Source code for sicor.sensors.RSImage

import logging
import numpy as np
from numbers import Number

[docs] class RSImage(object): """ Remote Sensing Image base class. :param unit: string "reflectance", in future other units might be supported :param target_resolution: None: keep data as is (e.g. separate bands), or give spatial sampling for interpolation to larger cube :param bad_data_value: vale to exclude data from processing :param dtype_float: dtype for intermediate computations :param *kwargs: See below :Keyword Arguments: * *data*: {B10:ndarray(dtype=float16),[...],B09:ndarray(dtype=float16)} * *tile_name*: "32UMA" * *nodata* (and or yesdata with same interface){60.0:ndarray(dtype=bool),[...],20.0:ndarray(dtype=bool)} * *band_spatial_sampling*: {B10:60.0,[...],B02:10.0,[...],B11:20.0} * *mask_clouds*: should be instance of S2MSI.Mask or similar object, some attributes need to be present: ['clf_to_col', 'export_confidence_to_jpeg2000', 'export_mask_blend', 'export_mask_rgb', 'export_to_jpeg200', 'geo_coding', 'mask_array', 'mask_confidence_array', 'mask_legend', 'mask_legend_inv', 'mask_rgb_array', 'metadata', 'mk_mask_at_spatial_scales'] * *metadata*: .. code-block:: python {"U":1.0,# Eun - Earth distance "SENSING_TIME":2015-08-12 10:40:21.459000+00:00, "viewing_zenith":{B10:ndarray(dtype=float16),[...],B09:ndarray(dtype=float16)}, "viewing_azimut":{B10:ndarray(dtype=float16),[...],B09:ndarray(dtype=float16)}, "sun_mean_azimuth":161.57, "sun_mean_zenith":36.21, "solar_irradiance:{B10:367.15,[...],B09:813.04}, "aux_data":{}, "spatial_samplings":{ 60.0:{ XDIM:60, NCOLS:1830, NROWS:1830, YDIM:-60, ULX:399960, ULY:5600040 }, 10.0:{ XDIM:10, NCOLS:10980, NROWS:10980, YDIM:-10, ULX:399960, ULY:5600040 }, 20.0:{ XDIM:20, NCOLS:5490, NROWS:5490, YDIM:-20, ULX:399960, ULY:5600040 }} """ def __init__(self, unit="reflectance", target_resolution=None, bad_data_value=np.NaN, dtype_float=np.float16, mask_clouds=None, **kwargs): all_kwargs = arguments()["kwargs"] self.dtype_float = dtype_float self.bad_data_value = bad_data_value self.unit = unit self.target_resolution = target_resolution self.metadata = {} = {} self.final_shape = None self.logger = logging.getLogger() for key, value in all_kwargs.items(): if key not in ["mask_clouds"]: # special treatment attributes here self.__setattr__(key, value) # individually treated attributes here if mask_clouds is not None: assert self.__is_mask__(mask_clouds) self.mask_clouds = mask_clouds if "band_list" not in all_kwargs.keys(): if hasattr(self, "data"): self.band_list = list( else: self.band_list = None if "nodata" not in all_kwargs.keys() and "yesdata" in all_kwargs.keys(): self.nodata = {ss: np.invert(ar) for ss, ar in self.yesdata.items()} if "yesdata" not in all_kwargs.keys() and "nodata" in all_kwargs.keys(): self.yesdata = {ss: np.invert(ar) for ss, ar in self.nodata.items()} self.spatial_sampling_shapes = {ss: (vv["NROWS"], vv["NCOLS"]) for ss, vv in self.metadata["spatial_samplings"].items()} self._validate() @staticmethod def __is_mask__(msk): needed_attributes = [ 'clf_to_col', 'export_confidence_to_jpeg2000', 'export_mask_blend', 'export_mask_rgb', 'export_to_jpeg200', 'geo_coding', 'mask_array', 'mask_confidence_array', 'mask_legend', 'mask_legend_inv', 'mask_rgb_array', 'metadata', 'mk_mask_at_spatial_scales' ] present_attributes = dir(msk) for at in needed_attributes: if at not in present_attributes: return False return True
[docs] def _validate(self): for method in ['image_to_rgb', 'image_subsample', 'ecmwf_xi']: assert method in dir(self) assert "metadata" in dir(self) for md in ['spatial_samplings', 'SENSING_TIME', "aux_data", "sun_mean_zenith", 'viewing_zenith', 'sun_mean_azimuth', 'viewing_azimuth']: assert md in self.metadata, "%s missing in metadata" % md for at in ["data", "target_resolution", "nodata", "tile_name", "unit", 'bad_data_value', 'yesdata', 'band_list', "band_spatial_sampling"]: assert at in dir(self), "%s missing in attributes" % at
[docs] def ecmwf_xi(self): return { "step": self.metadata['SENSING_TIME'].hour + self.metadata['SENSING_TIME'].minute / 60., "lats": self.metadata['aux_data']["lats"], # -90° - 90° "lons": (360 + self.metadata['aux_data']["lons"]) % 360, # 0° - 380° "order": 3 }
[docs] def image_subsample(self, channels, target_resolution, order=3): """ :param channels: list of strings with channel names :param target_resolution: float :param order: interpolation order, integer :return: data as desired """ from scipy.ndimage import zoom # import here to avoid static TLS ImportError assert self.target_resolution is None if target_resolution is None: shape = list([channels[0]].shape) else: shape = [self.metadata["spatial_samplings"][target_resolution][ii] for ii in ["NCOLS", "NROWS"]] shape.append(len(channels)) dtype_internal = np.float32 data = np.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype_internal) for ich, ch in enumerate(channels): zoom_fac = [shape[0] /[ch].shape[0], shape[1] /[ch].shape[1] ] bf = np.array([ch], dtype=dtype_internal) bf_nan = np.isnan(bf) bf[bf_nan] = 0.0 data[:, :, ich] = zoom(input=bf, zoom=zoom_fac, order=order) bf_nan = zoom(input=np.array(bf_nan, dtype=np.float32), zoom=zoom_fac, order=0) data[:, :, ich][bf_nan > 0.0] = np.NaN return np.array(data, dtype=self.dtype_float)
[docs] def image_to_rgb(self, rgb_bands=("B11", "B08", "B03"), rgb_gamma=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), hist_chop_off_fraction=0.01, output_size=None, max_hist_pixel=1000 ** 2, resample_order=3): # importing skimage and scipy here avoids ImportError: dlopen: cannot load any more object with static TLS from skimage.exposure import rescale_intensity, adjust_gamma from scipy.ndimage import zoom if output_size is None: if self.target_resolution is None: raise ValueError("output_size=None is only allowed for target_resolution != None") else: output_shape = list(self.final_shape) else: output_shape = [output_size, output_size] rgb_type = np.uint8 rgb = np.zeros(output_shape + [len(rgb_bands), ], dtype=rgb_type) if self.unit == "reflectance": bins = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 50) elif self.unit == "dn": bins = np.linspace(0, 10000, 50) for i_rgb, (band, gamma) in enumerate(zip(rgb_bands, rgb_gamma)): if self.target_resolution is None: data =[band] else: i_band = self.band_list.index(band) data =[:, :, i_band] if self.bad_data_value is np.NAN: bf = data[:, :][np.isfinite(data[:, :])] else: bf = data[:, :][data[:, :] == self.bad_data_value] pixel_skip = int(np.floor(bf.shape[0] / max_hist_pixel) + 1) bf = bf[::pixel_skip] hh, xx = np.histogram(bf, bins=bins) bb = 0.5 * (xx[1:] + xx[:-1]) hist_chop_off = hist_chop_off_fraction * np.sum(hh) / len(bins) try: lim = (lambda x: (np.min(x), np.max(x)))(bb[hh > hist_chop_off]) except ValueError: # e.g. when bb[hh > hist_chop_off] = [] -> fallback to sensible default lim = (0.0, 1.0) zoom_factor = np.array(output_shape) / np.array(data[:, :].shape) zm = np.nan_to_num(np.array(data[:, :], dtype=np.float32)) if (zoom_factor != [1.0, 1.0]).all():"Resample band for RGB image: %i,%s,zoom:%.2f" % (i_rgb, band, zoom_factor[0])) zm = zoom(input=zm, zoom=zoom_factor, order=resample_order) bf = rescale_intensity(image=zm, in_range=lim, out_range=(0.0, 255.0)) rgb[:, :, i_rgb] = np.array(bf, dtype=rgb_type)"Rescale band for RGB image: %i,%s,(%.2f,%.2f)->(0,256), zoom:%.2f" % (i_rgb, band, lim[0], lim[1], zoom_factor[0])) if gamma != 0.0: rgb[:, :, i_rgb] = np.array( adjust_gamma(np.array(rgb[:, :, i_rgb], dtype=np.float32), gamma), dtype=rgb_type) return rgb
# noinspection PyDefaultArgument
[docs] def arguments(ignore=["logger"]): """Returns tuple containing dictionary of calling function's named arguments and a list of calling function's unnamed positional arguments. """ from inspect import getargvalues, stack posname, kwname, kwargs = getargvalues(stack()[1][0])[-3:] args = kwargs.pop(posname, []) kwargs.update(kwargs.pop(kwname, [])) return {"args": args, "kwargs": {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in ignore}}
[docs] class const_snr_model(): """SNR model with constant snr.""" def __init__(self, snr: Number): """SNR of instrument. """ self.snr = float(snr)
[docs] def noise(self, reflectance, **kwargs): """Error, simply computed from SNR.""" return reflectance / self.snr