Source code for sicor.Tools.NM.interpolate_n

import numpy as np

[docs] class interpolate_n: """ wrapper arround 'map_coordinates' n-dimensional linear interpolation :Example: 1. initialisation: from sicor.Tools.NM.interpolate_n import interpolate_n as intpn pn=intpn.interpolate_n(LUT,axes) LUT is a Nd numpy array axes is a tupel of 1d numpy arrays The number of axes must correspond to the number of dimensions an the size of the axes must correspond to the size of the dimensions 2. recall: >>> result=pn.recall(pos) pos is a (ndim,nsample) array with the positions if is_index=True pos is already a float index """ def __init__(self, lut, axes): from scipy import interpolate as intp # import here to avoid static TLS ImportError if not isinstance(lut, np.ndarray): raise ValueError('Input is not an Numpy ndarray') self.ndim = lut.ndim if not isinstance(axes, tuple): raise ValueError('Axes is not a tuple') if len(axes) != self.ndim: raise ValueError( 'Number of elements of axes %i is not equal the number of dimensions (%i)' % (len(axes), self.ndim)) for i, dim in enumerate(axes): if not isinstance(dim, np.ndarray): raise ValueError('Axes %i is not an Numpy ndarray' % i) if not dim.ndim == 1: raise ValueError('Axes %i is not an 1D Numpy ndarray' % i) if len(dim) != lut.shape[i]: raise ValueError( 'Axes %i does not agree with the shape of LUT Axes %i has %i elements but LUT needs %i.' % ( i, i, len(dim), lut.shape[i])) self.lut = lut self.axes_intp = [] for i in range(self.ndim): self.axes_intp.append(intp.interp1d(axes[i], np.arange(axes[i].shape[0]), kind="linear")) self.axes = axes
[docs] def recall(self, positions, is_index=False): from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates as mcrd # import here to avoid static TLS ImportError if positions.shape[1] != self.ndim: raise ValueError('Dimensions of position are (%i,%i) but should be (Nsample,%i) ' % ( positions.shape[0], positions.shape[1], self.ndim)) pss = positions.copy() if not is_index: for i in range(self.ndim): pss[:, i] = self.axes_intp[i](positions[:, i]) return mcrd(self.lut, pss.T, order=1)