Source code for sicor.Tools.cB.CloudMask

from .cB import S2cB
from .classical_bayesian import ClassicalBayesian, ToClassifierDef, get_clf_functions
from .classical_bayesian import read_classical_bayesian_from_hdf5_file
from pkg_resources import resource_filename, Requirement, DistributionNotFound
from os.path import dirname, join, isfile
import logging
import numpy as np
import json
import pickle
import gdown
import h5py

[docs] class CloudMask(S2cB): def __init__(self, persistence_file=None, processing_tiles=10, novelty_detector=None, logger=None): """ Get Cloud Detection based on classical Bayesian approach :param persistence_file: if None, use internal file, else give file name to persistence file :param processing_tiles: in order so save memory, the processing can be done in tiles :param logger: None or logger instance :return: CloudMask instance """ from sklearn.svm import OneClassSVM # import here to avoid static TLS ImportError logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__) if persistence_file is None: persistence_file = "data/cld_mask_20160321_s2.h5" try: fn = resource_filename(Requirement.parse("sicor"), persistence_file) except DistributionNotFound: fn = join(dirname(__file__), persistence_file) if isfile(fn) is False: raise FileNotFoundError(persistence_file) else: if isfile(fn) is False: fn = join(dirname(__file__), persistence_file) if isfile(fn) is False: raise FileNotFoundError(persistence_file) self.persistence_file = fn else: self.persistence_file = persistence_file data = read_classical_bayesian_from_hdf5_file(filename=self.persistence_file) cb_clf = ClassicalBayesian(logger=logger, mk_clf=ToClassifierDef( clf_functions=get_clf_functions(), **data["kwargs_mk_clf"]), **data["kwargs_cb"]) if novelty_detector is not None: file_ext = novelty_detector.split(".")[-1] if file_ext == "json": with open(novelty_detector, "r") as fl: nvc, ncv_clf = (lambda nvc_data: ( OneClassSVM(**nvc_data["params"]).fit(np.array(nvc_data["data"], dtype=float)), nvc_data["clf"] ))(json.load(fl)) elif file_ext == "pkl": try: with open(novelty_detector, "rb") as fl: nvc = pickle.load(fl) ncv_clf = pickle.load(fl) except (ModuleNotFoundError, AttributeError, KeyError): # download training data base for novelty detector from google drive"Novelty detector has to be updated with a newer version of scikit-learn.")"Download training data base from google drive.") url = "" db_nv_fn = "noclear_novelty_detector_channel2_difference9_0_index10_1_channel12_index1_8.h5" db_nv_path = novelty_detector.split("noclear")[0] + db_nv_fn, db_nv_path, quiet=False) # retrain novelty detector"Retrain novelty detector with updated version of scikit-learn.") from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier with h5py.File(db_nv_path, "r") as h5f: nv = RandomForestClassifier(**dict(h5f["xx"].attrs.items()))["xx"], y=h5f["yy"]) bf = json.loads(h5f.attrs["clf"]) with open(novelty_detector, "wb") as fl: pickle.dump(nv, fl) pickle.dump({"id": [tuple(ids) for ids in bf["id"]], "fk": [str(ids) for ids in bf["fk"]]}, fl) # reload novelty detector with open(novelty_detector, "rb") as fl: nvc = pickle.load(fl) ncv_clf = pickle.load(fl) else: raise ValueError("Novelty detector file type not implemented") test_1 = ncv_clf["fk"] == cb_clf.mk_clf.classifiers_fk test_2 = [list(ll) for ll in ncv_clf["id"]] == [list(ll) for ll in cb_clf.mk_clf.classifiers_id] if test_1 is not True or test_2 is not True: raise ValueError( "The novelty detection in %s is not compatible with the classifier." % novelty_detector) else: cb_clf.nvc = nvc super().__init__(cb_clf=cb_clf, mask_legend=data["mask_legend"], clf_to_col=data["clf_to_col"], processing_tiles=processing_tiles, logger=logger)