Source code for sicor.Tools.inpaint

import numpy as np
import warnings
import logging
from time import time
from itertools import product
from numba import jit

# noinspection PyShadowingNames
[docs] class SL(object): def __init__(self, mx, extend=1.1): """ returns slices for given center Y and radius D but makes sure borders are within [0,mx] :param mx: maximum allowed index :param extend: multiply D by extend to over- oder under-sample the slice :return: function like object, to be called like f((Y,D)) """ = mx self.extend = extend def __call__(self, yd): """ to be called like (yy,dd) :param yd: tuple,list with two elements (yy,dd) :return: slice """ yy, dd = yd i0 = int(yy - self.extend * dd) i1 = int(yy + self.extend * dd) if i0 < 0: i0 = 0 if i1 > i1 = return slice(i0, i1)
# noinspection PyShadowingNames
[docs] @jit(nopython=True) def fill_nan(arr): """ :param arr: 2D numpy array, NaN's are filled by brooming """ for ix in range(arr.shape[0]): bf = np.nan for iy in range(arr.shape[1]): if np.isfinite(arr[ix, iy]): bf = arr[ix, iy] if np.isfinite(bf) and np.isnan(arr[ix, iy]): arr[ix, iy] = bf bf = np.nan for iy in range(arr.shape[1] - 1, -1, -1): if np.isfinite(arr[ix, iy]): bf = arr[ix, iy] if np.isfinite(bf) and np.isnan(arr[ix, iy]): arr[ix, iy] = bf for iy in range(arr.shape[1]): bf = np.nan for ix in range(arr.shape[0]): if np.isfinite(arr[ix, iy]): bf = arr[ix, iy] if np.isfinite(bf) and np.isnan(arr[ix, iy]): arr[ix, iy] = bf bf = np.nan for ix in range(arr.shape[0] - 1, -1, -1): if np.isfinite(arr[ix, iy]): bf = arr[ix, iy] if np.isfinite(bf) and np.isnan(arr[ix, iy]): arr[ix, iy] = bf
# noinspection PyShadowingNames
[docs] @jit(nopython=True) def nanmean_filter(inp, dd): """ Filter input array with mean. :param inp: 2D array :param dd: radius of mean :return: filtered array """ bb = np.empty(inp.shape) bb[:, :] = np.NaN ni, nj = inp.shape for ii in range(ni): for jj in range(nj): if np.isfinite(inp[ii, jj]): i1 = ii - dd if i1 < 0: i1 = 0 i2 = ii + dd if i2 >= ni: i2 = ni j1 = jj - dd if j1 < 0: j1 = 0 j2 = jj + dd if j2 >= nj: j2 = nj bf = 0.0 nn = 0.0 for kk in range(i1, i2): for ll in range(j1, j2): if np.isfinite(inp[kk, ll]): bf += inp[kk, ll] nn += 1 if nn > 0: bb[ii, jj] = bf / nn elif nn < ni * nj * 0.6: bb[ii, jj] = np.NaN else: bb[ii, jj] = np.NaN return bb
[docs] def nangaussian_filter(uu, sigma): from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter # import here to avoid static TLS ImportError vv = uu.copy() vv[uu != uu] = 0 vv_g = gaussian_filter(vv, sigma=sigma) ww = 0 * uu.copy() + 1 ww[uu != uu] = 0 ww_g = gaussian_filter(ww, sigma=sigma) zz = vv_g / ww_g zz[np.isnan(uu)] = np.NaN return zz
# noinspection PyShadowingNames
[docs] def itt2d(shape, dd, extend=1.00): """Separate 2d array into 2D blocks based in iterator returning slice tuple returns an iterator with ((slice,slice),...,(slice,slice)) which separates an 2D array with [shape] into dd^2 smaller blocks. Blocks can over- and under-sampled using the extend factor :param shape: shape of 2D array :param dd: number of desired blocks in each axis :param extend: over-sampling factor :return: iterator with ((slice,slice),...,(slice,slice)) """ slx = SL(shape[0], extend=extend) sly = SL(shape[1], extend=extend) vv = np.linspace(0, shape[0], dd + 1) vx = np.array(0.5 * (vv[:-1] + vv[1:]), dtype=int) dx = np.array(0.5 * (vv[1:] - vv[:-1]), dtype=int) vv = np.linspace(0, shape[1], dd + 1) vy = np.array(0.5 * (vv[:-1] + vv[1:]), dtype=int) dy = np.array(0.5 * (vv[1:] - vv[:-1]), dtype=int) return product(map(slx, zip(vx, dx)), map(sly, zip(vy, dy)))
# noinspection PyShadowingNames
[docs] def inpaint(array, sigma=None, logger=None, update_in_place=False, fill_corners=True, fill_remaining=True, extend=1.15, max_allowed_good_points=50000, mask=None, max_interpolation_points=1500000, interpolation_method="griddata", post_processing=None): """ Fill nan's in array with meaningful data. :param array: array to be inpainted :param sigma: if not None, the final result will be smoothed by a gaussian kernel with [sigma] :param logger: logger for logging :param update_in_place: if True, perform inpainting directly on array, if False, return result :param fill_corners: True / False, assign values to corner blocks to increase number of pixels which can be interpolated wel :param fill_remaining: True / False, if True, all remaining nan's after interpolation are replaced with nearest neighbour median value, if set, no nan's remain in the image, is so, a ValueError is raised :param extend: oversampling parameter for block splitting of array, should be chosen between 0.8 and 1.2 :param max_allowed_good_points: max input points for griddata, determines performance and number of block splits :param max_interpolation_points: either None or integer, max number of points which are interpolated by griddata if too much, might eat up all memory :param mask, either None or boolean array of shape array, only those nan's in array where mask is True will filled with meaningful data :param interpolation_method, None,"griddata","spline" :param post_processing: None,"spline","gaussian_filter" :return: array filled with meaningful data if update_in_place=False, otherwise None """ # import here to avoid static TLS ImportError from scipy.interpolate import bisplrep, bisplev from scipy.interpolate import griddata from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter t0 = time() logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__) # arr is the working array, either get copy or use the given one if update_in_place is True: arr = array else:"Create new array of shape: %s" % str(array.shape)) arr = np.copy(array) shape = arr.shape if np.sum(np.isnan(arr)) =="Array contains no valid points -> do nothing.") if update_in_place is False: return arr # meshgrid to get array indices right for yv, xv = np.meshgrid(np.arange(arr.shape[1], dtype=np.int16), # this way memory is saved np.arange(arr.shape[0], dtype=np.int16), copy=False) good_results = np.isfinite(arr) # usable points for interpolation bad_results = np.isnan(arr) if mask is None else np.logical_and(np.isnan(arr), mask)"bad/total ratio: %.5f" % (float(np.sum(bad_results) / # flat index tables for good and bad data xvb = xv[bad_results] yvb = yv[bad_results] """ griddata should not get too many input points, otherwise the memory use and performance will be horrible, the main idea behind the following mess is to intelligently reduce the number of input points while maintaining good performance, the algorithm starts to 2d split the working array until the max number of good values over all splits is lower then max_allowed_good_points """ dd_split = 1 # initialize number of splits if interpolation_method is not None: for ii in range(1, np.min(shape)): max_good_points = np.max([np.sum(good_results[sx, sy]) for sx, sy in itt2d(shape, ii)]), max_good_points)) if max_good_points < max_allowed_good_points: dd_split = ii break"Splitting array into %i^2 parts." % dd_split) """ now loop over all 2d segments and interpolate using griddata """ for sx, sy in itt2d(good_results.shape, dd_split, extend=extend): xvg = xv[sx, sy][good_results[sx, sy]] # good x indices for block yvg = yv[sx, sy][good_results[sx, sy]] # good y indices for block values = arr[xvg, yvg] # construct input fields for griddata if interpolation_method is None: pass elif interpolation_method == "splines": tck = bisplrep(x=xvg, y=yvg, z=values, kx=5, ky=5) xmm = np.min(xvg), np.max(xvg) ymm = np.min(yvg), np.max(yvg) rr = bisplev(x=np.arange(xmm[0], xmm[1]), y=np.arange(ymm[0], ymm[1]), tck=tck) arr[xmm[0]:xmm[1], ymm[0]:ymm[1]] = rr elif interpolation_method == "griddata": if len(values) < 1: pass else: points = np.squeeze(np.dstack((xvg, yvg))) # construct input fields for griddata """ attempt for interpolation should only be for bad values which lie in the current block """ bb = ((np.min(xvg) < xvb) * (xvb < np.max(xvg)) * (np.min(yvg) < yvb) * (yvb < np.max(yvg))) xi = np.squeeze(np.dstack((xvb[bb], yvb[bb]))) """ attempt interpolation for block only if some bad values lie in this block """ if len(xi) > 0: """ if within a block the corners are not filled with data, then fewer points can be interpolated since for each interpolation point, sufficiently neighbours need to be found, if fill_corners is True we check the corners for nans, if they are nan we search the increasing 2d area for valid points until we found something which is not nan -> the corner values are then replaced with the nanmedian of the actual search window """ if fill_corners is True: sub_shape = arr[sx, sy].shape nx, ny = sub_shape points_corners = [] values_corners = [] # suppress warnings from nanmedian if only nan's are there, which is ok here with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") box_x = [np.min(points[:, 0]), np.max(points[:, 0])] box_y = [np.min(points[:, 1]), np.max(points[:, 1])] for ix, iy in product(box_x, box_y): aa = arr[ix, iy] if np.isnan(aa): # only if corner is empty for jj in range(2, np.min(sub_shape), 2): # incease search window fast to find stuff rbf = arr[sx, sy][np.max([ix - jj, 0]):np.min([ix + jj, nx]), np.max([iy - jj, 0]):np.min([iy + jj, ny])] rpl = np.nanmean(rbf) if np.isfinite(rpl): points_corners.append([ix, iy]) values_corners.append(rpl) break # we found something -> stop increasing search block if len(values_corners) > 0: # if we found new values->modify griddata input values accordingly"Adding corners for %s,%s, pt: %s, values: %s" % (sx, sy, points_corners, values_corners)) points = np.vstack((points, points_corners)) values = np.hstack((values, values_corners)) # not only inputs, also new bad values which lie in the new hull should be added xvg = xv[sx, sy] yvg = yv[sx, sy] bb = ((np.min(xvg) < xvb) * (xvb < np.max(xvg)) * (np.min(yvg) < yvb) * (yvb < np.max(yvg))) xi = np.squeeze(np.dstack((xvb[bb], yvb[bb]))) # finally, interpolate stuff if max_interpolation_points is None: grd = griddata(points=points, values=values, xi=xi, fill_value=np.nan, method="linear") good_grd = np.isfinite(grd) # points for which interpolation succeeded arr[xvb[bb][good_grd], yvb[bb][good_grd]] = grd[good_grd] # copy interpolated results else: nn = xi.shape[0] max_interpolation_points = 1500000 nn_blocks = int(np.ceil(nn / max_interpolation_points)) ss = np.linspace(0, nn, nn_blocks, dtype=int, endpoint=True) for ii, (j1, j2) in enumerate(zip(ss[:-1], ss[1:])):"%i / %i ,%i,%i" % (ii, nn_blocks, j1, j2)) grd = griddata(points=points, values=values, xi=xi[j1:j2], fill_value=np.nan, method="linear") good_grd = np.isfinite(grd) # points for which interpolation succeeded arr[xvb[bb][j1:j2][good_grd], yvb[bb][j1:j2][good_grd]] = grd[good_grd] # copy results else: raise ValueError("interpolation_method:%s not implemented" % interpolation_method) # count still remaining bad points bad_results = np.isnan(arr) if mask is None else np.logical_and(np.isnan(arr), mask)"bad/total ratio: %.5f" % (float(np.sum(bad_results) / if fill_remaining == "nearest_neighbour": """ remaining nan's are filled by searching for every point the neighbourhood vor valid points and replace the actual nan with the median over the search window, this is slow """ nx, ny = shape # suppress warnings from nanmedian if only nan's are there, which is ok here with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") for ix, iy in zip(xv[bad_results], yv[bad_results]): for jj in range(2, np.min([nx, ny]), 2): rbf = arr[np.max([ix - jj, 0]):np.min([ix + jj, nx]), np.max([iy - jj, 0]):np.min([iy + jj, ny])] rpl = np.nanmedian(rbf) if np.isfinite(rpl): arr[ix, iy] = rpl break # we found something -> stop increasing search block elif fill_remaining == "broom": fill_nan(arr) elif fill_remaining == "median": bf = np.nanmean(arr) bad_results = np.isnan(arr) if mask is None else np.logical_and(np.isnan(arr), mask) arr[bad_results] = bf print(bf) elif fill_remaining is None: pass else: raise ValueError("fill_remaining=%s not implemented" % str(fill_remaining)) if fill_remaining is not None: bad_results = np.isnan(arr) if mask is None else np.logical_and(np.isnan(arr), mask) n_bad = np.sum(bad_results)"bad/total ratio: %.5f" % (float(n_bad / if n_bad > 0: print(arr[bad_results == np.False_]) if np.sum(np.isnan(arr)) =="Array contains no valid points.") else: raise ValueError("Field still contains bad %i results." % n_bad) if post_processing is None: pass elif post_processing == "gaussian_filter":"Post processing using gaussian filter.") if sigma is not None: """ is sigma is not none, we can apply some gaussian smoothing to make things more smoth """ arr[:] = gaussian_filter(input=np.array(arr, dtype=np.float32), sigma=sigma) else: raise ValueError("When using gaussian_filter, sigma should be supplied") elif post_processing == "spline":"Post processing using splines.") idx_val = np.logical_and(mask == np.True_, np.isfinite(arr)) # need '==' here idx_sel = np.random.choice(np.arange(0, np.sum(idx_val)), np.min([max_allowed_good_points, np.sum(idx_val)]), replace=False) tck = bisplrep(x=xv[idx_val][idx_sel], y=yv[idx_val][idx_sel], z=arr[idx_val][idx_sel], kx=5, ky=5) arr[:] = bisplev(x=np.arange(0, arr.shape[0]), y=np.arange(0, arr.shape[0]), tck=tck) else: raise ValueError("post_processing=%s not implemented" % post_processing) if mask is not None:"Apply mask.") arr[mask == np.False_] = np.nan # need '==' here !"Inpainting runtime: %.2fs" % (time() - t0)) if update_in_place is False: return arr
if __name__ == "__main__": shape = (10980, 10980) # shape = (1800,1800) s2aot = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float32) s2aot[:, :] = np.NAN for ii in range(600000): i1, i2 = np.random.randint(shape[0]), np.random.randint(shape[1]) s2aot[i1, i2] = 0.5 + 0.1 * np.sin(i1 / 1500) + 0.1 * np.cos(i2 / 150) s2aot[s2aot < 0.0] = np.nan mask = None # mask = np.empty(shape,dtype=bool) # mask[:] = False # mask[500:9000,1000:6000] = True # imshow(s2aot[::10,::10],vmin=np.nanmin(s2aot),vmax=np.nanmax(s2aot)) # colorbar() arr = inpaint(s2aot, update_in_place=False, interpolation_method=["splines", "griddata", None][1], post_processing=["spline", None, "gaussian_filter"][1], fill_remaining=["broom", None][0], sigma=10, extend=1.01, max_allowed_good_points=80000, max_interpolation_points=2500000, mask=mask)