Source code for sicor.tables.get_tables

"""Functions to download latest SICOR tables, also download links."""
import os
from glob import glob
import shutil
import sys
import json
import requests
import hashlib
from pkg_resources import resource_filename, Requirement, DistributionNotFound

from ..options import python_to_json
from .. import get_options
from .. import options
from .. import tables

# all paths within this set are searched for sicor tables

tables_origins = []

    pp = resource_filename(Requirement.parse('sicor'), "data")
    if os.path.isdir(pp):
        tables_origins += [pp]
except DistributionNotFound:

tables_origins += list(set(sys.path))
# download url's for sicor tables, used as fallback if files are not found within tables_origins
sicor_downloads = {
        ("google_drive", "0B2ygRjmN4hzNcC15Z2pPS2tQdTg"),
        ("google_drive", "0B2ygRjmN4hzNRzhKZ3Z2V2FsWHM"),
        ("google_drive", "0B2ygRjmN4hzNSHN2RG1lY0M4RW8")

sicor_downloads_optional = {
    "ch4": {
        "fn": "linear_atm_functions_ncwv_4_npre_2_ncoz_2_ntmp_1_nch4_4_wvl_350.0_2550.0_1.00_pca.h5",
        "dn": ("google_drive", "0B2ygRjmN4hzNNEVmX29ROHhJTGc",)},
    "hyperspectral_sample": {
        "fn": "hyperspectral_sample.hdf5",
        "dn": ("google_drive", "0B2ygRjmN4hzNemk2OWtOQ3k4Rkk")},
    "s2_manual_classification": {
        "fn": "20170523_s2_manual_classification_data.h5",
        "dn": ("google_drive", "0B2ygRjmN4hzNXy0tckl3UkROSjg")

file_checksums = {

[docs] def verify_table(fn: str): """Check md5 sum os file fn :param fn: :return: None :raises: ValuError if fn of file is other than given in file_checksums """ def md5(fname): hash_md5 = hashlib.md5() with open(fname, "rb") as f: for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""): hash_md5.update(chunk) return hash_md5.hexdigest() if os.path.basename(fn) in file_checksums: md5sum_is = md5(fn) md5sum_should = file_checksums[os.path.basename(fn)] if md5sum_should != md5sum_is: raise ValueError("Md5Sum of file: {fn} is: {md5sum_is}, but should be: {md5sum_should}".format( fn=fn, md5sum_is=md5sum_is, md5sum_should=md5sum_should))
[docs] def get_tables(sicor_table_path=None, sensor="s2", style="link", optional_downloads=None, export_options_to=None): """ Get LUT tables needed for SICOR. This function tries to automatically acquire the files. Tables are searched for in sys.path which includes the installations defaults and the $PYTHONPATH from the environment. :param sensor: sensor string from ["s2", "l8", "enmap"] :param sicor_table_path: None or path where to store SICOR tables, if "None", tables are stored within sicor.tables. :param style: either: "link": try to make symbolic link or "copy": copy LUT files :param optional_downloads: either None or iterable of strings such as : ("ch4",) :param export_options_to: None: export user options to: ./sicor_s2_user_options.json [filename]: If filename is given, export options to [filename], should be json :return: None :raises: ValueError if tables are not present after all attempts to acquire them. """ if sensor == "enmap": settings = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(options.__file__), "{sensor}_options_old.json".format(sensor=sensor)) else: settings = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(options.__file__), "{sensor}_options.json".format(sensor=sensor)) opts = get_options(settings) sicor_tables = set([op['atm_tables_fn'] for scat_type, op in opts["RTFO"].items()] + [opts['cld_mask']["persistence_file"], opts['cld_mask']["novelty_detector"]]) sicor_tables_fn = {os.path.basename(fn) for fn in sicor_tables} # sicor tables, only basename of path in opts if optional_downloads is not None: for opt_dn in optional_downloads: try: fn = str(sicor_downloads_optional[opt_dn]["fn"]) except KeyError: print("Optional download: %s is not available" % opt_dn) raise sicor_tables_fn.update({fn}) sicor_downloads[fn] = sicor_downloads_optional[opt_dn]["dn"] if sicor_table_path is None: sicor_table_path = os.path.dirname(tables.__file__) tables_origins.append(sicor_table_path) fn_table_paths = {} for fn_table in sicor_tables_fn: if os.path.exists(os.path.join(sicor_table_path, fn_table)) is False: # is file already in sicor_table_path ? for table_path in tables_origins: # look in predefined paths for files if os.path.isdir(table_path): glb = glob(os.path.join(table_path, "**", fn_table), recursive=True) if len(list(glb)) > 0: # a file with the right name was found if style == "link": if os.path.exists(os.path.join(sicor_table_path, fn_table)) is False: os.symlink(glb[0], os.path.join(sicor_table_path, fn_table)) print("Make link file: %s" % glb[0]) fn_table_paths[fn_table] = os.path.join(sicor_table_path, fn_table) elif style == "copy": if os.path.exists(os.path.join(sicor_table_path, fn_table)) is False: print("Copy file: %s" % glb[0]) shutil.copy(glb[0], sicor_table_path) fn_table_paths[fn_table] = os.path.join(sicor_table_path, fn_table) else: print("Table %s is already available in %s." % (fn_table, sicor_table_path)) fn_table_paths[fn_table] = os.path.join(sicor_table_path, fn_table) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(sicor_table_path, fn_table)) is False: print("File: %s not found locally, try to download." % fn_table) try: download_type, download = sicor_downloads[fn_table] if download_type == "google_drive": print("Downloading %s from google drive: %s" % (fn_table, download)) download_file_from_google_drive(download, os.path.join(sicor_table_path, fn_table)) fn_table_paths[fn_table] = os.path.join(sicor_table_path, fn_table) else: raise ValueError("Download type: %s is not implemented" % download_type) except KeyError: print("Table %s not available for download." % fn_table) raise ValueError("Table: %s unable to retrieve -> giving up." % fn_table) for fn_table, fn in fn_table_paths.items(): verify_table(fn) def update_opts(opt): """ if opt_v is string which contains a path to a sicor table, update path to the current sicor_table_path, if not return the string. If opt_v is dict, then recurse into key, value pairs and apply update_opts :param opt: :return: """ if isinstance(opt, dict): return {k: update_opts(v) for k, v in opt.items()} elif isinstance(opt, str): for fn in sicor_tables_fn: if fn in opt: return os.path.join(sicor_table_path, fn) return opt else: return opt new_opts = update_opts(opts) if export_options_to is None: opts_fn = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(options.__file__), "sicor_{sensor}_user_options.json".format( sensor=sensor)) else: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(export_options_to), exist_ok=True) opts_fn = export_options_to with open(opts_fn, "w") as fl: json.dump(python_to_json(new_opts), fl, indent=4)
[docs] def download_file_from_google_drive(gid, destination): """Download from gdrive using public id (gid).""" def get_confirm_token(response): """Get token from gdrive.""" for key, value in response.cookies.items(): if key.startswith('download_warning'): return value return None def save_response_content(response, destination): """Get response from gdrive to file system.""" CHUNK_SIZE = 32768 with open(destination, "wb") as f: for chunk in response.iter_content(CHUNK_SIZE): if chunk: # filter out keep-alive new chunks f.write(chunk) URL = "" session = requests.Session() response = session.get(URL, params={'id': gid}, stream=True) token = get_confirm_token(response) if token: params = {'id': gid, 'confirm': token} response = session.get(URL, params=params, stream=True) save_response_content(response, destination)