Source code for sicor.Tools.sharedndarray

import numpy as np
from multiprocessing import sharedctypes

[docs] class SharedNdarray(object): """ wrapper class, which collect all nessesary instances to make a numpy ndarray accessible as shared memory when using multiprocessing, it exposed the numpy array via three different views which can be used to access it globally _init provides the mechanism to make this array available in each worker, best used using the provided __initializer__ """ def __init__(self, dims, typecode="f", default_value=None): """ dims : tuple of dimensions which is used to instantiate a ndarray using Type code, from here: C Type, Python Type, Minimum size in bytes 'b' signed char int 1 'B' unsigned char int 1 'u' Py_UNICODE Unicode character 2 (1) 'h' signed short int 2 'H' unsigned short int 2 'i' signed int int 2 'I' unsigned int int 2 'l' signed long int 4 'L' unsigned long int 4 'q' signed long long int 8 (2) 'Q' unsigned long long int 8 (2) 'f' float float 4 'd' double float 8 """ self.dims = tuple([int(dim) for dim in dims]) self.typecode = typecode = sharedctypes.Array(self.typecode, int(, lock=False) = np.ctypeslib.as_array( if default_value is not None:[:] = default_value
[docs] def _initializer(self, globals_dict, name): """ This adds to globals while using the ctypes library view of [shared_ndaray instance].sh to make the numpy view of [shared_ndaray instance] globally available """ globals_dict[name] = np.ctypeslib.as_array(
[docs] def initializer(globals_dict, add_to_globals): """ globs shall be dict with name:value pairs, when executed value will be added to globals under the name name, if value provides a _initializer attribute this one is called instead. This makes most sense when called as initializer in a multiprocessing pool, e.g.: Pool(initializer=__initializer__,initargs=(globs,)) """ for name, value in add_to_globals.items(): try: # noinspection PyProtectedMember value._initializer(globals_dict, name) except AttributeError: globals_dict[name] = value
if __name__ == "__main__": from multiprocessing import Pool glob = None # glob comes from initializer, see: globs = {"glob": SharedNdarray((2, 2))} # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences def func(): glob[0, 0] += 1.0 glob[1, 1] += 2.0 globs = {"glob": SharedNdarray((2, 2))} print(globs["glob"].np) with Pool(initializer=initializer, initargs=(globals(), globs,)) as pl: pl.apply(func) pl.close() pl.join() print(globs["glob"].np) print("now it fails since there is no glob here") try: func() except NameError as err: print(repr(err)) print("now it woks even here") initializer(globals(), globs) func() print(globs["glob"].np) print("EEooFF")