - 1] cont += 1 for i in range(ndim): vtest[i] = (vtest[i] - xnodes[lim[0, i], i]) / (xnodes[lim[1, i], i] - xnodes[lim[0, i], i]) diffs = vtest - x_cell[::-1, :] weights = np.abs(np.array([[i]) for i in range(nm_nodes)])).reshape(1, nm_nodes, 1) f_int = np.sum(weights * lut_cell, axis=1) return f_int
[docs] def interpol_lut_red(lut1, lut2, xnodes, nm_nodes, ndim, x_cell, vtest, intp_wvl): """ LUT interpolation based in a reduced grid. :param lut1: LUT containing path radiance :param lut2: LUT containing downwelling direct and diffuse surface solar irradiance, spherical albedo and transmittance :param xnodes: gridpoints for each LUT dimension :param nm_nodes: overall number of LUT gridpoints (2**ndim) :param ndim: dimension of LUT :param x_cell: interpolation grid (nm_nodes x n_dim) :param vtest: atmospheric state vector (interpolation point); only surface elevation and CWV :param intp_wvl: wavelengths for which interpolation should be conducted :return: path radiance, downwelling direct and diffuse surface solar irradiance, spherical albedo and transmittance interpolated at vtest """ lim = np.zeros((2, ndim), np.int8) for ii in range(ndim): if vtest[ii] >= xnodes[:, ii].max(): vtest[ii] = 0.99 * xnodes[-1, ii] wh = np.where(vtest[ii] < xnodes[:, ii])[0] lim[0, ii] = wh[0] - 1 lim[1, ii] = wh[0] lut_cell = np.zeros((5, nm_nodes, len(intp_wvl))) cont = 0 for i in range(2): iv = lim[i, 0] for j in range(2): jv = lim[j, 1] lut_cell[0, cont, :] = \ lut1[iv, jv, :] for ind in range(1, 5): lut_cell[ind, cont, :] = \ lut2[iv, jv, :, ind - 1] cont += 1 for i in range(ndim): vtest[i] = (vtest[i] - xnodes[lim[0, i], i]) / (xnodes[lim[1, i], i] - xnodes[lim[0, i], i]) diffs = vtest - x_cell[::-1, :] weights = np.abs(np.array([[i]) for i in range(nm_nodes)])).reshape(1, nm_nodes, 1) f_int = np.sum(weights * lut_cell, axis=1) return f_int
[docs] def reduce_lut(lut1, lut2, xnodes, nm_nodes, ndim, x_cell, gp, intp_wvl): """ Reduce grid dimensionality of LUT based on fixed solar and view geometry as well as one single scene value of AOT. :param lut1: LUT containing path radiance :param lut2: LUT containing downwelling direct and diffuse surface solar irradiance, spherical albedo and transmittance :param xnodes: gridpoints for each LUT dimension :param nm_nodes: overall number of LUT gridpoints (2**ndim) :param ndim: dimension of LUT :param x_cell: interpolation grid (nm_nodes x n_dim) :param gp: state vector of fixed scene parameters (VZA, SZA, AOT, RAA) :param intp_wvl: wavelengths for which interpolation should be conducted :return: 2D LUT including path radiance, downwelling direct and diffuse surface solar irradiance, spherical albedo and transmittance interpolated at gp for varying surface elevation and CWV; reduced gridpoints for each LUT dimension; reduced overall number of LUT gridpoints; reduced dimension of LUT; reduced interpolation grid """ red_lut = np.zeros((len(xnodes[:4, 2]), len(xnodes[:, 5]), len(intp_wvl), lut2.shape[-1] + 1)) for ii, hsf in enumerate(xnodes[:4, 2]): for jj, cwv in enumerate(xnodes[:, 5]): vtest = np.array([gp[0], gp[1], hsf, gp[2], gp[3], cwv]) pp = interpol_lut(lut1=lut1, lut2=lut2, xnodes=xnodes, nm_nodes=nm_nodes, ndim=ndim, x_cell=x_cell, vtest=vtest, intp_wvl=intp_wvl) red_lut[ii, jj, :, 0] = pp[0, :] red_lut[ii, jj, :, 1] = pp[1, :] red_lut[ii, jj, :, 2] = pp[2, :] red_lut[ii, jj, :, 3] = pp[3, :] red_lut[ii, jj, :, 4] = pp[4, :] new_xnodes = np.zeros((xnodes.shape[0], 2)) new_xnodes[:, 0] = xnodes[:, 2] new_xnodes[:, 1] = xnodes[:, 5] new_nm_nodes = new_xnodes.shape[1] ** 2 new_ndim = new_xnodes.shape[1] new_x_cell = np.zeros((new_nm_nodes, new_ndim)) for ii in range(new_nm_nodes): new_x_cell[ii, :] = x_cell[ii][-2:] return red_lut, new_xnodes, new_nm_nodes, new_ndim, new_x_cell